Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 126: Siblings

There is an old joke.

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It is said that someone was sailing on a boat and encountered a storm. He suddenly realized that this was God's punishment, so he quickly knelt down and prayed, begging for forgiveness on behalf of other innocent people.

At this moment, a cold laughter came from the sky, questioning, "Do you think it's easy for me to gather all these people on the boat?"

It's like you think this is a Hollywood special effects film, at most directed by Michael Bay, with explosions and popcorn.

But as soon as the opening credits passed, the director's name appeared - Kitano Takeshi.

Everyone on the boat turned out to be villains.

Suddenly, it seemed like everyone was going to die a horrible death.

What the hell is this?

Ai Qing gritted her teeth, suppressing her displeasure.

In fact, she had already anticipated what would happen. In history, there have been countless black ships sent by the White Crown King to various parts of the world, but very few have been able to return to the New Continent.

Although most of the elites of the American lineage came here on such a ship, there were definitely more than ten times, or even a hundred times, the number of ships that sank into the ocean before them.

And whether to stay in the realm is also a question.

According to the statistics of the Historical Correction Committee of the Governing Bureau, remnants of these black ships have been excavated in various borders and hells. This means that their route is not as simple as going from one continent in the realm to another.

Perhaps, at the moment they left the port, they were no longer in the realm.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be such strange phenomena like the fading sun and eternal night. No one can resist the self-correction of the realm to maintain such a huge change.

Unless it is in hell.

Only in hell can such a scene be possible.

-The curse of the gods.

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This bizarre phenomenon is called that.

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

This world does not allow the rise of the White Crown King, or rather, the gods who once existed in this world and even controlled this world do not allow this traitor to become independent.

Even though the White Crown King is temporarily helpless in the New Continent, they will never miss any opportunity to eliminate his wings.

"But most of the people on this ship are not thinking of seeking refuge with the White Crown King, right?" Huai Shi sighed, "Several societies are fighting for people. Where is the difficulty for newcomers?"

Ai Qing sneered and asked, "When you move a chess piece forward one step, is it your will or have you obtained the consent of the chess piece?"

Huai Shi fell silent.

He understood what Ai Qing meant.

It doesn't matter what the chess piece is thinking.

What matters is where it is positioned.

If it is insignificant, it can be abandoned without hesitation. But if it is in a strategic position, it must be ruthlessly eliminated.

"The so-called human wisdom and knowledge are too weak, Huai Shi."

Ai Qing said coldly, "In the realm above the fifth stage, with just a thought, everything can be easily distorted... just like a puppet on a string, not only the body is controlled, but even the soul is just a currency for the gods.

The only difference is whose portrait is printed on it and how much value it represents."

Moreover, even if the gods still have mercy to spare, are there any innocent people on this ship?

Come on, everyone is a dark creature, why pretend to be innocent... including Huai Shi's current disguise, who among them is not burdened with blood debts?

"The son of original sin, right?"

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Ai Qing finally remembered the story title that KP showed at the beginning, and now she understood the malice hidden within it.

What made her even more angry was that since KP's version update, the outlines of all players have been covered with darkness. It is impossible to see the reactions and expressions of others. Except for a few conversations that cannot convey fluctuations and intonations, it greatly weakened the possibility of players uniting with each other.

"Story, the story is the essence, right?"

As if seeing her anger, KP smiled and said, "The communication between characters is the most wonderful part of the story, not the players who dominate it.

If the characters are manipulated and played with at a higher level, then what is the difference between what the gods have done to humans?"

Ai Qing didn't say anything more.

But Huai Shi felt immense pressure.

After learning about that bloody history from Ai Qing, he no longer had much confidence in clearing this instance. With the entire ship filled with dark creatures, and he, a demon hunter, even if he kills them one by one, it would take more than ten days to finish.

Moreover, in this pitch-black ocean, even a huge steel cruise ship cannot bring him much sense of security. No matter how sturdy the ship is, how many dark creatures can it withstand?

It can be said that once chaos erupts, everything will be destroyed.

And Paracelsus Serl can easily hide in the darkness. As long as he doesn't show up, Huai Shi is doomed to lose.

Moreover, is Van Heisen's mission really that simple?When it comes to the struggle between the Holy Spirit lineage and the American lineage, Huai Shi doesn't think that everything will be so simple. If it's just a mission... how could there be records in the philosopher's stone?

