Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 106: What's wrong

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry?"

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Just now, Huai Shi, with an evil smile, reached out and took off his own head from his neck, revealing a crow sitting inside.

She blinked her eyes proudly at Huai Shi, "Campus life is really great. I want to transfer and attend classes here."

"Come on, sis, just temporarily replace me for half a day. Don't cause trouble for me." Huai Shi shook his head bitterly, examining her current appearance. "What's going on?"

"It's just simple alchemy."

The crow whistled. "Thanks to Lao Fang, I found the oldest plastic model in Xin Hai for me. After some modifications, adding a power system and illusion shell, and covering it with records of your appearance, it's done."

She smiled happily. "Don't forget what my current form is."

Branch of events.

In fact, the face she was currently replacing and all the skin exposed outside her clothes were drawn by herself using her own feather pen.

Thanks to the detailed records of Huai Shi in the Book of Destiny, it was easy to cover up.

Although there were no fluctuations in the source material, as long as it wasn't too tight, ordinary people couldn't tell much of a difference.

"What about the performance later?" Huai Shi asked. "I remember you can't play the violin, right?"

"Just pretending, who can't do that?"

The crow manipulated the model like operating a Gundam, lifting up the clothes to reveal the hollowed-out abdomen and the tape recorder inside.

As long as she moved her hand slightly, the tape recorder would play the melodious sound of a cello.

"Besides, to make up for the lack of effect, I have prepared a mysterious mechanism. Don't worry." She even picked up Huai Shi's cello and proudly waved it at him.

But Huai Shi always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't put it into words.

Soon, they heard the passionate music coming from the direction of the auditorium - it was the melody of the opening micro-movie "Pei Qi Xia".

"Alright, you don't have time to waste anymore. The performance has already started."

The crow pointed to the backpack in the corner of the practice room. "I'll go out and hang around backstage later, and you wear the equipment and leave from here. Ten minutes to get there, ten minutes to do the job, and ten minutes to rush back. If you're lucky, I might not have replaced you yet, and you can go up and play the violin yourself."

Huai Shi looked at her suspiciously. "Are you sure there won't be any problems?"

"Don't worry, would sis lie to you?"

The crow patted her chest and smiled happily, but Huai Shi felt even worse.

But time was indeed running out.

He couldn't waste any more time. He took a deep breath and drank the potions handed to him by the crow one by one. He felt a burst of sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy flavors erupting from his lungs, and his face began to deform and soften rapidly, while his height began to increase.

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In the end, his height increased by fifteen centimeters, and almost all of his facial features had disappeared.

Fortunately, he had changed into loose-fitting clothes in advance, otherwise he would have looked extremely ridiculous.

He put on the heavy coat prepared by the crow from the backpack, then pulled up the extendable neck collar and put it on his face, and finally put on sunglasses and a hood.

Even his hands were hidden in cut-resistant gloves.

He looked extremely professional.

"I'll be right back."

Huai Shi carried the backpack and jumped out of the window, taking advantage of no one paying attention to his surroundings, bypassing the surveillance cameras, and running towards Wan Li Square.

Soon, his figure disappeared on the rooftops.

"It seems like he hasn't realized it yet,"

The crow watched him go with a happy smile, then looked down at the head she was holding in her arms and couldn't help but whistle again. "I feel like I can do a lot of things with this face."

After all, time was short.

Ten minutes later, Huai Shi stood on the rooftop, panting for breath. When he looked back, he couldn't see the school anymore.

Along the way, he deeply experienced the benefits of the Holy Mark of Yin Soul.

When he ran with all his strength, he only felt the scenery in front of him constantly passing by, as if flying at lightning speed. With the power of the Sorrowful String, he dashed between the tall buildings.

The gray-white coat was similar in color to the cement, and if it was far away, it wouldn't attract attention at all.

Coupled with the city-wide surveillance distribution provided by the crow, no one noticed that Huai Shi had already arrived on the rooftop opposite Wan Li Square, ready to carry out his criminal plan.

But how did she know so much about the city's surveillance cameras?!

Huai Shi scratched his chin and looked at his watch. He still had twenty minutes left.

Ten minutes for the job, ten minutes to retreat.

In theory, it should be enough.

The crow was afraid that he, as a first-time offender, would lack experience, so she had prepared several backup plans and contingency measures for each step, teaching him how to become a criminal mastermind step by step. Well... it felt quite enjoyable.

The plan was flawless.

Now, there was only one crucial step left.

Huai Shi leaned over the edge of the high-rise building, looking down at the bustling street.

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The vault was located in the center of Wan Li Building.

To avoid leaving any information in the surveillance, he couldn't enter from below, and the security measures in the hotel above were extremely tight, leaving him no room for stealth as a novice.

So, there was only one way left.

Break through from the center.

