Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 57: It's you, harmander!

In the darkness, there was silence except for the sound of chewing.

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A faint light illuminated the figure sitting in the chair, seemingly lost in thought with their eyes lowered, listening to distant sounds.

After a while, a sigh was heard.

"The Qi family betrayed us," the person murmured softly. "But it doesn't matter... a fence-sitting grass like the Qi family was never worth trusting, and betrayal was expected."

"An incompetent subordinate is more troublesome than an ally like that."

The sound of chewing abruptly stopped.

The darkness opened like a giant mouth, slowly spitting out a naked, emaciated body that coughed violently on the ground, crying out in agony.

After a while, the person finally woke up from the nightmare, crawling on the ground like a dog, and kowtowing to the figure in front of them.

"Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy..." they cried out, pleading. "It's my fault, I was too arrogant, it was all my fault... give me another chance."

In the silence, no one spoke.

The Lord seemed to be in deep thought.

After a while, they shook their head slowly.

"No, Wang Hai," they said. "If a hound's success is due to the hunter's instructions, then a lapdog's failure must also be attributed to their superior's negligence. That was my mistake."

"I misjudged your arrogance and recklessness. After all, you know nothing about the real world."

Wang Hai stood frozen in place, seemingly unable to bear the coldness in the darkness, trembling violently and making only choking sounds in his throat.

"Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy... give me another chance... I won't fail again..."

"No, you didn't fail," the Lord said calmly, shaking their head slowly. "In fact, you have successfully attracted the attention of the Astronomy Society and the Special Affairs Department. Even though you didn't cause a stir, you have achieved the minimum goal."

"The reason for your punishment is your disrespect for the Holy God."

The Lord reached out and touched Wang Hai's head. "You were deceived by mortal currency, and you have no respect for true power. You have never given faith and loyalty to true deities."

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"You are unworthy."

Wang Hai's body trembled, feeling the coldness and terror emanating from that hand, and he could hardly scream. He just wept silently.

"In the face of destruction, Wang Hai, the Holy God is not cruel. Even if you plead for my mercy, I will show you mercy and give you power."

The figure stood up slowly, squatted down, and took out a dagger from their pocket, gently placing it in front of Wang Hai, who was surprised.

"Isn't revenge against those Astronomy Society zombies what you've been praying for?" The Lord whispered in his ear. "But now, it seems that it's better to do it yourself than to use someone else's hand, right?"

The Lord stood up slowly and gave him one last glance.

"Before the destruction comes, you still have a long time to make a choice. Whether you choose to tame death or submit to the grace of the gods, this is the Holy God's final kindness to you."

"If you can attract a little attention later, then bounce around to your heart's content. After all, a grasshopper in the autumn is only useful for so much.""If you can achieve your wish before death, you will not let down the mercy of the gods."

He turned and disappeared into the darkness.

In the deathly silence, Wang Hai lay on the ground, sweating profusely.

The black dagger reflected a cold light silently.



In the distance, Huai Shi saw a black car emerge from behind the high wall and drive away. He couldn't see who was inside because of the reflective stickers.

He crouched in the shade of a tree, quietly watching the quiet warehouse in the distance, but couldn't see anything.

After all, the transfer warehouse was huge, and from the outside, all you could see was a high wall and a series of warehouses, vaguely discernible employee dormitories, a two-story office building, and various containers piled up in disorder and starting to fade.

There were no high-rise buildings in this suburban area, let alone a high vantage point, so if he wanted to see something, he would have to go inside.

But he couldn't just barge in.

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After realizing this, Huai Shi sighed and took out a spray can of odor-eliminating mist that Crow had given him and sprayed it evenly all over his body.

The sense of smell of border creatures was usually far superior to that of canines, and some even had infrared vision, so it was necessary to use alchemical potions to avoid their noses and eyes.

Of course, this was just a deodorizing mist refined and modified by Crow's formula, and it did not have the function of blocking infrared rays, but as long as he wasn't seen, it was fine.

After making sure that every corner of his body was covered, Huai Shi rubbed his hands together, took a deep breath, and leaped over the high wall, scrambling up the cracks in the wall and over it.

Fortunately, he found some cut-resistant gloves in the storage room before he left, or he would have had a hard time on the barbed wire and broken glass on the wall.

