Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 145: Hometown and New Town

"Why do they all look so happy?"

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"I don't know."

In the corner of the restaurant, Huai Shi gazed at the faces filled with happiness and shook his head slowly.

Was this the anticipation of freedom, or the joy of reaching a new world?

It was like what they said on TVB, "After we finish this job, we'll go to Canada. Nobody knows us there, and we can start over."

With the approaching of the new continent, everything from the past was left behind.

And so, they regained a new life.

The long and arduous journey was coming to an end, and they were celebrating the final moments.

The once messy restaurant had been cleaned up and redecorated with the collective effort of everyone. It was filled with joy and festivity, with decorations and lights everywhere.

The purified food was carefully cooked and served on the table for the guests to help themselves. Unlimited drinks were brought out from the warehouse, forming several towering champagne towers that reflected a sparkling light.

The survivors, dressed in decent clothes, raised their glasses to celebrate and greeted each other politely.

There was even a small band on the stage, playing a melody that was not unpleasant but also not pleasant. Some people even invited Huai Shi to join them, but he declined with the excuse of feeling unwell.

He just sat in the corner of the restaurant, watching everything, feeling particularly absurd.

It had only been a little over twenty hours since the chaos of the wolf disaster, but all the hardships and anxieties seemed to have been left behind by them.

It was as if an invisible force was subtly controlling everything, guiding everyone's fate back to normal.

"You can call it the gravity of the plot. All of this is recorded in the fragments of the philosopher's stone," Ai Qing said. "It's like a calendar that has all the schedules planned out. No matter what happened in the past two days, the prearranged events will not change."

Ai Qing's words made Huai Shi's heart sink again.

Although she didn't say it directly, her meaning was clear - even with great freedom, this place was still a record extracted from the philosopher's stone by KP.

The history of the past.

Just like history doesn't change, the things that happened on this ship will not change - like the identities of the passengers and this banquet.

And, the final outcome.

In history, who exactly reached America on this ship?

No one knew.

With the Mayflower flag hanging, there were probably thousands of ships from all over the world heading towards America, but how many of them were actually able to reach America?

The more joyful and peaceful the atmosphere was at this moment, the more uneasy Huai Shi felt.

It was like sitting on top of a silent volcano, feeling the heat rising underneath. Even though it seemed temporarily peaceful, he didn't know when the erupting magma would blast him into the stratosphere.

But Lily seemed to be having a great time.

After all, she had never seen anything like this before. Since Parsus Sel created her, they had been living a precarious nomadic life, let alone attending a banquet.

All of this was a completely new experience for her.

Even the deafening sound of the violin on the stage was enjoyable for her. Huai Shi couldn't help but want to go up and beat the guy playing the violin.

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It was simply torture.

"...Your right hand is weak, the sheet music is not accurate, your technique is loose, and your rhythm is slow. None of your movements are decent!" When Huai Shi couldn't bear it anymore, he stood on the stage, looked down at the violinist, and furrowed his brows. "Who is your teacher? How can they let you go on stage like this?"

The guy playing the violin stared blankly at Huai Shi for a while, then obediently handed him the violin in his arms.

"Watch carefully and learn!"

Huai Shi picked up the bow and played Beethoven's Sonata No. 5 for him again, then raised his eyes and asked, "Have you learned it?"

The people around shook their heads in a daze.

Only Lily, who was sitting below the stage, clapped excitedly. She couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, but she thought it all sounded good. Huai Shi suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness and handed the bow back to the guy. "Forget it, pretend I didn't say anything, you can continue."

Seeing his helpless expression, Lily kindly comforted him, "Don't be discouraged. Even though you're just a little better than him, it's already very good."


Huai Shi almost spat out blood.

Until now, he realized that Lily seemed to... be tone-deaf?

"Okay, whatever you say."

Huai Shi had nothing to say. He picked up his cup and continued to drink the tomato and apple-flavored artificial blood plasma that Lily had made for him - it was undeniably terrible, couldn't they make something normal?Unfortunately, she was opposed to all non-experimental alcohol, and Huai Shi rarely had the opportunity to taste foreign liquor.

Just as the two were talking, he noticed a crisp sound coming from a distance.

It sounded like a slap.

Looking up, he saw Yin Yan, who he hadn't seen in a long time, with a big red handprint on his face. He had been coldly watching the group of happy travelers scolding him, and soon he brushed his sleeves and went straight to the terrace outside the restaurant.

Yin Yan, who was now one-armed, looked particularly embarrassed. Sensing Huai Shi's gaze, he gave him a cold look and walked away.

"That guy is up to something."

