Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 76: Fight! Fight!

Continuously using such border relics obviously requires a huge amount of energy and a massive amount of source material. Even the third-stage Holy Mark, which is considered a fighting machine, would struggle to sustain such consumption. Perhaps only the fourth-stage Sublimator, when the Holy Mark is transformed into a flying spirit, can use it freely.

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Jin Mu was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath.

And now, with the breaking of the fasting circle, the frontline Sublimator suppression force has already started fighting against the border aberrations released by the Purifiers.

With a loud bang and the earth shaking, a huge aberration, resembling a monkey but with a lizard head, broke through the gates of the Dragon Horse Building and pounced towards the army outside.

Bullets hit it, but they were all melted by the blazing flames enveloping its body.

In an instant, it leaped forward and tore apart a tank, roaring towards the sky and swinging the debris around, breaking through the encirclement and creating more space for the continuous emergence of aberrations.

"Jin Mu, do you still have the energy?" Director Fu asked through the communication device.

Jin Mu grinned, "This level of flame is nothing to me."

He carried the iron whip on his shoulder and leaped into the air, turning into a golden figure, smashing down towards the Fire Ape.

The Fire Ape turned around abruptly, staring at him with wide eyes, opening its mouth and spewing out a pale flame.

Everything around it turned yellow under the sudden and terrifying heat, and even breathing would burn the lungs. The temperature at the core of the flame was enough to instantly melt steel.

But Jin Mu remained unfazed, with an even bigger smile on his face. He simply extended his palm towards the Fire Ape, pressing down on the void. In an instant, the flames dissipated, replaced by a terrifying coldness.

The once terrifying heat was now cruelly replaced by extreme cold.

In the past, as a firefighter who awakened his soul when facing flames, Jin Mu was granted the power to suppress all flames and heat by the Silver Sea. Unfortunately, after that miraculous rescue, he had to leave his beloved firefighting position and join the fight against the border.

Find the original at bit.ly/3iBfjkV.

But this power of ice and iron, which could crush everything, had never melted.

And this power was called:

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—The Exorcism of All Worldly Fires!

"Xu Er, did you play any mobile games today?"

As he walked through the residual heat of the flames, he roared, raised the iron whip in his hand, and fiercely swung it down. The Fire Ape was caught off guard, and its entire head was covered in frost, stiffening for a moment.

In the next second, the two passed each other, and the Fire Ape's head shattered, leaving only half of it hanging on its neck. Even its shoulder was split by the whip, and its arm flew up, freezing into an ice block before it even landed, then shattering into pieces of ice crystals.

"Beast, come at me again!"

He turned around and roared at the still-living Fire Ape.

Rarely, he was filled with enthusiasm!

"I have to join the battle too. You two should strengthen the defense of the command center to prevent the enemy from using decapitation tactics."

Due to his concerns, Shen Yue couldn't help but say a few more words. Director Fu and Ai Qing didn't ignore her, as they knew that once the two Sublimators were fully engaged, the defense here would become much weaker.

With Shen Yue's presence, the pressure in the front lines was greatly reduced.

Compared to Jin Mu, who purely enhanced his combat power, Shen Yue leaned towards being a support type. His sublimation was due to his experiences as a financial worker, having several sudden deaths from cerebral infarctions during long periods of intense overtime. His greatest desire when awakening was to quickly finish all the troublesome and heavy work and go to sleep.

Therefore, his soul's name was ironically called "Efficient Working Method Without Overtime."

In short, it was a set of buffs that provided him with clear thinking, increased speed, injury protection, and so on. He could provide the maximum protection for ordinary people to prevent erosion from the Abyss.

Although he would still be affected to some extent, it was much better than dying on the spot from poison.

And the third-stage Ether Holy Mark from the East lineage, Shang Yang, provided him with a greater range of soul abilities. After all, it was once a famous rain master among the exotic beasts, and its greatest effect was to shower the earth with rain.

With the protection provided by the two, the advancement speed of the Sublimator suppression force greatly increased, and they had gained the upper hand for a while.

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But Ai Qing and Director Fu in the command center didn't feel relieved like most people. Director Fu, due to his experience, knew that this was just the beginning. As for Ai Qing, she wasn't paying attention to the situation outside but was instead looking at her notes in contemplation.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"A ceremony, ten feasts, bones of a hundred people, eyes of a thousand birds, and ten thousand poisonous snakes...death in a spiritual coffin, so they weep. Rebirth attached to the shadow, dormant birds will fly into the sky..."

