Chapter 37: Roll Cake Tower

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TLN: Happy aniversary of this Raw WN. 170 chapter in one year…. long way to catch the raw…. I want to double post like the author did today but this chapter is too looong. Maybe tomorow~

AuthorNote on latest chapter:

With everyone’s support, the total points exceeded 6,000 points.

I think I can drink delicious sake today.

Also, on the anniversary day, I would like to write an SS from a perspective other than Ginjiro.

It seems that other people’s point of view is not very good when writing novels, but there are a lot of things I want to write.

It boosts my motivation, and I want to drink delicious sake on my anniversary.

Thank you very much to those who always report typos and omissions, and to those who write their impressions.

I sweated a lot today, so as soon as I get back to Hungry Bear, I’m going to take a quick bath.

I’ve learned the clean magic, but after all, it feels better to bathe in the water.

Since four of us are dining together today, I asked Clara to reserve a table for us.

“Are you going to make a reservation to eat with a girl? Is it a date?”

I told Clara that they are women from a commercial guild and it’s a job.

It’s not a date, but it’s a dinner with the ladies, so I’ll prepare dessert.

“After dinner, would you mind bringing out this dessert for me?”

After giving Clara an advance payment for dessert and the meal, Harry and I headed to the Commercial Guild.

It was still hot outside, but Harry had arranged a carriage so we would not have to sweat.

I thought it would have been nice if they could walk together as we pick them up, but apparently picking up a woman with a carriage is a man’s plus point.

Harry’s family is a Baron’s family, so I guess he is educated in this kind of thing.

I think the carriage fare was quite expensive, but Harry paid for it, so it was okay.

When we arrive at the commercial guild and open the door, Milia notices us.

I raise my hand to greet her, and before I know it, the receptionist’s daughter is standing beside me.

I’m scared of this girl.

From this point on, Harry will escort them.

Harry is the one who pays for the carriage, and he needs to look cool in front of the girl he likes.

“Welcome. Please take a seat in the back.”

The four of us are shown to our seats, which we had reserved in advance.

“I heard this place serves great meat dishes, so I’m glad we came today.”

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Milia-san looks at me as she puts her hair over her ears.

She is so cute and her gesture is destructive.

I look at Harry and his face is smiling.

He says it’s a man’s plus point to pick a woman with a carriage, but I wonder if that smirk is okay.

“Is there anything you are not good with? If not, I’ll recommend my favorite.”

Harry orders a hamburger steak, snacks, and red wine.

I was sweating and wanted to drink ale, but Harry was the star of the evening, so I decided to leave it to him.

The ladies were fine with alcohol, too.

Clara immediately brought a wooden decanter filled with red wine and enough wooden cup for the number of people.


Since it takes a while for the hamburger to be ready, we first have some nuts and cheese as a snack.

The savory aroma, crispy texture, and oiliness of the nuts make the wine taste good.

Lutz looks at me and I give him a thumbs up to signal that it is delicious.

Lutz gives me a thumbs up in return.

When I looked at the ladies, they were drinking wine with relish.

They seemed to like drinking, judging from the way they drank.

“Would you like another cup?”

Harry offers the ladies another cup of red wine.

“Thank you very much. I was so happy because I hadn’t had a drink in a long time that I emptied my cup right away. I’m sorry for showing you how unsightly it is.”

Milia apologizes with a slight blush on her cheeks.

The receptionist’s girl sitting next to her also lowered her eyes a little and remained quiet.

Ginjiro, feeling uncomfortable, decided to talk with her honestly.

“I guess you haven’t had a drink in a while, which means you don’t usually drink. Some people don’t like holding back or being held back, so just enjoy yourself at your own pace.”

Then Milia’s expression brightens and puts her hair over her ears, her special move.

I don’t know if she does it unconsciously or consciously, but this gesture is foul.

“I am not a person who likes to hold back and I don’t like it when people are reserved. In that case, please call me Milia.”

The fact that she was entrusted with a position in the elite group known as the Commercial Guild must mean that she is a top-notch person.

