Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 17: Serve the food!

In the compartment disguised as a cold chain transport vehicle, Huai Shi sat uneasily and looked around, feeling that the people sitting next to him were somewhat familiar.

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Finally, he realized and pointed to the person opposite him, "Hey, weren't you the one who stuck a needle in my neck last time?"

The person opposite him looked up at him, seeming unwilling to bother with him, and even too lazy to throw him a bone.

The solemn and cold atmosphere of escorting death row prisoners made Huai Shi particularly uneasy.

"Report, I need to use the bathroom..."

The soldier opposite him reached out and pointed to a bucket in the corner of the compartment.

"I need to take a dump!"

The soldier opposite him still reached out and pointed to the same bucket, whether it was for big or small business.

In the swaying compartment, Huai Shi's expression twitched, trying to lean back and stay away from the bucket... and praying that nothing inside would splash out!

Soon, he realized, "Wait a minute! Those guys have seen our faces before! How are we supposed to investigate? Aren't we just walking right into a trap?"

Next to him, Liu Dongli took out two things like face masks from his pocket and threw one over.

"High-polymer plastic mask."


Huai Shi's inner voice: Obtained legendary item - human skin mask X1

He curiously examined the thing in his hand, then became curious, if he was sent here, why did Liu Dongli come too?

"Reduced sentence," Liu Dongli said, crossing his legs and smoking a cigarette. "After this mission, I'll be free. I can swim in the sea and fly in the sky."

In the silence, Huai Shi looked at him with pity. "You know, in movies, if someone says that kind of thing, they're guaranteed to die on the last mission, right?"


"You can die without regrets, but I haven't lived enough yet. Even if I'm a virgin, I don't even have hope of getting rich. Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Relax, relax," Liu Dongli patted his shoulder and gestured with his cigarette. "The mission is simple, infiltrate, obtain intelligence, preferably blend in on site, and capture the target with evidence. If anything goes wrong, sound the alarm, and over a hundred strong men with guns will come to rescue you. What are you afraid of?"

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"..." Huai Shi looked around at the group of burly men and felt a little more at ease. "Do they have experience in rescuing hostages? And we didn't bring a negotiator either?"

"Ah ha, don't worry," Liu Dongli chuckled. "The Sublimators of the Special Affairs Department never negotiate. They always solve the kidnappers and hostages together. Have you chosen your box? I recommend the one with the crane on it, it looks majestic..."

Huai Shi rolled his eyes.

He had no hope left.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the car stopped at the back door of a meat shop in Laotang Town. Under the shop owner's shouting, the two disguised as porters walked out of the inner compartment and carried two doors of pork into the shop.The meat was real, the shop was real, and even the car was real. If you checked, you could find the number on the transportation company's website. It was just temporarily replacing the scheduled delivery truck for today.

After delivering the goods, the driver parked the car and went to eat, leaving Huai Shi and Liu Dongli to walk a little further before sitting in a restaurant and looking at erotic pictures. He waved his hand casually, signaling the two to move freely.

"What should we do?"

Huai Shi looked around, confused. He only saw Liu Dongli patting his shoulder and saying, "Just stay here, I'll buy you an orange tree."

With that, he flipped his hair and walked out to the street, chatting with an old lady he caught.

Whether it was because of Niu Lang's outstanding talent or his amazing affinity, in a short while, they were already calling each other "older sister" and "little brother." The old lady was beaming with joy, leading the young man somewhere unknown.

Only Huai Shi was left behind, with a puzzled expression.

Three questions about life filled his mind, not knowing what to do. If you want me to infiltrate, you have to tell me how to infiltrate. Why did you leave me here like this?

Huai Shi covered his face and heard the sound of flapping wings. A crow landed on the wall.

Before he could be surprised, he heard the crow's voice in his mind: "Don't speak, you have a bug on you."

What the hell?

Huai Shi widened his eyes.

"You're being monitored, little brother." The crow sighed. "It's not your fault. That little girl's intuition is too sharp. To be honest, your identity is also suspicious. I shouldn't have advised you to cooperate with the Astronomy Club. After all, I'm still on the run..."

What the hell?!

Huai Shi widened his eyes.

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"I'm on the run." The crow looked at him puzzled. "Ah, I'm a wanted fugitive from the Astronomy Club. I remember my name was pretty high on the list. Didn't I tell you?"


Now, as a low-level thug, you, a fugitive, and a group of crazy scammers have all been caught. When I am sent to prison, you will be executed, and those guys will be sentenced. Everyone has a bright future.

"Don't worry, she's not sure yet, otherwise she wouldn't have let you out to try and expose you. Trust me, you'll be fine this time."

Huai Shi rolled his eyes. He had completely given up hope on his teammates who were all assholes.

Please, let me solo queue.

He sighed and didn't want to deal with this bird with a heart as black as coal. He got up and walked around the street, seeing only ordinary scenes with a sense of decay.

The street was full of elderly people, and few young people were seen walking around. They were probably out working.It can be understood that the recent economic situation in Xin Hai is not good. After all, the last time it was treated as a metropolis was seventy to eighty years ago. It is a miracle that it still exists on the map after so many years of decline.

Young people with aspirations are probably working in Yanjing, Jinling, and Yangzhou. It is said that the newly established cabinet is vigorously developing the coastal economy, but it is still not as good as the environment inland.

At this point, Huai Shi simply put all the undercover tasks aside and walked around the streets with his hands in his pockets.

