Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 113: Someone wants to spend my money!

Although the future is bright, this time Huai Shi at least left a thought. After the excitement, he asked, "When can I make the Silver Blood Potion by hand?"

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"If it's done in the usual way, an apprentice will spend three years to enter the door, help the teacher process the materials for two years, and if they perform well, they will be given the opportunity to operate independently. It will probably take more than a year to refine the Silver Blood Potion.

But if we skip the irrelevant subjects and a lot of wasted time, it will probably take you about two years. However, if you have the assistance of alchemical fire, it may only take a little over a year."

"So slow."

Huai Shi instantly lost hope of getting rich overnight.

"Why don't you go kill two alchemists specializing in metallurgy? There are many rewards for people like them in the Astronomical Society! Find a weak one, slit their throat, and erase the records. How fast!"

"Forget it."

What's the point of advancing by killing people?

If it was Red Glove or He Luo who died and he could benefit from it, Huai Shi would be happy. But if he had to kill someone to gain power, what would be the difference between him and those perverts who kill for pleasure?

"But speaking of which, Red Glove seems so cheap, only a little over ten million."

Huai Shi looked at his account, which had already lost more than half of its money, and couldn't help but sigh. "Can I only buy forty-something red potions with an international criminal?"

"The price for a dead one is indeed ten million. It can be considered as an encouragement bonus from the Astronomical Society. After all, it was mainly the group of people from the Russian Federation's Double-Headed Eagle who offered the reward."

Speaking of this, Crow's eyes became strange. "Generally speaking, for middle-level cadres like Red Glove, the reward price is around 80 million Eastern Xia coins.

Considering his Roman background and his knowledge of many secrets, they added another 30 million, totaling around 110 million Eastern Xia coins."

Huai Shi was dumbfounded.

According to the current market price, a bottle of drink costs 1 yuan, a bowl of beef noodles costs 4 yuan, a book costs 7 yuan, and drawing a gacha in a mobile game costs 162 yuan...

With 110 million, Huai Shi could open a beverage factory, sell countless bowls of noodles, and open ten chain bookstores. If he used it all to draw gacha, he could become a small shareholder of Heart's Delight Games...

"Why do I get so little!" Huai Shi jumped up in frustration. "Is the Astronomical Society embezzling my money?"

"On the contrary, the Astronomical Society paid you an encouragement award out of their own pocket." Crow whistled. "What they want is a live Red Glove, you know?

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Only a live Red Glove can obtain Tucker's sublimation route, only a live Red Glove can provide intelligence and information, only a live Red Glove is useful to the Russian Federation and can be exchanged for prisoners.

So, you are definitely the best at bargaining in the entire New Sea. Burning a hundred million in one go, leaving only a corpse... What use does the Russian Federation have for a corpse? Whipping it?"

Huai Shi looked at her blankly, for a long time, his whole person turned pale.

What does it feel like to miss out on a hundred million?

What kind of pain is it...

He held the rope of sorrow that had been entangled on the ceiling beam for he didn't know how long, feeling that he was already completely hopeless, unable to shed tears.

What's the point of being alive? It's better to just go to the two-dimensional world.

"Also, do you have any misunderstandings about the Silver Blood Potion?" Crow continued to strike. "Don't you think it's a cheap and easily obtainable product as long as you have money?"

"Huh?" Huai Shi was stunned. "Is it so expensive that the medicine can't be bought?"

"It's never the potion that is expensive, young man."

Crow shook her head and sighed. "As far as I know, in the realm, a pharmaceutical company in the American Free Alliance raised the price of their own special medicine by fifty-five times... Why do you think there are four words 'good quality and low price' in the world of Sublimators?"

"Each bottle of Silver Blood Potion is like a surgical operation that can start at any time, a chance to save lives. How could it be cheap?"

"But... isn't it possible to make this thing after only five or six years of practice?"

"It's true that it takes five or six years, and talented people may only need three years. But would you eat a medicine without any credentials, certification, unknown origin, and without anyone vouching for it?"

Crow said, "All the Silver Blood Potions available on the market must be certified by the 'Stone Cauldron Society'. Otherwise, they will be considered as products without proof and certification. Not only are they not allowed to be sold, but if private transactions are discovered, it will also attract the pursuit of the Astronomical Society and the rewards of the Stone Cauldron Society—rewards at all costs!

To obtain certification, you must pass the assessment of the Stone Cauldron Society and obtain the certificate of a first-level registered alchemist. You must also have a registered alchemy workshop in the Stone Cauldron Society to qualify for selling Silver Blood Potions."

"Do you think it ends there?"

She continued, "In addition to the most common pure silver and jade tin, all the border and hell development rights for the minerals required by the formulas have been monopolized by the various capital of the Stone Cauldron Society at all costs, and are only provided to their own registered members.

