Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 34: hongming

The next day, at the hospital, Huai Shi saw Liu Dongli.

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Although his complexion was still somewhat pale, he was surprisingly able to move around without difficulty. He was discharged from the hospital in just over a week.

Although the physical condition of a sublimator is much better than that of an ordinary person, it is not reasonable to recover to this extent, right?

He himself still hadn't fully recovered from the gunshot wound on his back, yet this guy who had been shot twice and had a lung lobe blown up was almost fully recovered?

"What kind of medicine did you take?" Huai Shi couldn't believe it. "Weren't you still in the intensive care unit a week ago?"

"Hmm? What intensive care unit?" Liu Dongli looked at him puzzled. "Didn't Ai Qing tell you?"

As he spoke, he pulled his eyeball and showed Huai Shi his right eye - in that instant, his pupil split into two.

The heavy pupil!

It was the strange thing that Huai Shi had seen hastily in the church that day.

"Since everyone is so familiar, it doesn't matter if I tell you. My holy mark is called Chongming, which is a relatively niche holy mark in the East lineage."

Liu Dongli said, "It only has a slight visual enhancement, and does not improve physical fitness, nor does it have any other functions. However, during fusion, it will record my body - just like backing up data. If I am seriously injured, as long as I don't die on the spot and receive timely treatment, I can slowly recover to my original state."

Huai Shi listened for a long time and couldn't help sighing: "So, the intensive care unit is also a lie, right?"


Liu Dongli was stunned for a moment, then his eyes became sympathetic. "Although I don't understand what Ai Qing told you, it seems like you were also deceived by that woman."

Not only that, you also lost your car, my friend!

Huai Shi looked away.

"Fortunately, thankfully there is no physical disability this time. Otherwise, with so many loans, just buying silver blood potions would have bankrupted me."

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As he spoke, Liu Dongli casually asked, "By the way, what about my car? Wasn't someone supposed to bring it over?"


Huai Shi's scalp suddenly became numb, and his gaze shifted to other places. "I don't have a driver's license and can't drive. How about I find someone to take care of your car and then drive it over for you another day?"


Liu Dongli nodded, unsuspecting. Only Huai Shi was secretly worried: if that flashy red Chevrolet became a Chery QQ after maintenance, Liu Dongli might hang himself on a tree.

They didn't talk along the way and were successfully discharged from the hospital.

However, when calling a car, Liu Dongli smoked a cigarette and suddenly said, "By the way, thank you for the red gloves."


Theft is never good, try looking at bit.ly/3iBfjkV.

Huai Shi was stunned for a moment, and only then did he realize that Liu Dongli seemed to have known about it a long time ago. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley. "Oh...sorry, at that time..."

But Liu Dongli patted his shoulder and interrupted him, "So, don't worry about the car. I have insurance."

Huai Shi was stunned for a long time and was suddenly moved, but he didn't notice that Liu Dongli wiped away a bitter tear while he was moved.

Heartache for money.

If it weren't for his birthday coming up and several rich women sending him a pile of gifts recently, he would probably have vomited blood this time.

"Never mind, let's not talk about this."

He waved his hand, stopped a car, and invited Huai Shi to eat with him. "Since I was discharged today, if you feel guilty, just treat me to a meal."Although he said he wanted to beat up Huai Shi, he still had some restraint. He found a restaurant with light flavors and ordered two dishes. During the meal, Huai Shi even gave him a gift that he had prepared for Liu Dongli when he was discharged from the hospital.

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Liu Dongli looked at the large box of Emperor Hair Growth Set with mixed feelings, unable to speak.

Indeed, it would have been better if this guy had been beaten to death by the Red Glove back then.

After finishing the meal, the two chatted casually. Huai Shi asked, "Now that you have been released from prison, what are your plans?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll fly out for a few days next month. I was really bored before. During the sentence, I couldn't even leave Xin Hai City, and I had to report my location to the supervising officer every day."

Recalling the past, Liu Dongli looked like he didn't want to look back. "Now that you have taken over my thunder, you have jumped into the fire pit. Ai Qing is not a good boss. Although she provides enough protection and won't cheat you out of money, she will push you to the limit of your abilities as long as you don't die... Anyway, be careful and find a way out for yourself. Although the Astronomy Society is a large organization, the benefits do not cover us cannon fodder."

Huai Shi chuckled, "Although Ai Qing is difficult to get along with, it shouldn't be that exaggerated, right?"

"Although I don't know what happened between you and her before, the last person who thought so was her former boss, the former supervisory officer of Xin Hai."

Liu Dongli sneered a few times, "At that time, you were her secretary, and then a few months later, she became a regular employee. The poor guy who used to be in her position is still in Africa... It can only be said that she is really worthy of being from the Yin family. Once caught, it's over."