She read this prophetic poem complexly, trying to deduce the real events it implied.

A ceremony clearly pointed to the Purifiers, as these guys always held some kind of ceremony. There were sacrifice ceremonies, praise ceremonies, and even eating ceremonies... So, what kind of ceremony were they planning?

Ten feasts obviously referred to the Purifiers' grand feast of hunting. The ranch owners loved this kind of cruel spectacle where food fought to the death in a closed environment, like a large-scale battle royale.

And the survivor of this sacrifice would be bestowed with the title of "Hunter" and the blessings of the ranch owners, becoming the most skilled fighter among the Purifiers.

The whole process could be understood as: you treat the ranch owners to a good meal, and the ranch owners generously give you something good in return.

As for the bones of a hundred people... Ai Qing had already figured it out. It might refer to the recent tomb-robbing cases in Xin Hai. In other words, did they gather a hundred sets of bones?

What was the purpose?

And then the birds and snakes were unclear.

The meaning of the spiritual coffin was straightforward and could be understood by any Sublimator. It was a precious item that could provide rebirth for Sublimators. After all, the consciousness of Sublimators resided in their souls, not their bodies. If an ordinary person's body was destroyed, they might die, but unless a Sublimator's soul was exhausted, they could easily repair their body or even switch to a new one, achieving resurrection.

However, such items were rare and so valuable that they were priceless. After all, no one would sell their other life.

Death in the spiritual coffin, resurrection in the Abyss... someone was going to perform a resurrection ritual? But who? It was most likely the Purifiers, but the presence of others couldn't be ruled out.

As for the shadow of rebirth and the dormant birds.

Was there a high-level Holy Mark in the enemy that had a bird form?

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There was a high possibility, and it couldn't be easily ignored...

Now it seemed that the most likely possibility was that the Purifiers intended to gather power through sacrifice and rituals to perform a resurrection for some purpose.

So, what changes would this bring to Mo Du?

Even if the speculation was gradually approaching reality, it could only be used as a slight defensive measure because there were no details or exploitable weaknesses.

This was why prophecies were so annoying.

Regardless of whether the creators knew what would happen in the future, what they wrote only had one purpose: to prevent readers from guessing and to show off their cleverness...

Ai Qing cursed.

Meanwhile, a new change occurred in the battlefield.

Across the entire Xin Hai City, in the outskirts, the Shi Sui Museum received an unwilling visitor.

"Hello, your delivery."

Outside the iron gate, the deliveryman knocked on the grille in front of him, anxiously looking at the gloomy and dilapidated house behind the iron gate, as well as the atmosphere of a horror movie permeating the courtyard.

He called out several times, but no one responded. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a hoarse and sharp voice coming from the courtyard.

"Leave it at the door."

His hand trembled, almost dropping the pizza box. Then, as if waking up from a dream, he put down what he was holding, got on his small motorcycle, and quickly ran away.

After he had gone far and disappeared, a crow on a tree slowly flew down, using invisible force to lift the box, and turned to fly into the house.

"Ah, this narrow body is really inconvenient. I can't even carry a delivery."

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Sighing, the door of the house automatically opened, revealing the clean and tidy living room inside.

In the center of the spotless living room, on the dining table, various foods were already laid out, including three large bottles of the largest capacity of otaku happiness drinks, two buckets of Colonel's Family's fried chicken, four boxes of chicken nuggets, and the two boxes of pizza that had just arrived.

After putting down the pizza, the crow whistled and sat on a custom-made mini sofa, enjoying the feast of the weekend and watching the war drama broadcasted on the large water mirror.

"Fight, fight!"

The crow cheered for both sides.

But what was displayed in the water mirror was not the battle at the Dragon Horse Building, but a scene thousands of miles away.

As if having a heavenly eye, breaking free from the constraints of the realm, the water mirror overlooked the numerous borders surrounding the realm, as well as the infinite abyss beneath the borders.

The lens swept through the fierce battles in dozens of borders under the cruel white mist, finally stopping in the narrow area between the realm and the borders, in the coastal area of East Xia.

The boiling East Sea!

Compared to the relatively small-scale conflicts in Xin Hai City, this was the main battlefield between the Purifiers and the Social Security Bureau.

Under layers of desolate white fog, the entire East Sea had almost turned into a cruel hunting ground, with numerous massive sea creatures constantly fighting each other.

Shrimp ate seaweed, small fish ate shrimp, big fish ate small fish, and monsters swallowed the big fish, then swallowed each other.

As the cold flute sounded.

The brutal food chain descended upon this place.

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