Chapter 49: Edel Company (Provisional)

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“Ginjiro, we’re here to play.”

It’s Sophia in a big straw hat and a pale blue dress.

She came to the shaved ice stall with a group of children from the orphanage.

“Cola! Cola!”

The children were all smiles and started a “Cola!” chorus.

“All right, if everyone picks up the trash and keeps this area clean, I’ll treat you all a cola!”

Some children picked up the trash, saying it was easy because they do it all the time.

There are also children who pick up trash without really understanding what they are doing, and throw it away as soon as they pick it up.

The elders followed these tiny children and picked up trash and tree branches.

“Then everyone wash your hands with this water. Then you can have a cola!”

I place some cookies and a cup of cola with ice on the long table, and after washing their hands, everyone enjoys their cola.

Some try to drink it all at once, some drink it in small sips so as not to lose the delicious taste, and some look at the carbonation and have not yet sipped it.

“Harry, Edel, I’m sorry. Please take care of the stall.”

I leave the shaved ice stall to them and talk with Sophia and Sebastian.

Amelie, the maid, is engrossed in the cookies that were served to the children.

“Hey, Ginjiro, do you have a handkerchief?”

Since Sophia asked for it, I handed her the white embroidered handkerchief I had received the other day.

I knew it would be a little awkward to give her a handkerchief that had been used, so I used the clean magic I had learned before handing it to Sophia.

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“Though I’m fine with such things. Ginjiro is so kind. Please wait here for a moment.”

Then Sophia holds the handkerchief with both hands and chants some kind of magic.

“Here, I cooled the handkerchief so it will feel good.”

Sophia placed the cold handkerchief on Ginjiro’s neck.

The cold handkerchief made him feel cold, and Sophia’s behavior made his heart flutter.

“Was that magic?”

Sophia replies yes, it is.

I have heard that ice magic is a higher level magic that only a limited number of wizards can do.

Only Sophia can do it here in Mainz.

Sophia attended the Royal Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Royal Capital, and it is probably amazing that she can do magic that even Harry, who graduated at the top of his class, can’t do.

I wondered if Edel could learn ice magic, but Harry said it would be difficult because it is a higher level magic and uses a lot of magic power.

“Why can ginjiro make ice?”

The ice is a block of ice bought from Net shop, but I can’t talk about such skills.

I don’t want to keep it a secret from Sophia, but it can’ t be helped.

Even though the conversation with Sophia had been a fun one, Ginjiro felt a little down.

“Ginjiro-san, Harry-san, and Edel-san, over here.”

When we arrived at the commercial guild, Miria, who was in charge, and the receptionist girl were waving at us.

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“There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

I wanted to talk to Milia about Edel, so I asked for a moment of her time.

Although I had some hesitation about giving Castella to the receptionist’s girl, I gave her the Castella.

I was in the mood to have Castella with milk today, but the milk in the item box tha  has a time stop function and hasn’t deteriorated.

I still want to keep this a secret from Milia, so let’s endure it with tea today.

The Castella we will be eating today is a popular castella that is well-known as a gift.

Ginjiro has loved Castella since he was a child, so he is somewhat excited about it.

There is a piece of paper on the top of the castella, so I tell her to remove it.

Otherwise, the receptionist’s girl might eat the whole castella with the paper.

Enter the room dedicated to Milia and sit down on a chair.

“How can I help you, Ginjiro-san?”

Milia is worried about what is going on when I suddenly asked to talk with her.

“I wanted to talk to Milia about Edel.”

We discuss Edel’s independence and my desire to set up a company.

Edel is currently training at the Thomas Company, but we want him to be able to start his own business in a mutually beneficial way without being ungrateful to them.

For the time being, his main business will make money by delivering chilled mangoes to the cathedral in Mainz.

As for the Edel Company (Provisional), Ginjiro will support him for a while.

“Yes, that’s right. Edel already has a big customer, Mainz Cathedral. If Ginjiro supports him, the ice will be available, so there seems to be no problem.”

I asked Miria to be in charge of Edel.

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Good luck Edel! If you have Miria, you’ll do well.

“Regarding independence from Thomas Company, I think Edel-san has little contact with fruit farmers and the market, so why don’t you pay a fee and leave it to us? I think it’s better to leave it to us.”

I have to talk to Thomas Company, but I think that if Edel’s business grows, Thomas Company will have plenty of profit.

As I was thinking about such things, the receptionist’s girl brought us tea and castella.

The paper on the top has been properly peeled off, but having a castella on the mouth is surely amusing.

“Thanks for bringing the tea and the castella. May I ask you a few questions?”

She doesn’t seem to be thinking anything of it, but she is the one who priced Edel’s fruit.

I ask her what she thinks of Edel’s independence.

“I think …… it will be fine. It’s not normal for the cathedral to ask for it.”

Emilia puts her hand on the castella after saying so.

I don’t think it’s a proper behavior to take away the castella that Edel reached for ……

“More importantly, what do you want Edel Company (Provisional) to do for you?”

This girl is a glutton but a sharp thinker.

I’ll get my share before the sponge cake runs out.

Harry separated the castella for Milia.

At first he was too nervous to do anything, but before I knew it, he’d become a man who could move.

“I’m not quite organized yet, but I’ll tell you the thoughts I have in my head.”

First of all, I genuinely want to support Edel, who is doing his best.

He can continue his current stall and still make money, but I would like to see Edel do business that goes beyond the framework of a stall.

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For example, I’m having a dress exhibition with Elvis next time, and I want Edel to serve chilled and cut fruits there as well.

I also want her to serve them at the dance recital, and more importantly, I tell her that I want Edel to help out at the tea party that Ginjiro will be asked to hold at the Mainz house.

Edel looks at me with sparkling eyes and says he will do his best.

The receptionist’s girl is glaring at Harry as he takes the last castella.

I have no choice but to put the dorayaki with smooth sweet bean paste and grainy sweet bean paste, which I had purchased as a gift from the item box, on the table.

Personally, I prefer the grainy sweet bean paste.

Just looking at the large amount of sweet bean paste that protrudes from the dorayaki makes me happy.

There are also a group that prefer a smooth, elegant texture.

Well, dorayaki is delicious, so I like them both.

Emilia is holding grainy sweet bean paste in her right hand and smooth sweet bean paste in her left hand to compare the two.

This girl is really weird, but I envy her for living according to her instincts.

Milia is her boss, but she never gets angry at this girl’s strange behavior.

I think it is because Milia is like that that Ginjiro feels comfortable talking to her.

“I’m sorry, but could you cut this for me?”

After taking out the fruit tart from the item box and handing it over, the receptionist’s girl left the room with a smile.

“Milia, I have lots of other ideas for business. I have an image of success, but I don’t know if I can make it work. That’s why I need your help.”

“I’m in charge of Ginjiro-san. So please leave it to me and let me do the talking.”

TLN: Amelia, Milia, Emilia….

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