I wasn’t sure if I should casually call such a person by name only, but it was a chance for us to get to know each other.

“I understand. Milia, please take care of me from now on. Let’s enjoy delicious food and drinks today.”

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“Here are the hamburgers. I’ll leave the bread here, so please let me know if you need more.”

Lutz and Franz brought the hamburgers.

Milia ate the hamburger and happily talked with Harry.

When Harry and I first went to the commercial guild together, harry didn’t talk at all, but today we had a food stall together and had a meal together, and it seems that the two of them have grown much closer.

Harry says he eats hamburgers every day because they are so good, but I think it’s better not to say that.

I was afraid she would think he was weird, but Milia doesn’t seem to mind.

The receptionist’s girl had another hamburger.

With such a girl nearby, I am convinced that Harry is normal, even if he eats a hamburger every day.

“So how was our work today? Any suggestions or anything you’d like to point out?”

I ask about the stalls while the hamburgers are being cooked.

“Right. Ginjiro-san is too good as a person.”

It was an unexpected word, but I am not angry, so I probe the essence of her words.

Sales were good for a morning market stall.

It’s just that I’m doing business using something impossible called ice in the summer.

Moreover, ice was being offered for free to the old lady selling vegetables and Edel selling fruit.

The idea of selling cut fruit is innovative and reasonable, but the ice is there.

If one were to hire an ice magician and prepare that much ice in the summer, one large gold coin would likely fly off the shelves.

In the first place, there are few ice magic users, so if you ask them to use ice magic to cool vegetables and fruits, they will probably refuse your request.

“Not many people can use ice magic.”

Apparently, Sophia is the only one who can use ice magic here in Mainz.

It was unexpected, but I was happy to hear about Sophia.

The reason why the fruit sold so well was because of the ice prepared by Ginjiro, and if Edel had prepared the ice, the sales would have been in the red.

I think she analyzed it well, but then again, if ice is so precious, shaved ice should sell more.

When I ask why, the answer is that people have never had shaved ice, and it’s hard to tell from a quick glance that it tastes good with sweet syrup on it.

If there is a delicious looking fruit next to the shaved ice, their eyes will be drawn to it.

Vegetable sticks, like shaved ice, are hard to recognize at first sight, but there is watermelon chilled in icy water in full view, and with the fruit stall next door, cut watermelon on top of ice brings the customers’ attention to it.

If you tell people they can sprinkle as much salt as they want on the watermelon, they will feel like they are getting a good deal because salt is also very expensive.

Of course, they had no idea that putting salt on watermelon could make it so sweet, but I think the word-of-mouth spread because it was easy to realize the miracle and easy to explain.

After gain the trust of customers there, they will be willing to try the vegetable sticks even if they are expensive.

And that dip?

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The vegetable sticks with that dip were exceptional.

Surelly they will be sold out again tomorrow.

When I think about it, it seems they will feel strange to see a man with dark eyes and dark hair selling ice, no disrespect intended.

The shaved ice itself is sweet, cold, and really tasty, but if there is a line next to it, customers will go that way.

The shaved ice could have been a different story if they had a tasting like Edel fruit stall.

It was a blind spot.

Milia, who told me honestly, I think she can be trusted.

The shaved ice itself is good, so word of mouth should already spread.

She encouraged us to do our best because I think we will sell more tomorrow than today.

Harry silently poured red wine into the empty cup.

Harry, you’re a good guy.

“Milia is in charge of me, so I’ll do my best, but I can’t contribute to the Commercial Guild and Milia just by selling shaved ice, can I?”

Ginjiro was thinking about how to generate profits for the commercial guild and Miria.

He is grateful to be able to come to this world and learn about things that he did not know.

However, in terms of profit contribution, it is zero.

He gave her sweets and tea, but not for that purpose, and there was no way that Milia, an elite woman, would be in charge of me because of that.

He think it has to be a win-win relationship.

But Milia only smiled gently.