After landing and seeing no one around, he breathed a sigh of relief and, under the cover of the night at around nine o'clock, sneaked into the building that looked like an office building.

The two-story office building was not large, with several scattered departments, but they were all empty and the doors were not locked.

This transfer warehouse hadn't had any business for who knows how long, so why would they need these things?

Huai Shi searched through the dust, but found nothing.

Looking out the window, he could see the brightly lit warehouse and the nearby employee dormitories. If he really wanted to find something, he would have to go there.

But everyone coming in and out was wearing strange white uniforms with a never-before-seen serpent emblem on their chest.

Huai Shi looked at them for a long time and then pounded his palm:

"Okay, let's figure out a way to get a set of those!"

So the target was crucial...

He hid in the building behind the window for a long time, only to see someone walk to the nearby wall, lift up the hem of their shirt, and begin to urinate anywhere.

"Wow, so uncivilized?"

Huai Shi was stunned, seeing the other person's indescribable parts in the dim light, and couldn't help but sigh with pity, "It's you, little Charmander..."

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To avoid alerting the guards, he quietly jumped over to the other side of the house, but as soon as he jumped out of the window, he felt a beam of light hit him in the face.

Huai Shi looked up in surprise and saw another guard urinating in the corner.

How could they hide so well!In that instant, the two looked at each other.

"Who?!" The patrolling security guard widened his eyes and reached for his baton on his waist, "Where did this thief come from?"

"Don't misunderstand!"

Huai Shi quickly raised his hand to stop him before he could call for help, "I'm from the Gospel Class!"

"What's that?" The security guard hesitated, seemingly having heard of it before, and then suspiciously asked, "Is it true or false? Aren't they coming tomorrow?"

"Of course it's true, look! Dong cha cha, dong cha cha…"

As he spoke, Huai Shi suddenly started dancing, taking three steps forward and two steps back before singing, "Entering God's house, sitting beside the Lord, the sweet taste is stronger than our own mother, Hallelujah to heaven~"

Taking two steps forward, he approached the security guard, and suddenly kicked him against the wall. Before the guard could fall, Huai Shi grabbed a handful of ashes and stuffed them into his mouth.

The security guard rolled his eyes and immediately fainted.

"This handful weighs at least four or five thousand, you've made a big profit."

Huai Shi patted the dust off his hands, shook his head helplessly, and simply jumped back into the room. When he climbed out of the window again, he was already wearing their ghostly white uniform, with a baton hanging from his waist and a flashlight in hand.

If he wore a hood, he would look exactly like another security guard.

No one would notice unless they looked closely.

He could only be grateful for the good corporate culture of the Purified People. The Gospel Class took turns to perform, and even the praise song for the Lord was the same without any changes.

Luckily, he still remembered the tune of the Gospel Duet, otherwise, it would have been a waste today.

Huai Shi whistled, picked up the flashlight, and swayed towards the center of the transfer warehouse.

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Everything seemed normal, with no unusual scenes or bloody sights. Only those in white robes were coming in and out, and some were even lying in the dormitory playing mobile games while picking their feet.

It was too normal.

If it weren't for the ghostly clothes, it would look just like any other factory.

The entire transfer warehouse was too big, and he wandered aimlessly without finding any targets or gains. He even began to doubt whether he was a bit paranoid and if Wang Hai was really hiding here.

It wasn't until his footsteps stopped outside an unremarkable warehouse in the southwest corner.

He lowered his head.

He saw the ashes gradually gathering in his hands.

It was the scattered Source Material in the air, filled with the residue of despair and death.

Someone had died here.

In an instant, his hair stood on end, and there was more than one!

Under the attraction of the Circle Banishment, they kept coming together in Huai Shi's hands, quickly forming a small pile. Huai Shi hesitated for a moment, walked around the warehouse, and found that the scattered Source Material indeed came from within the warehouse.

Casually kicking the gathered ashes into his pocket, he began to look for an entrance.

The entire warehouse was sealed from the inside, and it seemed that apart from the large door outside, it was difficult to enter. However, Huai Shi found a ventilation window about four meters above the ground on the back of the warehouse.

As he was pondering what to use to climb in, he suddenly smelled a familiar scent.

The smell of blood.

When he turned around and lifted the door panel covering the garbage, he saw the body hidden underneath…

He was stunned.

Was it another security guard?

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