Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 173: Growing is joyful

As a border relic that only occasionally appears in the depths of Hell at a depth of 20 or more, the blood tree urn itself has an extraordinary effect that defies common sense.

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Usually, it is used by alchemists as a disposable refining pot, which is more high-end and convenient than the second-hand goods bought by Huai Shi—when making certain plant-based potions, it has an almost perfect grafting effect.

While fully retaining the characteristics of the two materials, it gives the potion a terrifying vitality. Although drinking it will usually result in plantification, if used on plants, it will have a perfect effect.

If you want to be more extravagant, it could be used as a flowerpot in important cultivation projects for precious species.

And if used as a blood dialyzer, this terrifying vitality will be directly infused into Huai Shi's body, directly giving him a plant-friendly attribute.

It also turns him into a plant person.

However, with the foundation of the Holy Mark Yin Soul, Huai Shi doesn't need to worry about this consequence. With advanced materials, advancing to the Mountain Ghost is a cinch.

At that time, not only will he receive this surging vitality, but it will also directly elevate Huai Shi's starting point, killing two birds with one stone.

As for Crow, in the spirit of "it's the New Year, people are dead, they've come, it's not easy, they're still children, it's for your own good, just get used to it," she plans to make a big move.

After all, with such high poison resistance, he won't die anytime soon, so why not put some poison in...

After all, the core of the Mountain Ghost and Yin Soul is sharing.

With the fear aura formed by the Ashes of Calamity, adding another plague aura is no big deal!

It's just that the type of plague needs to be carefully selected. It needs to be strong but not enough to kill Huai Shi directly, it needs to have growth potential, but the starting point can't be too low... After receiving a gift from the Heavenly Butcher, Crow chose to make it herself.

Convenient and fast.

Well, it's just taking the risk of the whole family spiraling into the sky if it fails...

It's just that with so many deaths, what's one more?

After Huai Shi lay down, Crow waved her wings, and an invisible force tore open a new package of infusion tubing, inserting it into the vein on Huai Shi's arm.

At the other end, under Crow's gaze, it was deeply wedged into the blood tree urn.

On the wooden shell, a face identical to Huai Shi's opened its eyes in an instant, turning crimson as the blood was infused, turning and moving agilely, with a bewildered expression, lips moving silently.

"Where am I?"

Crow read Huai Shi's lips and shook her head helplessly. "It's a normal phenomenon for the source material to flow, proving that it has become a part of your body through the blood... Lie down properly and don't move."

She waved her wings, and Huai Shi, who was convulsing on the floor, lay down again.

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The thick blood slowly rose from the bottom of the blood tree urn, with a hint of emerald green.

Just as it was about to overflow, another tube was inserted into its left side, and the dialysis machine connected to it began to operate with a low hum, extracting Huai Shi's blood from the urn and infusing it into his body once again.

Huai Shi felt like he was about to explode again.

Huh? Why so much again?

Just as this surging vitality poured into his body like the tide, Huai Shi opened his mouth to scream, but felt his face quickly go numb.

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When he reached out to touch it, the sensation on his fingertips was no longer the softness of flesh and blood, but the roughness of wood with a lot of fibers.

He saw it, right on his hands, as the blood vessels protruded, spreading rapidly, turning into a wood grain.

"It's starting."

Crow looked down at the slowly changing Huai Shi. "Hold on, don't go crazy."

Huai Shi couldn't help but laugh.

Huh? This level of pain is nothing, do I really need to endure it?

Soon, he found that the itching in his limbs was more unbearable than the pain, and even more terrifying was the fingers growing wildly, as well as the aerial roots extending between his fingers.

He froze, looking at Crow, and his hardened vocal cords struggled to make a sound: "I seem to have turned into..."

A tree.

Then he turned into a tree.

A human-shaped tree.

Ignorant and shocked.


As the flash lit up and the sound of the shutter spread, Huai Shi's stunned and terrified face was captured on Crow's screen.

"If there is a man in the mountains, he will be entwined with the vines and bring the girl with him..."

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She raised her wings, opened the test tube in the dry ice box, and poured the dark virus into the blood tree urn.

"Sweet dreams, young man."

As the endless malice and despair poured into Huai Shi's body along with the gradually turning dark green blood... but Huai Shi couldn't feel anything.

He was just a plant person.

Like a plant.

The feeling of turning into a plant was so strange that Huai Shi couldn't help but start to wonder—what organ was he using to think? Did he lose his brain?

After losing control of his body, Huai Shi's soul lay in the cage-like body, curiously looking around the darkness and then examining his own body.

Is the soul also human-shaped? It's strange that it's not a spherical little light cluster.

He curiously played with himself, sometimes stretching himself, sometimes flattening himself, sometimes arranging himself into an S, sometimes...