The height of the rooftop of the building opposite Wan Li Square was just right for the floor where the vault was located... In other words, Huai Shi had to find a way to enter from here.Crow offered several suggestions, but the first one was to directly jump across and smash the toilet window, then execute the plan before the other side could react.

Using a rope would be too conspicuous, and there was no place to leverage on the other side.

The tempered glass was smooth.

According to the markings on the map, the distance between the two buildings was about ten meters... Prior to this, the longest assisted long jump recorded by ordinary people was eight point nine meters.

It was time to test his jumping ability.

"It looks like I'm jumping off a building."

Huai Shi hesitated for half a minute, but in the end, he chose to trust Crow. After stuffing all the miscellaneous items in his backpack into his pockets, he tried jumping on the spot twice. After making sure nothing fell out, he retreated to the edge of the building, bent down, and stared at the target window.

He took a deep breath.

Feeling his rapid heartbeat gradually calming down, his limbs' muscles contracted and relaxed in accordance with his will, until finally, they completely relaxed.

In that instant, Huai Shi widened his eyes and sprinted forward with all his might!


Under his feet, the cement protruding from the edge of the floor shook violently, almost cracking under his step. Huai Shi, however, had already shot out, stepping on the ground beneath him and charging towards the cliff tens of meters high in front of him.

Like a cannonball, he broke through the obstructing wind.

In a suppressed roar, he finally stepped on the railing under his feet, leaped from the edge of the high-rise building, and flew into the sky.

A moment of stagnation.

Huai Shi glanced around, catching sight of the countless crowds and traffic beneath him, the birds hovering in the wind, and a drop of rain falling from the sky.

Passing over the heads of the birds, Huai Shi shattered the raindrop and flew forward!

Just like flying.

For a moment, he was above the sky.

Gravity, the earth, and everything else were left behind him. He experienced an indescribable freedom and exhilaration, and couldn't help but let out an excited growl.

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The wind rushed towards him.

In this underhanded operation, he actually found a kind of joy in doing wrong.

But in that instant, a thought suddenly occurred to him.


Why am I doing this underhanded thing?

If they really are smuggling across the border, why am I sneaking around to steal?

I'm a damn SIR of the Astronomical Society!

Find the original at "pawread dot com".

Wouldn't it be more satisfying to call the Special Affairs Department and break in openly?

Damn, I've been framed by that woman again!

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and the layer of blue glass in front of him quickly enlarged. In that instant, Huai Shi roared, echoing the thunder erupting from the dark clouds above.

The fire of Source Material ignited in his hand.

The Axe of Wrath fell.


Countless shards of glass flew inwards, and amidst the loud noise, Huai Shi swung his hand, the rope shot out, hung in the room, pulling him across the final distance.

He landed with a thud.

The reason it was a thud was that he seemed to have hit someone.

Huai Shi looked down in surprise to see a figure under his feet.

The tremendous force from the sky instantly knocked out the urinating security guard.

He was knocked unconscious on the spot.


Huai Shi awkwardly lifted his foot, "Consider this a punishment for peeing so much outside the toilet."

Taking advantage of the chaos before it spread, he sprinted towards the direction of the vault.

Once the bow is drawn, there's no turning back.

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The remaining account... he would settle it with Crow when he got back!

However, he didn't realize that his criminal plan was facing a huge crisis on the other side.


Five minutes ago, in the busy backstage, Director Gao, who had come to inspect, walked around with his hands behind his back, frowning, "Where's Huai Shi? It's so chaotic here, doesn't he know to help?"

"I don't know, I just saw him here."

"Ah, I saw him, he said he was going to the piano room to get something, and he hasn't come back yet."

Hearing this, Director Gao's expression became even more unhappy. With a gloomy face, he walked away, heading straight for the piano room. It seemed that the warning a few days ago was not enough. If this kid continued to be slippery, he would have to give him a stern warning.

Thinking about the subsequent punishment, he pushed the door open directly, his expression stern, "Huai Shi, you give me..."

An awkward silence suddenly fell.

In the silence, Director Gao stared dumbfounded at the scene in the room, his mouth wide open, wanting to scream, but only a hoarse sound came from his throat.

"What's the matter?"

On the chair in the piano room, the young man's left hand was holding a cigarette, as if he was enjoying it so much that he had even taken his head off his neck.

And held it in his arms.

But his eyes glanced in the direction of the visitor, and his lips moved:

"Eh, why didn't you knock?"

With his words, a thread of crimson liquid seeped out from the broken neck, slowly dripping onto the ground with a crisp sound.

"You, you... you..."

Director Gao's lips trembled, his legs went weak, and he almost sat on the ground. His face was pale, and he stammered, "You... don't be afraid, I'll call 120, I'll... call... call..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes rolled back, and he fainted.

Soon, a small head popped out of the hole in the neck, with a can of Uncle Fang's freshly squeezed strawberry juice wrapped in its wings.

Looking at the unconscious Director Gao on the ground, she couldn't help but sigh:

"This is... troublesome."

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