So she has been quietly hiding and watching. Maggie, who appeared immediately, suggested it to Catherine with a face filled with laughter. 

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“She’s showing mercy to her poor sister. Unnie will solve Anne’s magic. In return, the Chen family never mentions the land of Chen Romance. What do you think, isn’t it fair?”


‘For whom?’ but she didn’t ask. This is because she thought she could see the intention of Maggie’s proposal. She was mocking Anne and Chen’s families.


“Oh my. Come to think of it, I heard you have to be really careful with Unnie, the devil’s contractor? I heard it’s a really amazing devil? What if you offend her?”


“You’re right, Maggie. The Archmage next to me said it was a powerful devil comparable to Remor.”


Maggie pretended to wipe her tears with her hands.


“I feel so sorry for Anne, who will live as a turtle, Unnie. Or how about canceling the land purchase as a way of consolation? That’s not a big deal for you because you’re wealthy, right Unnie? Your Highness the Grand Duke Cesare will give you a better piece of land!”


Maggie looked ten times more excited than Catherine. She questioned the Count even before Catherine could react.


“Choose, Count. Which one would you like?”


Catherine also added to her remarks.


“Do you want me to deal with the anger of the High-Rank Devils and release Anne’s magic? Or shall we cancel the land purchase as a consolation?”


From the point of view of Count Chen, it was truly a humiliation. He was one of the most recognizable rich people in the Iterana Empire.


But he can’t believe a young woman who isn’t even the Grand Duke Cesare, and who is actually his sister-in-law, has treated him like this!


But Count Chen was a born merchant. The priority of work was clear to him. It also seemed certain that the first priority was not the fourth wife. 


“D, didn’t you say that it was a high-ranking devil? I can’t force my sister-in-law to bear the wrath of a devil just like that.”


The turtle’s sad cries were heard.


“I’ll try to get my other talented wizards to dispel Anne’s magic. So— please cancel the purchase of the land, sister-in-law.”


Catherine, who got the answer she wanted from him, sighed in her heart.


‘My stupid little sister. You abandoned Charles and chose Count Chen to be treated as a mere turtle.’


Catherine, as Anne’s sister, decided to show her generosity to the Chen family.


“Cesare, please.”


Even if she didn’t have to add more words, Cesare seemed to know what Catherine would ask for.


With a light snap of his finger, the little turtle returned to Anne’s form in an instant.


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Anne trembled with fear and glared at Catherine when she realized she had returned to her original form.


Catherine wiped the tears from her eyes with her all-embracing, loving eyes. Of course, she didn’t have a single tear.


“Being the older sister, I can’t ignore my little sister’s misfortune. Live your life grateful to me, Anne. After all, you almost lived your life as a turtle, right?”


Maggie moved to tears and hugged Catherine’s back.


“As expected my Unnie! How can you be so merciful!”


Catherine patted Maggie on her shoulder and said to Count Chen.


“The land is more precious than your wife—. I can’t cancel everything, but I’ll cancel half of it. I even unleashed Anne’s magic, didn’t I? I’ll send you a letter soon as to where to buy. That’s all I can do for you.”


“T, this—!” 


The answer came from Anne, not Count Chen. Anne, who was exhaling faintly, jumped out of her place and ran to Catherine.


“This devilish girl! You’re just like your mother! You’re trying to ruin me too!”


It was Count Chen, not Cesare or Maggie, who stood in the way of Anne.


“Be careful what you say, wife! She’s your savior, not just sister!” 


“Let go of this! How could the Count do this to me? I am the Count’s fiancée. Am I not as good as Chen Romance?”


“It can’t be helped.” 


“What do you mean you can’t help it? Because of you, I… In front of so many people—!”


“Stop it! How can my bride go wild without knowing the kindness of her sisters! I can’t even raise my face because I’m ashamed!”


Anne trembled under Count Chen’s arms. Then she stretched out her arms again toward Catherine without getting tired.


“How can I stop? I can’t forgive you! I can’t believe you ruined my wedding. How could you, Unnie—!” 




It was then. Someone appeared and stopped the noisy quarrel of the sisters. It was a much colder and more determined shout than Count Chen’s voice.


“When did you come to your senses, Anne! You can’t come to your senses even after being like that!”


It was my father and stepmother, Laura, who came across the messy garden.


Mr. and Mrs. Orléans had just arrived at the Chen residence, and they could see a carriage parked behind them passing by. It is rare for the parents of the bride to arrive just before the ceremony. It seemed that his father had been away from the mansion due to the Imperial’s work until just before.


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“F, father! Mother!”


When she found her side, Anne, who removed Count Chen’s hand, ran to Laura. But her father passed by without knowing Anne, and Laura was busy looking at her father’s face.


“I’m sorry, Count. My daughters, who are not enough, have caused trouble. I’m ashamed to see the Count.”


Her father, who had apologized to Count Chen, said to Catherine.


“Follow me for a moment.”


Anne’s voice was heard behind her back, crying. Rather than comforting her, Laura was busy holding her handkerchief and protecting her face from the guests.