Ai Qing commented without any sympathy, "Since he was young, he has always liked to pretend to be pitiful to gain sympathy from others, and then secretly do things when no one suspects him. His older brother and sister have been tricked by him many times."

"...I have one question." Huai Shi hesitated for a long time and was full of curiosity, "Is your family like a dangerous place?"

"Isn't that how big families are?"

Ai Qing said indifferently, "Competition starts from the moment you are born. Whoever can win the favor of the patriarch will have status and more money."

"Well, I should be grateful that I am an only child, right? Should I go after him?"

Huai Shi rubbed his hands and wanted to find an opportunity to beat this guy up.

"If he sees you, he will definitely hide immediately. Even if you follow him, you probably won't find anything." Ai Qing said, "Just be more cautious and pay attention to his mistress... She and her brother always give people a strange feeling."

Moreover, they are not included in the American lineage of future generations. They probably died on this ship. There may be some hidden risks, so be careful."

Upon hearing this, Huai Shi looked towards the terrace outside the window.

Between the row of chairs with sun umbrellas, next to Baba Yaga, he saw the old man in the wheelchair.

He still seemed to be in the late stage of Parkinson's disease. Koshchei was still holding his own bowl of soup, sipping the thick soup with a small spoon. His almost bald head with scars swayed slightly in the wind, revealing his scarred scalp.

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His trembling movements always made people sweat, making people doubt whether he still had the physical strength to travel.

But from beginning to end, his eyes were quietly staring at the front of the ship.

As if he could see the vast land thousands of miles away beyond the border and the realm.

His expression was so focused and solemn.

Like a child waiting for a new home.

"Look, Yaga."

He whispered softly, "That is America, our new home."

"Brother, my home is not there. There are only savages, wars, and people abandoned by Rome."

Yaga replied hoarsely.

Unexpectedly, this time she did not have a violent outburst or scold her brother. She seemed tired, just relying on the chair, exhaustedly staring in the opposite direction of her brother.

"Why did you bring me here?" She muttered to herself, "I'm not like you, brother. I don't have such great ambitions and aspirations. I'm just a crazy woman who hopes to die soon.

America is too far away. I just want to go back to my chicken-footed house, but my Poppy has already died... I have nowhere to go back to."

"Then don't go back!"

Koshchei raised his voice, coughing and growling angrily, "Don't long for the land that abandoned us, Yaga. Stop acting like this! If you're angry, get angry. If you're not happy, get furious. Don't let those gods who abandoned us laugh at us!"

"But what's the use of being angry? Can it change your decision?" Yaga looked up at him, her eyes filled with sadness, "I don't want to go to America. I just want to stay in Siberia, in my house. My dead daughter and my husband's grave, everything is there...

There, I am Baba Yaga, I am a witch, I am a hated freak. But without Slavic, what am I?" Yaga wearily covered her face, "I am nothing, brother, nothing... I can only become a crazy woman. As long as I have a pretty face, I will lose my mind. As long as there are sweet words, I will forget everything. What can I do? Tell me, brother, what do I have left?"

Koshchei gasped heavily, staring at her, "But at least you are still alive. We still have hope to rise again!"

"Shouldn't people like me die a thousand deaths? We should suffer in hell! In the deepest place!"

Yaga couldn't stand his daydreaming anymore and asked with a choked voice, "Why do you force a damn witch to accompany you in seeking redemption? Brother, tell me! Aren't we supposed to be dead long ago?"

"Listen, my sister, don't be fooled by that damn pretty boy. What does a clown like him know? Do you want to be controlled by a toy?"

Koschei stared at his last relative and told him word by word, "Yaga, people always need a fresh start, no, we will have a new..."

"Don't dream, brother, I beg you, at least don't be like them! You know the curse, you've always known! You're just talking in your sleep, but your sleep talk can't fool me, it can only fool yourself!"

Yaga angrily interrupted him, her voice hoarse and desperate, not knowing how to awaken her brother. Koschei's expression also became angry, breathing heavily, trying to speak, but then coughing violently.

His face turned red.

In the end, it was almost suffocating.

Every time, every time they argued, it would end up like this!

Yaga stared at his face, not knowing if it was because he was too weak or because she hoped her brother, who was about to die, would retain a little tenderness and pity.

"You're despicable, brother."

Yaga shook her head disappointedly, "You've always been like this, always."

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She took out her potion bottle and picked up Koschei's spoon, pouring a drop into his mouth. But this time, the usual dosage no longer had a miraculous effect, and Koschei was still in pain.

She hesitated for a moment, panicked, and kept pouring the potion into Koschei's throat until half of the bottle was gone, and Koschei barely regained his breath.