"Whose philosopher's stone is this?" He sincerely doubts, "It can't possibly be the White Crown King, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the White Crown King has long surpassed the fifth rank. The 'Falling Morning Star' holy mark is just a power imitated by later generations based on his miracles."

Ai Qing says, "Most likely it's someone on the ship who successfully arrived at the new continent, right? No, that means there is a considerable chance for this ship to safely reach the new continent... Huai Shi, we still have a chance."

Huai Shi knows, but he worries... this chance will soon be gone.

Because the people on the ship are about to start fighting.

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As a player who is not involved, Huai Shi may not be able to understand their situation at that time, nor can he feel the terrifying despair of being abandoned by the whole world in an instant.

But undoubtedly, for the dark creatures who were originally not good, chaos and fighting have long been engraved in their bones.

After the initial fear, the pressure that this eerie eternal night brings is deep into the bone marrow, and the despair that cannot be dispelled follows closely, and it is already on the verge of madness.

Huai Shi can almost see that the fragile fuse, as fragile as a candle in the wind, is gradually breaking.

"Don't get involved, let's protect ourselves first." Old Xiao says in a low voice, "Come to my room later, the situation has changed, and we need to discuss it in the long term."

No one opposes this.

At the critical moment when chaos is about to erupt, let alone turning the tide, it is quite difficult to even protect oneself. Even though a third-rank holy mark is already considered a master among these dark creatures, there may still be fourth-stage individuals hidden among them.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the one who stands up to turn the tide is the woman who looked unusually dusty in the restaurant last night.

She and her stiff husband left a deep impression on Huai Shi.

Not only the huge difference between the couple, but also their actions this morning- when they noticed that the crew members had died, they rushed towards the captain's room in the first instant.

At least, it can be seen that their minds are still clear, knowing that internal fighting at this time is equal to seeking death. The woman who calls herself Mrs. Elinor is trying her best to appease the people around her, and it seems to be quite effective.

Until the old woman holding the chicken neck goes crazy again.

"You shut up, bitch, this is not where you sell yourself!" She angrily scolds, "You don't know anything! You boarded this ship just for a vain hope, and now that the dead end has come, are you still afraid?

What are you hoping for? Ha! Are you hoping that this group of losers will unite? Are you hoping for this group of waste that has been hunted by the Holy Spirit lineage for decades and dare not show their heads? Waste is waste no matter where you go! Are the gods cruel to you? Will the White Crown King bless you?"

Someone glares at her, but the old woman's expression becomes even more ferocious. "Am I right? Who can you rely on? This prostitute? That one who only pretends to be sophisticated while hugging a cat? Or this old man sitting in a wheelchair who can't even speak clearly? Give it up, none of you can be relied on!"

"Enough, be quiet, Yaga."

In the wheelchair, his brother finally speaks, hoarse and muddy, "Stop talking."

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"What did I say?" Yaga sneers, "The truth?"

"I said, be quiet."

His brother speaks again, as if the dignity of an elder brother finally works, Yaga's old face twitches, and she doesn't say anything anymore, just screams and leaves the restaurant.

The chicken in her hand still drips blood, and faintly, her hysterical cursing and roaring can be heard from the corridor.

"I apologize for my sister's words."

In the silence, the old man in the wheelchair first looks at the young man in the corner, "She didn't mean it, but after our two nieces died, her actions became a bit... extreme."

"I know, I know."

The Egyptian boy holding the cat arrogantly laughs, including mockery, "Just a crazy girl, I won't care about her because of that."

The old man nods, "Is our alliance still valid, Pharaoh?"

"Of course, Koshchei."The 'Pharaoh' holding the cat glanced indifferently at the people around him, as if looking at dust, his eyes full of contempt: "Before reaching the New World, Sphinx and I will not make a move on you."

"Thank you for your generosity."

The old man slowly turned his wheelchair, looking around: "Did you hear that? Calm down, everyone. Apart from this futile night, the gods are beyond our reach.

The White Crown King will bless us, all you need to do is wait."

He said: "Dawn will eventually come."

It sounded like a cold joke.

But no one could muster a laugh.

Huai Shi sat dumbfounded in his chair, like a well-behaved child, his expression innocent, his eyes harmless... and then his heart was in turmoil, without any strength to laugh.

Yaga, Koschei, Pharaoh, Sphinx...

My goodness, what kind of divine battle is this?

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