After being a complete idiot, he began to think about reality.

So, what should he do now?

Advance?It seemed that this wasn't under his control either; he had turned into a plant. Was he supposed to just wait and see what happens?

So, what about fighting zombies?

But there would have to be zombies for that...

In the seemingly endless darkness where time lost all meaning, he felt as if he were floating in the universe, with nothing to do but think.

So he began to ponder.

Who am I? Where am I? Where am I going?

Why does the world exist, what is the value of life, what is the meaning of being alive... and what kind of trouble has Crow, that silly bird, gotten into behind his back?

If a ship replaces its parts one by one during a long voyage, what should he have for dinner after the last part is replaced?

If a train has a group of screaming brats tied to the left track and a middle-aged man picking his feet and talking loudly on the phone on the right track, how could he make the train drift and run over both sides?

If the rancher and the people from Green Day fall into the water at the same time, how could he come up with a way to throw Crow in as well?

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Amidst these seemingly unsolvable problems, Huai Shi began a long contemplation that seemed to have no end in sight.

The initial anger and fear, the meaningless resistance and opposition, the awkward struggle with a faint hope, and finally, sinking completely into the darkness amidst numbness.

In the absolute darkness, everything seemed eternally prolonged.

Huai Shi forgot where he was going, forgot where he was, and even forgot who he was.

He really seemed to have become a tree.

Feeling the roots growing slowly yet swiftly, deeply rooting into the soil, countless twisted branches sprouting from his undefined arms, filling every inch of space in the cellar, weaving between the soil and stones.


Growing silently.

Slowly but resolutely, extending towards the ground, and when the first tender shoot broke through the soil, Huai Shi felt the tiny warmth of sunlight on his body.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a sincere joy.

It was the sweet happiness of life realizing its own existence, even if the world was so cruel, even if insects gnawed at his limbs, he was still alive, growing tenaciously, embracing the sunlight.

Synthesizing chlorophyll is truly joyful.

Basking in the sunlight, he thought this from the bottom of his heart.

As for Huai Shi... who is Huai Shi?

Who cares.

Growing is joyful~

As long as it's joyful, that's all that matters.

Thus, forgetting the alternation of dawn and dusk, day and night, he immersed himself in this joy of growth, spreading countless roots from beneath the ninth layer of the earth.

Pushing through the soil, piercing the cover, entering the dark rivers, probing into the nests, rooting in the cold city between concrete and steel.

Unknowingly, his root system had spread out like a vast net for hundreds of kilometers, undulating underground, connecting to the intertwined roots of countless trees beneath Qingxiu Mountain, merging into the dark moss of the sewers beneath Xinhai, and from there, connecting to the lush flora.

Countless lives converged into one.

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United as one.

Numerous subtle vibrations intertwined into a surging pulse, and when the slight disturbances of the uncherished plants overlapped, they formed a deep rumble that seemed to cover the entire mortal world.

It was a whisper that no one could hear, a murmur unknown to all, a ballad unlistened to.

Like the deep aftertones of a cello.

Echoing in his ears.

For a moment, Huai Shi heard the sound of his soul shattering.

Like the sprouting of a seed.

In the long wait and gestation, the miracle of the soul spilled forth, naturally as if ordained, the miracle serving death embraced this majestic life, joyfully merging with it.

The splendid light refined from death lit up from his wooden shell, flowing in every note of the song.

In that instant, Huai Shi finally broke free from the manifestation of roots and shell, shattered the shackles, his soul freed, like the wind, nimbly leaping among countless flowers and plants, traveling everywhere.

Feeling the walk of beasts and the caress of the wind under his shade, hearing the mating calls and playful noises of stray cats, and sensing the swaying flora under the starry sky.

He glimpsed the surging crowd, the hurried passersby after work, the children lingering in the streets, the elderly watering plants, and the laughter echoing on the green fields.

Then, Huai Shi saw the slender figure of a young girl, and the slowly shedding outer garment.

It was Fu Yi.

A flash of lightning suddenly passed through Huai Shi's mind, as if he remembered something.

In the corner of the boudoir, amidst the greenery, Huai Shi stared in astonishment at the girl with her back to him, responding loudly to her mother's words, closing the door, tossing her coat on the rack, then removing her white T-shirt, revealing her smooth back and the slender straps crossing her fair skin.

A pink bow.

"Mom, yeah... so thrilling..."

Huai Shi's mouth gaped open in astonishment, straining forward, the potted plant struggling to move an inch forward, as if seeking the best viewing position.

Then he saw it, the blue skirt falling to the carpet, slender legs wrapped in black stockings lifting, sinking deeply into the plush carpet.

Huai Shi's eyes widened, holding his breath.

In that moment, an invisible force suddenly burst forth, tugging at his soul, pulling it backward!

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