Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 162: The game begins

At that moment, everyone in the room looked up, and the majestic pressure swept toward the door like a tide, but soon dissipated in the face of a contemptuous glance.

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A figure strode in and took the seat of honor in the rest area, exuding an imposing aura that seemed to suppress the heavens.

But soon, another powerful aura came from the door, confronting the first.

"Chef Zhao from Xiaxi Road Gourmet Street Dumplings Competition is here!"

"Hmph, Chef Liu, let's compete again this year." An old and hearty laugh sounded from outside the door. "But be careful, this old man has prepared a killer move this year."

"Haha, tricks and skills." Chef Liu sneered. "No matter how many tricks you have, can you defeat our century-old dark master?"

Before the newcomers could even settle in, more and more strong auras emerged from the door.

"Chef Li from Chang'an Overnight Lamb Noodle Shop!"

"Chef Chen from Qiongzhou Rotten Shrimp Stall..."


For a moment, the rest area was filled with talented individuals, and even the air seemed to freeze under the terrifying pressure. The masters sat in their chairs, staring at each other, their auras overwhelming and timeless.

By the time Huai Shi had heard half of it, his face was already pale, and he had lost all his fighting spirit.

How could he compete?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make food as delicious as others!

This was not a gap that skill could bridge, but a terrifying nightmare forged by the cries and pain of countless innocent travelers.

Just by looking at them, Huai Shi could see a massive amount of dark source material behind them in the void.

It was the resentment of countless people who had suffered, as well as the sadness born from self-deception.

Beside him, a kind-hearted older sister handed him a tissue and smiled. "Don't be afraid, just do your best as usual."

The one speaking was a kind-hearted older sister with a ponytail, looking competent and friendly. Huai Shi took the tissue and wiped away the cold sweat, smiling bitterly and shaking his head.

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"How can I do my best? I don't even have a 'best.' I can only make instant noodles."

"Hmph, another clueless fool."

Next to him, a man exuding a dark aura sneered. "Always thinking that making something taste terrible is difficult, not realizing how much effort and hard work it takes to make something especially terrible!"

Huai Shi didn't even want to respond.

He just hoped that the competition would end soon, so he could go up and make something just to meet the quota and then go home.

At that moment, the entire rest area suddenly shook, and all the participants fell silent, looking up.

The ceiling was being lifted.

As if opening a box.

A huge shadow crouched outside the box, looking down at them, then nodded slightly. "The esteemed judges have arrived. Be prepared, you will have the chance to perform soon."

"Those who are just here to make up the numbers had better withdraw as soon as possible." The massive shadow opened its blood-red single eye and declared coldly. "This time, an esteemed figure has arrived. If they are angered by your poor skills, it won't be something you can make up for by eating crap for the rest of your life!"


The box was closed.

In the silence, everyone in the rest area looked at each other.

Their expressions became solemn, not disrespectful.

Huai Shi swallowed hard and looked at the empty exit, hesitated for a moment, and then shook his head decisively.

He would rather die than eat terrible food for the rest of his life.

He had to show his true skills!

Huai Shi's fighting spirit ignited, then immediately burned out—what true skills? He had no idea how to do it.

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The door burst open.

A burly man in leather pants glanced around the room, picked up his number plate, and said, "Contestants 109, 89, 44, and 88, get ready to go on stage."

After the first group of contestants left, the second group was quickly called away, followed by the third, and the fourth...

The room became more and more empty.

But Huai Shi became more and more uneasy.

Until finally, even the older sister who had been comforting him stopped talking, closed her eyes, and waited for the competition to begin.

He didn't know the result, or whether he had passed the selection.

The only thing he knew was that the people who had been called away never came back.

Huai Shi became increasingly nervous.

Finally, someone walked in, surveyed the few remaining people in the room, and nodded. "Alright, come with me. The judges can't wait any longer."

Everyone quickly picked up their tools and followed behind.

"The judges have very high standards this time. If you're just here to make up the numbers, you'd better surrender and withdraw early. Trust me, it's for your own good."

The burly green-skinned man walked ahead with the list, and a creature with eyes all over its body wriggled forward, dragging a screaming person along.

"Give me another chance! Give me another chance! My stinky tofu can be even stinkier! Believe me, give me another chance, don't throw me in there..."

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"Another self-proclaimed clever fool."

The green-skinned man shook his head and sneered. "I heard that when he was caught, he really wanted to put feces in the stinky tofu... Hmph, someone who defiles the culinary arts like that is not worthy of being a chef. You'll see, anyone else who causes trouble like this won't have a good ending."

