Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 13: Nue

In the darkness, Huai Shi once again felt the terrifying chill on his forehead that he had experienced countless times in his nightmares. It was the skill he had developed from experiencing death countless times, called "Death Premonition".

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Without thinking, he quickly lay down and rolled on the ground, recalling the words Crow had said to him. Then, a hot flow emerged from his right hand and a gray sword was forged from negative memories.

As the ground behind him shattered, he held his breath and raised his hand, sprinkling something.

It was silent for a moment.

The next second, he heard the fierce scream of the gorilla.

"Damn it... light!"

Liu Dongli shouted, "Light! Light! Light!"

"Ha ha!"

Although the situation was so dangerous, Huai Shi couldn't help but laugh for a moment. "Sorry, I didn't expect you to still use Intel..."

He didn't dare to delay and took out Liu Dongli's phone from his bag, turned on the flashlight and threw it over.

"Catch it!"


The phone was smashed in mid-air, and the gorilla's fierce face disappeared in the revolving light. It seemed to have sensed what Liu Dongli's power was and wouldn't let any light go.

Huai Shi kept throwing things from Liu Dongli's bag while running away. "Catch this hand cream!"


It was smashed.

Then there was a gunshot, and although Huai Shi couldn't tell if it hit the gorilla or not, he felt something sweep past his heel and was scared to collapse on the ground.

"Can't you aim properly?"

"Shut up!"

Liu Dongli yelled impatiently.

"Do you still want your things?" Huai Shi was angry and threw out a bottle. "Catch this eye cream!"


He threw out sunglasses and keys. "Catch them!"

In the intense fight between Liu Dongli and the gorilla, Huai Shi kept throwing things into the air, and the sound of things breaking constantly echoed in the air.

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In the end, Huai Shi just threw everything out of Liu Dongli's bag at once. "Catch this fairy water, eye cream, face cream, essence, and what's this... oh, a makeup mirror!"

The gorilla didn't even bother to pay attention to this pile of random things.But it didn't expect that Liu Dongli would rush out regardless of his own safety, grabbing his makeup mirror in mid-air, even ignoring the ferocious ape in front of him.

In an instant, after catching it, Liu Dongli sneered in the dim light towards the ghost monkey:

"Watch my glorious beauty!"

In the next moment, light burst from his hand.

It didn't expect that Huai Shi and the others were waiting here - Liu Dongli, this sly guy, even had a mirror with lights!

And it was a 360-degree whitening soft LED ring light!

In the burst of light, the sharp iron claws of the ferocious ape were just inches away from Liu Dongli's face, but in that moment, the movement stopped abruptly.

For a moment, he didn't care about anyone else, even Huai Shi caught a glimpse of his face by accident.

Then, he seemed to freeze in place, unable to move.

He screamed frantically.

Liu Dongli even ignored adjusting his posture in the fall, raising his gun and shooting wildly, emptying the last two bullets, but he couldn't see any blood spraying out.

It wasn't until he fell down in a mess, almost hitting his face on the ground, that he scrambled to his feet.

Then, he heard the sharp screech of the ferocious ape, and its iron claws suddenly lifted, grabbing towards its own eyes. With a muffled sound, thick blood spurted out from behind the holes in the mask.

This time, it could no longer see Liu Dongli's face.

The arm swung fiercely, tearing a gash in Huai Shi's arm. If it weren't for Liu Dongli's quick ability to withdraw, he would have had his neck broken.

Huai Shi's face turned pale.

"Oh my god, is your ability even useful?"

Liu Dongli also became angry and sad: "I can't do anything about my lack of hair!"

So your glorious beauty mainly relies on your hair?

The two crawled and rolled to the side, not daring to breathe loudly, trying to maintain silence and not make any sound.

In the silence, only the bleeding-eyed ferocious ape wandered around, tearing everything that made a sound to pieces.

Until Huai Shi heard a helpless sigh.

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With the sweeping of the strong wind, the pitch-black clouds shattered, and the cleansing moonlight illuminated the silent street.

In front of the street, Ai Qing in black on a wheelchair was looking at them, shaking her head unhappily, pushing the wheelchair slowly forward.

In the silence, only the faint sound of the wheelchair turning.

The crazed ferocious ape suddenly turned its head, staring at the direction of the sound, and pounced!

Ai Qing shook her head impatiently, sighed, and took out a... black, long, thick, and hard gun from the clip of her wheelchair, which Huai Shi couldn't even tell the model of. She skillfully pulled the safety catch.

Aiming at the front, she pulled the trigger.In an instant, Huai Shi only saw a string of hot flashes spewing out of the gun barrel, and in the sharp and high-pitched sound, the ferocious ape stopped in mid-air, shaking wildly like a broken plastic bag floating in the wind, and finally fell to the ground, convulsing and screaming in pain.

After firing a whole magazine, Ai Qing indifferently removed the magazine and threw it aside, only the crisp sound of the shell falling to the ground.

Is it over?

Just as Huai Shi was stunned, the ragged monkey on the ground suddenly climbed up again and rushed towards the side.

It's trying to escape!

Ai Qing couldn't be bothered to deal with it.

Then, there were faint red dots appearing on the body of the ferocious ape.