"The Yin family?" Huai Shi was stunned, his mind a little confused, as if he had some impression.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Liu Dongli shook his head, unwilling to continue this topic. "You just said you wanted to find a market for Sublimators nearby during the meal. Let's go pay the bill and leave."

As he said that, he drank the tea in one gulp and went to the door.

He didn't plan to say anything more about what he had just revealed.

To Huai Shi's surprise, there was actually a market specifically for Sublimators in Xin Hai, a small city with only seven or eight Sublimators.

And it was within walking distance.

"This place is just like a business outlet. Many things are out of stock and can only be ordered in Jinling. If you don't need it urgently, it's better to buy it online. If you need it urgently, the price will be exorbitant..."

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When he said this, Liu Dongli's expression became more and more resentful, obviously having been cheated heavily. "People are different. They are all Sublimators, but the treatment is different... She is a B-level talent protected by the Astronomy Society, and she receives a monthly allowance. I can only be a prostitute and serve my sentence. Sigh..."

"Is it really that powerful?"

"Not really. His soul is very strange, judged by the Astronomy Society as rare, and may be needed at any time, so he signed a contract. The Astronomy Society guarantees his personal safety and peaceful life. When the Astronomy Society needs him, he must be on call, like raising pigs. I really don't know how that guy can endure it."He paused for a moment and his expression became serious: "Remember, after you go there, don't let that guy guess anything related to you. If you don't want your life to become a mess for no reason."

Huai Shi asked cautiously, "Is it that dangerous?"

"No, it's not dangerous. To be precise, that guy is probably a joker." Liu Dongli covered his face. "But sometimes, jokers are the most deadly."

"Also, since you have become a Sublimator, don't casually tell others about your abilities, and don't ask about others' abilities. Like my ability, it's deadly if the defects are known."

After Liu Dongli's cautious reminder, he asked again, "Since you have joined the Astronomy Society, have you had your soul evaluation?"

"Not yet." Huai Shi shook his head. "I'm going to Jinling next month, and Ai Qing said she will take me to the branch to do it directly."

"Then just make do with it. Don't be foolish and reveal everything."

Liu Dongli sighed, "I suffered a lot back then. I'd rather be evaluated as a weakling than be too strong. Being a pervert is the way to go, you know?"

"I guess?"

Huai Shi half understood.

Liu Dongli nodded in satisfaction and pointed to the door in front of them.

They arrived.

To their surprise, the Sublimator market located in the old city district was actually a detective agency to the outside world.

Looking at the half-broken sign, it was apparent that no one came.

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After entering, there was a musty smell in the room. It seemed like it hadn't been cleaned for a long time. A person sitting with their back facing them was playing games with headphones on.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hold on!"

Liu Dongli kicked the chair, "Business is here, why are you still playing?"

"Wait, all my teammates are AFK at the fountain. I need to turn the game around against the wind!"

"You've already given away eight kills. What are you trying to turn around?" Liu Dongli kicked the power outlet and pointed to Huai Shi. "Introducing a customer to you. He's my little brother. Be honest."

The person playing the game turned around. It was a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard. He looked worn out and was stunned by Huai Shi for a long time.

"You're already a prostitute at such a young age?"

Liu Dongli's expression changed drastically, as if he had been frightened. He slapped the back of his head, "I told you not to guess randomly. What if something happens?"

"OKOK, what do you need?" The man wasn't angry and stood up, gesturing towards the back. "Everything is back there. Follow me."

"Just call this guy a detective. Although he's terrible, try not to reveal your real name when communicating with unfamiliar Sublimators. Find yourself a code name when you have time."

After Liu Dongli's final reminder, he sat on the sofa outside, "I'll wait for you here. Call me if you can't estimate the price."

Seeing that he was so considerate and stayed outside, Huai Shi breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

The back of the room was an empty room filled with cabinets, a computer, and looked like a storage room for miscellaneous items. There was also a huge safe.

"It's our first meeting. I didn't expect New Sea to have a new Sublimator." The detective reached out his hand and said, "What should I call you, little brother?"

Following Old Liu's advice, Huai Shi didn't give his real name and shook hands with a standard smile, introducing himself as "Huaihai Road Little Peppa."

"..."The detective's expression twitched. It was the first time he had heard such a fresh and unusual term. "Alright, this is a courier center for yesterday's deliveries. We have all the usual things. If you're looking for something more specific, I can help you order it online and have it delivered."

"No need, I'm not here to buy anything."

Huai Shi waved his hand and approached, unzipping his jacket. After making sure no one was around, he lowered his voice and asked, "Bro, do you have any powder?"

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