“Chapter 96: The Hidden Room in the Fortress”

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The stuffed rabbit suddenly started moving.


– W-Where…


– Werg!


– That face… Am I perhaps being blessed by the presence of Takaya-sama?


His way of speaking is completely different. I guess it depends on the object being possessed.


According to Feria, “Diana talks like a noble warrior”.


– This is indeed me. My previous vessel has been destroyed. Thus, I will take this appearance for now.


– Does that mean…


– Mumuruu-sama kidnap. Werg, we save she, but need preparation. Show hidden room you mentioned.


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– The hidden room? Hmm. Very well. I have yet to fully digest the situation, but I do understand that we are against the clock.


Werg jumped off of my arms and walked away.


– I believe it is this way. If you please.


And so we headed towards the “hidden room”


× ×


Something that I’ve just now learned is that the Gana Vares has rooms that not even Mumuruu or Letty know of.


One example is the room I was in with the slime.


No one knows how such rooms were created or for what purpose.


– We are here. This is it.


Werg used to get lost in the castle even in his previous body, but he managed to get to the room eventually.

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Sometimes he would purposefully set off traps in order to take shortcuts.


One of those shortcuts was a room filled with black lumps of sludge wriggling on the walls and ceiling.


I’m only doing this for Mumuruu. But I’m never going through something like this ever again.


– The door! And… Someone?


At the end of the narrow hallway was a door with several large locks. Alongside was a barely transparent girl with no legs holding a giant key.


– Oh my. Quite a lot of people today. My name is Mary. My master asked me to guard this door.


The girl grabbed the edges of her skirt and bowed politely.


Her skin is pale and her eyes are pitch black. By all means, she’s clearly a ghost.


– Sorry for intruding, but could we please take a look inside the room? We’re in a bit of a hurry. (Takaya)


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– I’m afraid you can’t. The master was very clear. Only the master or certain select people can enter.


– Master… do you mean Mumuruu-san?


– No, my master is not the Shimmering Succubus Leader.


– But she’s the owner of this fortress. Whose room is that, then?


– I can’t answer that.


Her mannerisms are polite, and her expression shows kindness, but she’s very blunt at rejecting us.


I can tell Letty is starting to get impatient.


– Takaya, we should just brute force this. That ghost doesn’t look very strong, and we can probably break the locks ourselves.


– Calm down, Letty. Let’s try talking this out.


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With Feria, Letty, Lemy and Yamy, we have quite the strength, but I’d rather avoid confrontation if possible.


Besides, we have no idea of what Mary is capable of.


– Takaya… Would you happen to be Nagami Takaya?


– Uh, yes. That’s me. Do I know you?


– No. But my master said, “If by any chance a guy called Nagami Takaya comes here, make sure to help him as much as you can”.


Is her master that slime thing I met? Why is he the owner of this room?


– Please do come in, Takaya-sama. It is by no means a beautiful place, but I hope you all can enjoy your stay.


– Thank you…


Mary bowed and opened the door.


– Welcome to my master’s warehouse.

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