In an instant, there was a loud noise bursting from the distance.

Continuous rumbling.

The ferocious ape was struck by lightning, and one of its legs suddenly burst into a bloody mist. Then, a large hole appeared in its chest, and its internal organs spewed out like mud from its back. There were several large holes on the ground, as if hammered in an instant.

Under the aim of the snipers in the distance, the monster turned into a rag doll in an instant. It was incredible that it was still alive.

It struggled frantically, using its hands and remaining left leg to crawl outwards at an incredible speed.

In the end, it almost flew off the ground!

In an instant, it disappeared into the darkness amidst the continuous gunfire.

Until now, Liu Dongli finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took several puffs before catching his breath.

If it weren't for Ai Qing's quick arrival, he would have died here.

"But when did you call the snipers? The speed is so fast..." Liu Dongli asked.

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Ai Qing didn't answer directly, just looked at him with a look of fools. Liu Dongli sighed helplessly.

Okay, it seems that there is no need to call.

I'm afraid that in the past two days, many snipers have been on a 24-hour rotation aiming at themselves in secret... This woman is completely inhuman.

"I thought you could solve it by yourselves, but I didn't expect you to become completely helpless when the lights went out," she sneered mercilessly and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"I'm not sure about the soul ability, but I seem to have seen his Holy Mark on the professor's genealogy... It's probably Nue," Liu Dongli scratched his head and thought for a moment, "The Holy Mark of the third stage, Ether level - Nue."

Nue, a legendary monster.

It is said to have a face like a monkey, a body like a raccoon dog, tiger limbs, and a snake tail. It can fly without wings.

"It seems that he has just entered the Ether level and cannot fly high, otherwise I would have been finished today."Liu Dongli wiped the cold sweat off his face and gasped for air: "Damn it, I, a weakling who just reached 'gold', and someone who is one level higher than me in 'ether', fought for so long and still managed to survive. It was too dangerous."

Where did an 'ether' level sublimator come from? I thought there was only one 'ether' level in the entire New Sea."

"Even an 'ether' level sublimator appeared. This time, those guys really messed up..." Ai Qing looked in the direction of the distance with a gloating expression, knocking on the armrest of the wheelchair. "At least the situation isn't too bad. Your efforts are valuable, and there are more people to blame when necessary."


Liu Dongli was silent, looking at the beautiful side face, feeling a chill in his heart.

Having such a terrible prosecutor, it can only be said that life is hopeless.

After a brief thought, Ai Qing raised her head and asked, "Anything else you discovered?"

"Hmm? That's it."

Liu Dongli was stunned for a moment and shook his head frantically.

"Then let's continue our operation. If I have any clues, I will notify you at any time."

Finally, she glanced at Liu Dongli, swept her eyes over Huai Shi, but didn't say anything else, turning her wheelchair and leaving.

After a long silence, Huai Shi finally reacted.

"Doesn't she like me very much?"

Liu Dongli rolled his eyes: "I've never seen her like anyone. But you probably offended her last time, so good luck to you."

He patted the boy's shoulder hard, but his heart sank.

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This was the only thing he had hidden just now - sensing a slight source material wave behind him when the streetlights went out.

- This kid... maybe he has the potential to sublimate.

In the secret room, 'Master' saw the bloody and fleshed-out ferocious ape and froze in place.

"What's going on!"

"This is a trap... organized by the Astronomical Society!" The ferocious ape screamed in anger. "There's a sublimator guarding that brat, and a sniper too!"

Master froze in place.

"Why are you still standing there!"

The ferocious ape gritted his teeth in pain, pulled off his mask, revealing an old and twisted face full of gloom. "I can't hold on much longer, give me the source material, now!"

Master instinctively covered the box. "But... but there isn't much source material left."

"Don't you still have so many old ghosts to draw from?!" The ferocious ape got up from the bed, propping up his body with one leg, and approached step by step. "Give it all to me! This is all because of the mess you made!"

Master instinctively took out the box, which was snatched away by the ferocious ape.

It eagerly opened the box, staring at the clear and transparent mist-like spring in the box, and buried its face in the box, sucking it in large mouthfuls.

Soon, there were sharp friction sounds, and the sound of bones and flesh growing sounded like steel colliding, and new organs and limbs grew out of the broken body.After all the limbs had grown, the master couldn't wait to grab the box and looked at the bottom of the box, where a lot of source material had already been used up, making his face turn pale with distress.

"What about Fen'er? Can I have some too?" Kongyuan wiped his face and took out a bag of powder from his pocket, snorting it into his nostrils. After a shiver, his face looked much better. He staggered back a few steps and sat on the bed.

"You are the chosen one by the Lord. What are you going to do next?"

The master was silent and subconsciously nibbled on his fingers, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, a hint of ferocity flashed across his face.

"Since we have attracted the attention of the Astronomy Association, Xin Hai cannot stay any longer."

He paused, looking at his fingers that he had bitten until they bled, and hoarsely said, "After we finish the final mass tomorrow night, we will change our location and leave overnight... There are still six months until the New Year. If we work hard to gather enough source material, the Lord will not blame us..."

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"What about the mission?" Kongyuan asked. "What about the mission in the quarantine zone?"

The master shuddered.

He didn't say anything.

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