Apocalypse Arrival

Chapter 102

Gao Yan grabbed her hand, “What are you doing? That’s Xiaoye, I don’t allow you to shoot him!”

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“It’s too late. I’m afraid he is going to turn into a demon,” Yan Xue frowned and looked at Gao Yan. Compared with Gao Yan, she knew the horror of the demonization better. 

“Once he became more demonized than now, I’m afraid no one of us will be his opponent. Qianxun is so close to him, it’s too dangerous.”

Gao Yan fell into extreme embarrassment.

“Qianxun, you… come back first, come back and watch from afar, don’t be so close to Xiaoye,” Gao Yan shouted to Chu Qianxun.

Qi Yongchun said, “Why don’t you all retreat to a farther place first, and I will stay here to see if I can help Qianxun.”

“No, you all go first. I should stay here.” Granny Feng said, “If something happens to Xiaoyue, my power can block the line of sight and at least give Qianxun a chance to escape.”

“I will stay with you,” Tu Yibai spoke.

Jiang Chengzhu didn’t speak at all. He stood there with his neck down, looking at Chu Qianxun and Ye Peitian with red eyes.

At the end of the discussion, no one left after all.

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However, Chu Qianxun didn’t seem to hear their words. At this moment, she closed her eyes and stood motionless in front of Ye Peitian.

For the first time that she used all her ability, she fell into a strange and peaceful state.

She clearly closed her eyes, but could clearly “see” herself as a warm yellow light spreading around.

Another manic and painful light group appeared in her eyes.

So she carefully wrapped the small ball of light that was on the verge of collapse into her world.

An extremely tyrannical mood was passed over. At first, he was irritable and uneasy, but was gradually affected by her, gradually synchronized with her breathing, and began to calm down.

“Control yourself, Peitian, ​​don’t become a demon,” she prayed in her heart.

Before she passed out, Chu Qianxun vaguely felt that someone was holding her body in time.

Through her dim vision, she saw the man bite his wrist and place his pale arm to her mouth.

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A hot and fishy liquid flowed in through her throat.


When Chu Qianxun woke up, there was a vague noise around her.

She found that she was lying in a small camp, her body ached, and she was as weak as if she had recovered from a serious illness.

There were bonfires burning everywhere in this camp, and tents were supported. There were people on the left and right. Some people were communicating, some were cooking, and the sounds of various life were intertwined and buzzing in Chu Qianxun’s ears.

When Chu Qianxun just moved, an extremely hoarse voice said in her ear, “Don’t move.”

One hand supported her, held her up slightly, and carefully fed her a few sips of water.

She slowly saw the person’s face clearly, it was Ye Peitian.

At this moment, the man was pale, and he looked more like a seriously injured person than her.

“Are you all right?” Chu Qianxun raised her hand slightly toward Ye Peitian, feeling a moment of weakness caused by the excessive overuse of ability, “I said, you won’t become a demon.”

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Ye Peitian showed an indescribable expression and turned away.

“What is that expression? I just used a little power, and it’s okay,” Chu Qianxun took Ye Peitian’s shoulder and forced herself to sit up, only to feel dizzy, as her eyes turned black.

“You……” Ye Peitian almost choked.

Sure enough, she was dizzy, Chu Qianxun felt that she must have had an illusion.

“Qianxun, you are too ignorant, why did you get up at once?  Lie down and rest,” Granny Feng hurried over, placed some cushions on Chu Qianxun’s back, and helped her to lie down.

Tu Yibai followed behind, carrying a clay pot covered with a blanket. He sat down beside Chu Qianxun and carefully opened the clay pot, “Sister Qianxun, this is pigeon soup. You can drink it soon. Sister Yan Xue found the pigeon. Mother has been simmering it for a long time to keep it warm.”

“Qianxun is awake? Quickly let me see,” Gao Yan hurried over from the outside, her face was also a little pale. That night, to treat Chu Qianxun, she exhausted her ability several times.

“You woke up. You were unconscious for so long, so everyone was frightened.” Gao Yan touched Chu Qianxun’s forehead, “It’s all because of my weak ability that I didn’t cure you sooner.”

Chu Qianxun slowly drank a small bowl of pigeon soup. The hot thick soup ran down her throat and into her abdomen, warming her entire body.

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“Where are we? Where are the others?” She asked.

“We have arrived at Donggua Island. The demons raged and killed many people, almost all the survivors gathered in this simple camp. We have just arrived. Yongchun, Yan Xue and Jiang Chengzhu have all gone out to look for food. “

Chu Qianxun groaned and laid back in peace.

It was really strange.

Obviously she was injured and it was inconvenient to move. It should be the situation in which she was most uncomfortable.

But she didn’t know why she felt very relaxed, as if she could lie down peacefully without worrying about anything, accepting the care of her companions.

Companions? Was it because of having companions?

It turned out that there was such a feeling.

Chu Qianxun thought in her heart.

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