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In addition, except for large organizations with a large amount of quotas, the quantity that each person can purchase each year is limited. If you want to buy more, you can only privately find someone with quotas to transfer them, and the price will be even higher then.

But no matter how expensive it is and how high the production is, it is still in short supply. No one will refuse to store more things that can save their lives at any time."

Huai Shi fell into a daze.

For the first time in his life, he realized the power of monopoly, as well as the terrifying power of trusts, syndicates, and cartels.

"But... doesn't the Astronomical Society care?"

"Guess who the second largest shareholder in the Stone Cauldron Society is?"

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Crow smirked. "Now you know the benefits of the Astronomical Society, right?""As long as you become a registered official member, everything you buy on the internal website is at cost! And you can even settle with the currency of the realm, no need for you to use Source Material crystals!

Hurry up and cling to Miss Ai Qing's golden thigh. Once you've registered as an official member in Jinling, we'll have a place to use our funds."

Huai Shi was instantly on guard.

—Someone wants to spend my money!

"Don't be so wary, little brother."

Crow's tone became soft and charming: "You should look on the bright side, at least this time the money is being spent from your account, you know exactly where it's going, right?"

Huai Shi felt that she made a bit of sense, but then he reacted: "But it's still my money you're spending!"

"Who's keeping score between us? It's all the same!" Crow raised her wing and ruffled his hair, "My money is your money, and your money is my money, right?"

"But you need to have money too!"


Anyway, whatever Crow twisted around didn't seem like a good thing. But at least Huai Shi was cautious enough not to be fooled and stuck to the original topic:

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"You said there were two objectives, what's the other one?"

"We'll talk about that after you've completed this one."

Crow gave him a look, her beak pointed at the documents on the table: "My good man, it's time to concoct the medicine."

"The police just left not long ago, why are you so eager to break the law?"

"Don't worry, I've already found a solution to your problem."

Crow rubbed her chin with her wing, analyzing as if she had been deep in thought: "The reason you exploded was because there was a mistake in the metal composition, and the reason there was a problem with the metal composition was because your Source Material supply was unstable and intermittent, causing errors. And the reason for the errors, a large part of it is because your attention was not focused enough, simply put, you were distracted."

"Isn't that obvious?"

Those special metal constructs were incredibly complex. Although Huai Shi didn't need to start building from the molecular level, transforming the Source Material into the same properties was quite exhausting.

It was like completing the dozens of steps of alloy smelting in one go, and not only focusing on the details, but also keeping an eye on the big picture. One wrong ratio could lead to all previous efforts being wasted.

At best, it would be scrapped, at worst, it would explode.

Who could stand that!

"So, I have a solution—if we put aside the requirement of immediate use and slow down the pace to let you get familiar with the process, then there's a way to ensure your thoughts are focused and the Source Material supply is balanced."

After keeping Huai Shi in suspense, Crow somehow snapped her wing: "Try meditating, how about that?"

"Whether it's herding one sheep or two, you've already started playing the cello, so naturally, you won't mind spending a little more effort, right?"

"What you said... seems to make some sense."

Huai Shi stroked his chin for a long time, feeling as if there was nothing wrong, he picked up the cello and lowered his eyes.

The sound of the cello began to play.


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At the Special Affairs Department, in the silent interrogation room, Ai Qing was tapping on the table expressionlessly, her face calm.

"Is there anything else?" she asked.

"What else?"

The manager from Wanli still refused to give in: "We were just deceived and bought a batch of goods that were not declared, we've paid the fines, why are we still being treated like this?"

"Your fines were paid to the Special Affairs Department, what does it have to do with the Astronomical Society."

Ai Qing glanced at him coldly, the pen in her hand tapping intermittently on the page in front of her: "We are now investigating the illegal sale of smuggled goods by the Wanli Group..."

At this point, the legal advisor from the headquarters suddenly corrected: "Inspector Ai, this was the local partner's own decision, it has nothing to do with the Wanli Group, the headquarters knew nothing about it."

"Then we need to investigate it thoroughly, don't we?"

Ai Qing was already well aware of these guys' tricks, not only was she not moved, she even felt like scoffing: "So, who exactly failed to declare properly, who assisted, and who deceived you?

And, who was involved in it, and where did that large batch of undeclared goods go? Which store was responsible for selling it? Who bought it? You can't be unclear about this, can you?"

"We've already said this, due to the chaos in the local branch's personnel management, we've submitted all the documents. Besides, we're the victims too!"

The legal advisor glared at Ai Qing, angrily questioning: "Is the Astronomical Society only going to hold onto us and let the attacker go unpunished?

If that's the case, we will report your Jinling branch and request..."

"You don't need to worry about that."

Ai Qing interrupted him, "I've already sent our most capable officer from the Xin Hai branch, Huai Shi, to investigate, please be patient—"

She paused, revealing a sincere smile:

"I believe, there will be a response soon."

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