Apocalypse Arrival

Chapter 109

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They probed their heads, saw the huge fish tail floating on the sea, confirmed that the demon was dead, and cheered.

Many people rushed toward the sea. Some people had pushed their boats into the sea, jumped on the boat with joy, and went out to sea with fishing gear to search for food.

For these residents who lived by the sea, as long as they didn’t have this sea demon that occupied the sea, it was much easier for them to survive. There was inexhaustible food on the sea, which could satisfy their food and clothing problems.

Chu Qianxun’s group returned to the base, and everyone’s eyes changed when they looked at them.

Wherever they passed, many people stood up and greeted them in awe.

The people around where they settled all packed up quickly, laughing while making room for them.

The middle-aged man, who Chu Qianxun had handed the cigarette to inquired about the news before, brought a large bag of lively blue crabs.

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“Sister Qianxun, you are so great, I really didn’t think you had this ability.” He insisted on leaving the crabs to Chu Qianxun, “Thanks to you, everyone can go to the sea again, and this can be regarded as retribution for my brothers’ death. Be sure to keep this refreshment, be sure to stay.”

So at dinner, everyone sat around to eat crabs.

Qi Yongchun didn’t have a strong appetite like usual, he broke the crabs one after another unhappily.

“What happened to Yongchun today?” Granny Feng asked.

“I don’t know why, I think that demon was so pitiful,” Qi Yongchun felt dejected, his shoulders shrank together.

“Don’t think too much.” Granny Feng patted his shoulder, “If demons are pitiful, then aren’t we humans pitiful as their food?”

“We are humans, how many of our companions died in demons’ hands? My father was killed by a demon in front of my eyes. I will never sympathize with them,” Jiang Chengzhu said bitterly.

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“I know, I just said it,” Qi Yongchun lowered his head to eat the crab.

Ye Peitian lived in the inland area and was not good at peeling seafood.

Chu Qianxun, who grew up on the seashore, helped him break the crabs quickly.

“Finally, there is something you can’t do. I thought you really can do everything,” Chu Qianxun joked. 

“Your ability is also powerful, you cook well, and sing well.”

Ye Peitian’s face turned red, “I can’t sing well, I am not a professional.”

“I think you sing better than him. His voice was too bad, but you still sing so comfortably,”

Chu Qianxun was very good at complimenting others.

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She touched her pocket, took out the third-order crystal core she got from the demon and handed it to Ye Peitian.

Ye Peitian wanted to refuse.

“Take it, it should be yours. I can’t always take advantage of you,” Chu Qianxun stuffed the crystal core into his hand.

For Chu Qianxun, she was very eager to upgrade as soon as possible, but she also knew very well that as a team, the rational distribution of the spoils was the long-term way for the team members to get along.

Now in their team, she and Ye Peitian were both in third-order, and it was impossible for her to take advantage of Ye Peitian’s gratitude to her to use all the crystal cores alone.

Chu Qianxun looked at Ye Peitian’s still very immature profile and knew that he was a real genius.

He took advantage of all kinds of difficulties, tried his best, never slackened, whether it was actual combat, exercise or demons everything fell into his hands. 

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In front of these geniuses, jealousy was useless. Only by working harder could she not be surpassed too much by him. Chu Qianxun said to herself in her heart.


Author note:

Ye Peitian: Qianxun is so strong, I must work harder to catch up with her.

Chu Qianxun: These geniuses are so awesome, I will try my best to not be surpassed by him.

So the two happily played the game of chasing each other.

Gao Yan: Why should a beauty like me team up with these two sand sculptures?

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