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The afternoon sun shone on the earth, warming the people.

In a daze, Huai Shi seemed to see the entire town shaking like a reflection in water, with countless shadows appearing in the sky. But soon, the strange illusion disappeared, returning to normal.

Only leaving behind a cold sweat and shivers.

There must be a problem with this place, right?

"Target has started to move."

With the report from the monitoring, everyone in the temporary command center inside the huge truck outside the town put on their headphones and looked at the screen.

In addition to the various monitoring connections within the town on the screen, the enlarged image in the middle was Huai Shi, who was strolling around aimlessly.

In the long silence, everyone watched as Huai Shi walked east and west, wandering around like a bored idler. It didn't look like he was undercover at all, and he even seemed to have seen a ghost, shivering.

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Compared to Liu Dongli, who was already comfortable in the old ladies' group, Huai Shi was simply lazing around and couldn't even see any suspicious places.

Just as everyone was getting more and more speechless, a report came from the front: "Target has started to pick up..."

Before the words could finish, it abruptly stopped.

In the screen, Huai Shi ran into a convenience store and bought a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and even indulged himself by buying a five-yuan ice cream. Then he squatted on the steps under the sun and started to enjoy himself.

The salty fishy smell with a salt content of 90% hit their noses...

This guy is beyond saving, right?

Even Ai Qing's calm expression couldn't help but twitch, and she began to self-reflect from the bottom of her heart. Was there something wrong with herself suspecting that this salty fish was hiding something? How could that enthusiastic and lively child from back then turn into this kind of ghostly appearance after just a few years?

It can only be said that time's chainsaw is really too magical.

Seeing Huai Shi wasting his limited time on unlimited laziness, the people in the command center didn't know what to say. Some people looked at Ai Qing, wanting to ask if they should urge him, but Ai Qing didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Forget it, one more person doesn't matter, one less person doesn't matter.Nowadays, the work is endless. Not only does he have to investigate the interpersonal relationships in Laotang Town within a few hours, but he also has to retrieve past surveillance footage to look for any clues.

The deep detector has already entered and is being closely installed. There is no time to waste on idling around.

Amidst the busy work, Huai Shi's bug suddenly transmitted a shout from a distance: "Hey, you! Come over here!"

In the video, Huai Shi was called over by a group of old men pushing carts.

"Yes, you! Whose kid are you? Come help us!"

Huai Shi was confused for a moment, then finally remembered his undercover mission. He reluctantly helped the old men push the carts and unload them in a critical courtyard. They were carrying broken gongs and drums, as well as costumes and colorful clothes, which were sorted and placed in different areas.

It seemed like there was a feast to be had?

Huai Shi's eyes lit up.

He put his foot back into the door.

There was no point in continuing to lurk. He might as well stay and eat. It didn't matter if he only got a few pieces of meat. As long as there was enough rice, it was fine.

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But then, he waited and waited for the signal that the canteen was open, and instead saw the group of old men pick up their broken gongs, pipas, and suonas and start playing some kind of duet. When they noticed a stranger watching them, the man in the middle playing the suona became even more enthusiastic. After playing for a long time, he shook the object in his hand at Huai Shi with pride, as if to say, "Do you see how awesome I am? Be envious..."

Huai Shi's heart was unmoved. He clapped his hands dryly and even felt like laughing.

If he had brought his lunch today, he could have shown them what ABRSM Grade 8 performance level was like...and with the combination of meditation, his cello's infectiousness was already incredibly strong. If he tried a little harder, he could even make their cows cry.

Unexpectedly, the group of old men became even more excited and challenged Huai Shi to play a few tunes. Huai Shi agreed, realizing that he couldn't stay low-key anymore.He rummaged through the pile of broken instruments and found a erhu that he could play. Crossing his legs, he didn't care about being low-key and undercover, and started playing a mix of horse racing, Erquan Yingyue, Bach's unaccompanied cello suites, Moon Above the Castle, and other pieces.

Due to equipment limitations, many places were out of tune and Huai Shi could only imitate Paganini's madness by trying to play a song with one string. But after he finished his mix, he opened his eyes and saw a crowd of people gathered in front of him.

The group of old men who were playing cards, chatting, smoking, and playing the violin had gathered together without him realizing it. They were pointing and discussing something, looking serious and focused.

Huai Shi's heart tightened: did he expose himself?

The old men were talking to each other, and the one in the middle was looking at Huai Shi with a puzzled expression: "Where did this young man come from? I haven't seen him before."

"I...I'm new here...working!"

Huai Shi instinctively stood up and wanted to run away: "I'm leaving, I'm leaving..."

"Don't be in such a hurry."

The old man grabbed Huai Shi's shoulder and smiled happily, as if he had just found someone to bring him toilet paper when he was trapped in the bathroom: "Li Laosan's son of a bitch didn't show up today. We're short one person who can play the erhu for the cultural performance at the church tonight. We'll pay you forty bucks and include dinner. Are you interested?"


Cultural performance?

Wait, how did he get inside so quickly?

Huai Shi was confused.

He had instinctively wanted to refuse, but he realized that he was still under surveillance, so he gritted his teeth and reluctantly agreed.


He paused and made a condition: "But I have to eat first!"

Feeling a sudden chill in the back of his head, Huai Shi could almost imagine the scene of death looming over his back. But what did that have to do with him being a cold and ruthless negative energy producer?

He would deal with the matter of leaving after he had eaten his fill!

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