Chapter 51: The Price of a 36-Month Aged Prosciutto

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Summer festivals are festivals to pray for a bountiful autumn harvest, and at night, people parade through the main streets while dancing.

In the yard in front of the guild, there are a number of wooden chairs and tables for people to watch the parade.

Is this a kind of audience seating? 

Today, I plan to sell gorgeous shaved ice to these invited guests.

Set up a stall, a long table, and a trash can at the location designated by Milia.

It’s a little far from the audience, but it should be okay.

Harry and Edel go to the Thomas Company to pick up the fruit.

In order to make a good impression on Thomas Company, we ordered as much fruit as we could bring.

If there are any left over, I can just put them in the item box.

The third bell rings.

If it were in Japan, it would be time for a snack, but since I had eaten earlier, I was not hungry.

The summer festival would be held a little later in the day, and only a few invited guests had gathered.

Harry and Edel came back and put the fruits in the ice water I had prepared, but it seems that another order came from the cathedral.

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I told Harry to go with Edel, as it would be difficult for him to go alone.

“Ice is rare in this hot weather.”

I was surprised when the customer suddenly spoke to me, but since I was free, I offered him some shaved ice as a tasting.

He told me that this shaved ice tasted so good that he wanted me to provide ice and syrups for his store, but I politely declined.

After a while, Milia came to the stall, but Harry and Edel had not yet returned.

With nothing to do, I decided to rest on a sheet in the shade of a tree.

“You were here after all.”

It’s a huge voice, but it sounds familiar.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Master Hartman, his disciples, and perhaps some of the executives of the commercial guild. They were standing in front of a stall.

“Master, what are you doing here? Speaking of which, I forgot to tell you that the food stalls are very good.”

“That’s natural, that stall was built by me. But seeing your face makes me want to drink some alcohol.”

Master is laughing gahaha boldly.

But the adults around him are not laughing, which makes me feel strange.

I asked Master nicely what he was doing here.

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“These lots want me to make a sword for them. It would be fine if it was a sword for adventurers, but I don’t like making a sword to give to royalty. Many times I refused, but they were insistent. To change the mood, they invite me to watch a festival where alcohol, snacks, and ice sweets are prepared for visitors. Normally I’d say no, but hearing there were icy sweets, I decided to come.”

The big guys are looking at me.

I didn’t want them to look at me like that, but since it might raise Milia’s stock, I thought I would cooperate a little.

“Master, why don’t you make one for them? People around here are in trouble. Well, it’s none of my business, but I’ll make my master drink delicious alcohol, so please think about it.”

Ginjiro puts a bottle of whiskey in ice water to cool it.

It is the turtle shell bottle of whiskey that Master likes.

I told him to wait over there, but he had his apprentice bring a chair and a table and set up a special seat in front of the stall.

“I want prosciutto.”

I thought to myself, “This old man”, but Ginjiro was defeated by the strong gaze of the big guys.

I looked at Milia and saw her nodding. I guess that’s a signal to serve him.

Well, I’ll definitely charge you for it later. It’s expensive because it’s aged for thirty-six months.

First, I ask Milia to bring ale.

For the big guys, starting with whiskey is too hard, isn’t it?

While waiting for the ale to arrive, I prepare the snacks.

I prepared the prosciutto, polished the meat, and then leave it to let them cut it as they liked.

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Please be patient, big guys.

I also prepare nuts and cheese and put them on the plate.

Master is keep asking if it’s ready yet, which is a pain in the ass, so I ignore him.

After a while, Milia returned with some people and a barrel of ale.

Some of these women I had seen before, so I decided to ask them to help.

I have never talked to them much, but for some reason, the women at the reception desk responded well to me.

Ginjiro wondered if it was because of the souvenirs that he brought with him every time, and handed them aprons since they would get dirty in their uniforms.

“Milia, 5 silver coins for a bottle of whiskey. Three coppers for the Cola. All include the cost of ice, is that okay?”

Milia apologizes for the inconvenience, and says the money is fine.

I tell her that she doesn’t have to apologize, as I will firmly charge the commercial guild.

“Master drinks a lot, and that Prosciutto has been aged for thirty-six months and is very expensive, is that okay?”

“It’s the guild leader’s problem, so it’s all right. As long as he can get a deal with this, it’s a small price to pay. Let’s put a lot of color on it and charge it to the guild leader.”

Earlier, Milia had an apologetic face, but it seems she has a mischievous side unexpectedly.

She looks bad in a good way.

I didn’t expect that it was the head of the guild who was entertaining Master. I thought that he just one of the big guys.

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I guess that the head of the guild would not leave anything to chance, he decided to help me entertain the master.

“Thank you for waiting, Master. It’s perfectly chilled.”

A bottle of whiskey and a plastic cup filled with rock ice are placed in front of the master.

Master happily takes the whiskey bottle and pours it into the cups.

I put a cup of ale on the table for the guild leader, and a cola on the table for the apprentices.

“Isn’t it already good master? Everyone is in trouble, so please make a sword.”

Before the banquet began, Master nodded his head in confirmation, saying that he understood.

The guild leader and his entourage looked relieved.

“Don’t worry about that, let’s just drink. Progit to a delicious drink!”

The grand banquet, which would later be passed down from generation to generation, had begun.

AuthorNote: The girl of a commercial guild receptionist, her name is Emilia.

I had actually planned to post a quiet story about her sometime earlier, but I’m glad to finally be able to introduce her.

Emilia is a person who acts on instinct, which I personally like and admire.

She may be a difficult girl to have around, but please watch over her warmly.

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