But after a moment of relief, his face turned pale again, then turned iron blue.

As if enduring some kind of pain, countless purple veins appeared under his relaxed skin, crawling on his body like vines. He stared at his eyes in astonishment, covering his chest, breathing heavily.

"I feel... not so..."

He suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood and struggled to speak, "Not so good..."


It seemed like a sound of something breaking came from his body. He paused for a moment, then seemed to understand something, his expression suddenly became horrified and shocked, and in the end, it turned into an indescribable ferocity.

He looked at the stunned Baba Yaga.

"What... What did you make me drink!"

"My potion... No, my potion shouldn't..."

Yaga looked down at the bottle in her hand, her face pale, but then she couldn't help but scream.

Because Koschei had already stood up from his wheelchair, his thin arm suddenly reached deep inside, pinching her neck, angrily lifting her from the deck.

"Bitch! What did you make me drink!"

"I swear! I don't know!"

Yaga cried out in fear, screaming, "I don't know anything! Really!"

In that instant, Koschei's face completely transformed into a beast.

So ferocious.

This novel is available on "pawread dot com".



In the engine room of the bottom compartment, Yin Yan, hidden in a dark corner, seemed to hear the chaotic voices from a distance and couldn't help but sneer, looking down at the position in his pocket.

The bottle that could prolong the life of the living and resurrect the dead was now hidden in his pocket, disguised in another inconspicuous bottle.

And what was poured into Baba Yaga's silver pot had long been replaced by the 'River of the Underworld,' a terrifying weapon brought on board by the character 'Red Hood.'

This was the reason why everyone on the ship was at the fifth stage, while he was the only one at the second stage. It was also his secret and his reliance to kill Koschei.

No, if used properly, with the ability to hide with the Red Hood, it could even kill anyone on the ship!

Since boarding the ship, he had been restraining himself until now, looking for any opportunity to kill Koschei.

But he found that under the appearance of that old fool, there was actually a sense of vigilance towards everything, making it impossible for him to find any chance to strike. Besides Baba Yaga, who maintained his life, he didn't trust anyone on the ship.

And beneath the appearance of an old man at the end of his life, there was a dark nature that terrified him. It seemed to imprison countless souls, and Koschei cruelly squeezed these souls locked inside him, absorbing all their power to sustain his own life.

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If this power were to be released, who knows what kind of terrifying disaster it would cause.

But now, it had nothing to do with him anymore.

Once the River of the Underworld entered Koschei's body, he would undoubtedly die.

It wasn't an incurable poison, but a miraculous creation extracted from the depths of the Silver Sea.If the gray disaster is the essence of destruction when life dies, then the water of the Styx is the sediment left behind when the soul decays. It represents the decline and destruction of the soul. Anyone who drinks a drop of it will age their soul by one year.

And the dose he poured into the Babaya Gaya medicine pot is enough to instantly decay a fourth-stage Sublimator, let alone Koschei, who already has little time left.

The immortal demon king will meet his death today.

He is not a hero who has overcome, but his own fate of life and death.

And he has successfully completed his mission. As long as he hides and waits for everyone on this ship to perish before Koschei, he will be satisfied.

In the end, he will arrive at the new continent and become the only winner.

He suppresses his excitement and smiles, raises his head, and then sees the burly figure standing in front of him, not knowing when it appeared.

No, it should be said that it is not burly, but huge, like a giant.

Yin Yan stood still.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask you before coming in."

Under the hood, a hoarse and mocking voice sounded, "Can I come in?"

Yin Yan looked up at him in a daze, trying to step back, but suddenly a tentacle-like limb popped out from under the visitor's cloak and wrapped around his feet.

"For the sake of being former teammates, I don't want to be too rough, after all, we are all helpless."

As he spoke, the visitor slowly twisted his neck, took off his hood, revealing the scarred familiar face, and smiled at him, "Can you give me the magic medicine in your arms?"

In that instant, Yin Yan's expression seemed as if he had seen a ghost, and he shrank in one place.

"How... is it you..."

Immediately, darkness struck.



The peaceful and tranquil banquet came to a sudden halt amidst hoarse screams.

The music stopped, and everyone turned their heads in a daze, looking at the figure on the terrace undergoing drastic changes.

It seemed to suddenly swell up.

From the withered body of the old man, a large piece of flesh suddenly bulged, followed by another... They seemed to be moving like living creatures under the relaxed skin, rapidly transforming Koschei's body, sometimes exhausting, sometimes beast-like. In the end, countless tumors and deformities uncontrollably emerged from his hunched body.

In an instant, he turned into a mass of grotesque creature, barely maintaining his original outline, constantly convulsing and struggling.

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