As he spoke, they saw the creature with eyes open a door and casually throw the person inside.In a foul stench, Huai Shi vaguely saw a cesspool that should have been covered with mosaic.

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In the distance, there was a muffled sound, and then the screams disappeared.

Huai Shi shuddered, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

The pressure was immense.

At the end of the corridor was the vast arena, Zone 09 of the selection.

Thousands of participants had been divided into dozens of different zones to undergo the test.

All the stoves were lined up in the center of the trapezoidal square, resembling a Roman colosseum, and the audience seats were already filled with people, not a single one empty.

A thin layer of gray mist shrouded the faces and identities of the visitors from hell and the border, concealing their horrifying appearances. At this moment, they were just pure spectators, witnessing the birth of hellish miracles.

And on the judge's seat directly opposite, several dignified figures stood, their faces hidden in the darkness, only their cold and stern gazes fixed on the trembling participants.

Soon, one of the judges turned his head and glanced at the attendant beside him. The attendant nodded and stepped forward, proudly announcing, "The competition theme - dessert."

"No restrictions on type and style."

The attendant with eight eyes said coldly, "Within fifteen minutes, present your work to the judges, or prepare to face the consequences of failure!"

Huai Shi swallowed hard, looking at the surrounding participants. Some were already trembling, while others were resolutely heading to the stoves, taking out their tools and the materials provided by the competition organizers, and starting to prepare fervently.

Only Huai Shi stood in front of the stove, looking around, at a loss.

The judges noticed his attempt to procrastinate, frowned unhappily, and exerted a cold pressure. The audience began to boo impatiently, "Get lost! Get lost! Get lost!"

Huai Shi even saw a crow among them, shouting the loudest.

"Darn it, you just want to see me fail, don't you?"

Huai Shi withdrew his gaze speechlessly, forcibly calming his mind. After all, he had seen the world and couldn't be frightened by such a small scene.

But what kind of dessert was he supposed to make?

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He rummaged through the materials provided by the competition organizers, and it could be said that there was everything - various fruits, milk, chocolate... but each one exuded strange colors and flavors, none of them looked like they could be made into something delicious... This was expected, after all, it was a cooking demon competition. What kind of ghostly thing could the contestants make?

He randomly grabbed a bunch of things and threw them on the cutting board.

Huai Shi was at a loss for what to do next.

Fortunately, there was still a mobile phone signal here. Huai Shi was overjoyed and hurriedly searched for recipes on the spot. Sharp-eyed spectators saw his screen, and the booing grew even louder.

And while Huai Shi was in a panic, someone had already submitted their work!

In just three short minutes!

The goblin who had been holding his head high was already laughing heartily, lifting the plate and smugly glancing at the other bewildered participants. "Legacy, do you know what that means? In this competition, our Green Hair Poison Wine is the winner for sure!"

With that, he uncovered the plate and introduced it to the judges, "Please taste the sweet wine and tremella!"

In the four small bowls on the plate, crystal-clear tremella floated among the tempting fruits. They looked completely unspoiled and emitted a faint fragrance, making people's appetites soar.

Some of the audience who had purchased deluxe tickets could even experience the smell and taste simultaneously with the judges, feeling the alluring sweetness.

When the small spoon was put into the mouth, a burst of sweetness erupted from the tip of the tongue, instantly occupying the taste buds. Before this alluring sweetness had dissipated, the demon hidden behind the sugar coating revealed a sinister smile.

Immediately after, the terrifying spiciness, bitterness, and indescribable foul smell erupted from every corner of the mouth like a bomb.

The judges paused, all looking up and spewing out a foul gas, but their expressions showed no sign of displeasure. Instead, they were filled with surprise and delight.


At the front, a man who looked like he was wearing a suit, but was actually a hippopotamus, picked up a small spoon and scooped up the dessert, marveling, "This is incredible. Are these all the ingredients you brought? The tremella smoked with sulfur has an exquisite texture, paired with these strawberries ripened with hormones, and the grass ridge dyed with pigments to look like green tea... And as the master, it is the exquisitely brewed hellish legacy, Green Hair Poison Wine. The sour taste is like licking the iron railing in the winter, unforgettable!"

"No, there's another taste."

Beside the hippopotamus, a thin man raised his head, his eye sockets sunken like a skeleton, his voice hoarse, "You used another ingredient, which was hidden, but is actually the most important foundation of this dessert..."

The judges furrowed their brows as they savored it.

"It's oil."

The goblin smiled and continued to speak with his mouth full, "I used, I used rapeseed oil, mixed with Green Hair Poison Wine!"

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