“I am very interested in what Ginjiro-san deals with. I heard that the lord’s wife, Elsa-sama, is trying to protect Ginjiro-san. I understand that I shouldn’t touch that part. The profit part isn’t out yet, but I’m not worried about it. We’ll make achievements in the guild at the upcoming summer festival. Is it okay to put fruit on top of it and make it a gorgeous shaved ice instead of just condensed things? I’ll ask Edel-san as well.”

(TLN: There is a tiger behind you Ginjiro~)

I’m sure Edel will be pleased, so I tell Milia to do as she pleases.

I decided to offer the specially made shaved ice that will be sold to the guests brought by MiLia at the summer festival in the style I made for Elvis and Maria.

“This is an easy-to-understand point. Ginjiro-san immediately surpasses my imagination. I calculate that if we work together, I will be able to grow as well.”

Is that how it is? I thought that a merchant that makes a lot of profit would be better for Milia, but apparently not.

Well, if they value me that much, I decided to do my best to make a profit for Milia.

“The Commercial Guild also serves as a face to face link between merchants. I gave those yokans to the girls at the guild’s reception desk. Then some of them talked about it to the merchants they knew well, bringing them to me and asking if they could do business with me. That action was natural for a guild member, but I turned them all down.”

I had no idea that such a thing had happened, but I was curious as to why she refused.

“Why did you refuse? If Milia wants it, at least I can prepare some of it.”

Milia corrected her posture and said clearly.

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“If we want Ginjiro-sama to do business, we want him to do what he really wants to do. Making money is important to make a living, but it is not everything. Even now, I don’t think Ginjiro-sama is struggling with money. If I want such a person to enjoy business, I want him to do what he wants to do. I just hope I can help you do that.”

I was moved.

Next to Milia, I looked at the receptionist girl who was nodding her head as she ate her second helping of hamburger steak with relish. This girl definitely not thinking the same, I thought to myself.

“Ginjiro-chan, can I get that out soon?”

Clara called out to me when the time was right.

When I told her please, she brought the roll cake tower that Ginjiro had arranged in advance.

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s that?”

“It smells so sweet~”

Clara and Hantz set the roll cake tower and tableware on the table while the customers in the dining hall are amazed.

“This is a dessert called roll cake tower. It’s a tower of bite-sized roll cakes, so it looks great, and since it contains a lot of fruit, you can enjoy a variety of flavors.”

Milia was surprised to see the roll cake tower in front of her.

When I asked her what was wrong, she said, I’m happy seeing such a thing, of course.

She said it’s a waste to eat it, but she couldn’t resist the desire to try it.

The receptionist’s girl wanted to eat quickly, so we all decided to eat together.

The women ate happily.

The quantity was so large that I shared it with Clara and the customers in the dining hall.

The receptionist’s girl in front of me never stops eating.

Ginjiro wondered how she could eat so much.

But seeing her happy face certainly soothed Ginjiro.

“Ginjiro-san, Harry-san, thank you for the wonderful meal and dessert. And thank you for your continued support. I would like to thank you for your hospitality, but do you have any problems?”

Ginjiro is not in any trouble, but he wanted to evolve his hamburger steak with ingredients from here, so I asks her to find out how to get fresh eggs and milk, as well as cheese and butter.

She told me she can help me buy them from the farmer if I ok with it.

The Mainz family also had eggs and milk, so I guess one could buy them if one had the money.

Since I’m going to the commercial guild tomorrow morning, I promised to give her a cooler box, a milk bottle, and money at that time.

The fun time passes quickly.

It is getting late, so I ask Harry to take Milia and the others home in a horse-drawn carriage that he has prepared with his own money.

Ginjiro has no idea of using a carriage instead of a cab, but it must be popular with the ladies.

Hoping that Harry’s love will go well, Ginjiro asks for another glass of wine at Hungry Bear.

TLN: Btw Milia still use honorific when talking. Some people doesnt like japan honorific in english sentence. But I think they are important because it show person respect to other when they are talking. Like when Milia suddenly use -sama. So I will keep the honorific at least on the conversation part. Also I dont know the equal ENG for kun and chan. Clara calling ginjiro “Ginjiro-chan” become “Little Ginjiro” feel weird right?

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