Catherine followed her father away from the middle of the disturbance. The closer she got to her father’s broad back, the more dignified she thought he was, but she strangely felt a pounding inside her chest.


‘Come here. Don’t stand there and look at me pitifully, come here and look at my eyes.’


The old voice of her father, whom she had seen through her visions of Lilith, rang in her ears.


“Take this.”


Before she called him, a white letter, with a familiar red seal, was presented to Catherine. Her father added.


“This is a letter from the Phanya family that came to you a few days ago. I couldn’t deliver it because I couldn’t find you where you were, but I’m glad I can give it to you now.”


Catherine kept her letter, crisp, wrinkle-free, in her bag. Her father, who had been examining her face for a while, opened his mouth in a rather weary voice.


“You seem to be doing well. Where did you hear about Anne’s marriage?”


It was unexpected. She thought he’d say, ‘How can you make such a fuss at your sister’s wedding?’. But Catherine told the truth.


“Maggie told me.”


“Maggie? I see. I can’t believe she’s twinned with Anne.” 


That’s probably what their biological mother, Laura, would agree with. There was a brief silence between her father and Catherine. Strangely, the lips didn’t separate immediately. After the awkward silence, her father opened his mouth first.


“I’m sorry. Why did this father leave Orleans that day?”


Her father had more days of emptiness than days of keeping his palm-sized territory. It wasn’t that he intentionally left the family alone, she knew that there was a reason for it, so she had no intention of blaming his father.


That, of course, didn’t make the past any less painful when she had to endure his indifference. Catherine replied with a shrug. To be honest, there was no longer any affection left to blame her father.


“I have no regrets. Rather, it feels like my real life now.”


“Well, that’s a relief.”


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“…if it’s okay, can I ask you one thing?”


“Tell me.”


After taking a deep breath, Catherine asked her father.


“Is my mother really dead?”


There was no noticeable anxiousness for her father. Maybe he thought that one day he would hear these questions. His calm expression said so.


“I still remember. That day, my mother’s body disappeared without a trace.”


Her mouth is dry.


“Who is my mother?”


Am I really a Nephilim? Then my mother—.


She wanted to ask, but she couldn’t open her mouth.


“Go to Phanya.”


Her father said with a sigh.


“If you want to know about your mother, you should go to Pania. But you’ll have to keep that in mind, Catherine. Don’t get involved in anything that seems a bit dangerous.”


Her father’s voice and expression were more serious.


“The atmosphere, both domestic and foreign, is not so good right now. It can be said to be the worst in recent years. This father has not been able to return to Orléans for about two months. You are smart like your mother, so you will understand what I’m saying.”


Somehow, she thought that it was because of the unusual atmosphere both domestic and foreign that her father’s complexion and voice looked particularly tired. Her father worked for the imperial family, so he was more sensitive to domestic and foreign affairs than anyone else.


“Are you going back to the ceremonial hall? Your friends are unique.”


Catherine shook her head softly.


“No, I’m going home now.”


Father didn’t pick on Catherine’s attitude at the wedding until the end. Does that mean he understands, or that he doesn’t care? Either way, Catherine was lucky that she didn’t have to be nagged.


‘Great. You’re saying I’ll find out if I go to Phanya, right?’


Catherine headed straight for the carriage.



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At her call, the dozing cat on the ground woke up.




“Let’s go back now. I think it’s enough to celebrate.”


The cat, who was growling with dignity, widened its face and wagged its tail.


「Oh yeah! I was hungry anyway! I almost chewed up all the human meat on the table!」


The atmosphere of the garden, which had gradually calmed down by the loud voice, became quiet as if it had been hit by cold water again.


Oh, right. Catherine took a bunch of checks out of her bag just before she got on the carriage. And it was placed on the swept grass.


“Count? It’s small, but I’ll add a little bit of comfort to the messed-up wedding. If it’s not enough, please contact me again through Maggie. What can I do if it’s unfair? That’s the way people live.”


Not far away, she could hear Maggie’s laughter.


When she opened the carriage door, Cesare was already seated inside. He greeted Catherine who had returned with a glance at his book. 


“Are you satisfied with that?”


“Well, it wasn’t bad.”


Most of all, she was most happy that she had gotten a clue about her mother. Cesare looked at her face and said it in a calm voice.


“You can’t be tough. Because you want to take revenge on your sister, I thought you’d turn her into a turtle and force her to lay eggs for the rest of her life while closing your eyes.”


That’s not too harsh. As expected, she thought the devil’s revenge was extraordinary.


“But for that, I’ve already done everything I was supposed to do.”


“That’s what it looks like to me.”


“That’s what they call a bean pod.” (T/n : it’s like being blinded by love.) 


Cesare made a strange expression. Damian and Madame Pompadour pushed into the carriage before he opened his mouth again.


“Are we going back now, Lady? Because it’s gold, so there’s no ventilation, I’m going to die from the heat!”


“I’m the only one, old lady. I’m worried that the flesh under this armor might be melting right now.”


“Um. I’m sorry, Sir Damian. To be honest, I don’t think you should have worn the armor.”


As soon as the door closed, they ran forward.

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