Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 79: She's still in the ga ha pool!

In the midst of everyone's stunned gaze, the majestic rainbow formed by the convergence of source material completely pierced through Da Gun's body and then broke into the border.

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Immediately after, using this as a springboard, it pointed towards...

The Land of Bliss?!

In an instant, the rainbow turned into a bridge, using the connection between Da Gun and the ranch owner to forcefully open the coordinates of the Land of Bliss, creating a path.

Since the start of the war, countless sublimators have been waiting for the appearance of sublimators from this rainbow bridge, and countless figures have been flying past this rainbow bridge, heading straight towards the Land of Bliss.

The assault has begun!

At this moment, not only in this sea area, but also in various coastal cities, there are battles between the Pure Citizens and the Social Security Bureau.

However, even if they have the upper hand, it still cannot solve any problems.

Passive defense can only wait for the enemy's move. Instead of that, it's better to take the initiative!

- Invade the Land of Bliss!

"Alright, I should also leave."

The little girl known as the White Emperor's Daughter shook off the water on her body, raised her arm to catch the pigeon that had just landed from the sky, and waved at Yan Qingge with a cool gesture. "I'll be back soon!"

After speaking, she leaned back and disappeared into the crowd of figures.

"Don't get lost!"

Yan Qingge shouted with some worry, not knowing if she heard it.

She could get lost even when traveling in the realm, jumping forward for several hours in a time-space distortion. If she got lost in the Land of Bliss, then it would really be over!

But she shouldn't get lost to that extent... right?


In Xin Hai, the roaring sound has come to an end.

In the location where the Longma Building used to be, there is now only ruins. Among the ruins, countless bodies of border anomalies are scattered haphazardly in the dust and mud.

Various colors of blood mix together, emitting a foul smell.

The remaining fanatical believers seem to have given up hope of breaking through. Under the guidance of the old priest, they are fervently praying in front of the broken giant bronze mirror.

They completely ignore the approaching suppression forces behind them.

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The clamor of prayers becomes even louder.

Until the sound of gunfire.

The old priest standing in front of the bronze mirror falls to the ground, with a bloodstain on his chest and blood gushing from his mouth.

Director Fu, expressionless, changes the magazine and kicks away the screaming fanatical believer in front of him. He lowers his head and looks at the distorted face. Even though he is dying, his lips are still moving, praying with difficulty.

Director Fu sneers, "At this point, do you still expect your god to perform miracles?"

"Miracles... are everywhere..."

"How coincidental."

Director Fu says indifferently, "I also have a miracle for you, and it's the kind with a caliber of 125mm."

Behind him, the sound of steel crushing concrete resounds. In the rumbling sound, a huge tank enters the ruins, and the black barrel slowly turns, aiming at the remaining fanatics.

Director Fu turns around nonchalantly and waves his hand. "Send these bastards to heaven for me!"

"You will... regret... your actions..."

In the pool of blood, the face of the old priest becomes twisted and resentful. "Soon, you will witness the arrival of the Holy Spirit..."


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After the sound of the cannon, everything disappears.

"Finally done."

Director Fu pats his pocket and takes out his cigarette case and a nicotine patch. After thinking for a moment, he throws the nicotine patch aside and reaches for the cigarette case.

"Forget it, let's celebrate with just one, just one..."

Just as he leisurely lights the cigarette and exhales a puff of smoke, he sees a black mist rising in the distant sky.


He is stunned for a moment and subconsciously calculates the distance: it seems... it's about the same as the location of the Special Affairs Department?

Just as he is in a daze, one after another, smoke rises from the ground, like black pillars that cannot be blown away even by the strong wind, supporting the entire city between heaven and earth, step by step.

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Beside him, Ai Qing looks up at the sky and says, "So this is what the ceremony means?"

They hear screams coming from behind.

A large amount of thick smoke gushes out from the broken bronze mirror, and the terrifying abyss settles in an instant, corroding the people around it into a strange appearance.

Before the smoke has a chance to spread, gunshots ring out from Ai Qing, shattering the bronze mirror. But soon, countless scattered copper pieces gather again, and thick smoke rises once more.

Those mutated people seem to be dragged by the smoke, screaming as they are swallowed into the bronze mirror.

In that instant, from Ai Qing's hand, a dagger is thrown out, bursting into a golden light in mid-air, leaving a straight trace and nailing into the gathered bronze mirror. The endless light contained in the dagger pours into the mirror, illuminating the fragmented world and the bloody scene that resembles hell.

It's like the sun suddenly appearing.

The border relic that once severely injured Faust suddenly shatters, and then, the condensed light freely refracts and collides in the gathered broken mirror world, finally gathering together and exploding.

The suspended bronze mirror trembles violently, turns red, quickly melts, and drops copper juice like rain. Then, it disintegrates.

In the last moment, the furious roar of something inhuman resounds from it, as if a banquet that was being enjoyed was interrupted.

A huge and eerie palm forcibly stretches out from it, causing the surrounding scenes to crack like broken mirrors. In an instant of spinning, everything disappears like an illusion.

When Director Fu reacts, he instinctively looks to his side.

But beside him, the wheelchair is empty.

Ai Qing has already disappeared.

Along with the other two sublimators.


Half an hour ago, in the underground second floor of the Special Affairs Department, in the prison cell.

As the summoning animation on the phone screen lights up, the passionate music starts playing.


Huai Shi stares at the screen with wide eyes, shouting with anticipation.

That's right, Huai Shi also brought his phone here.

Not only did he connect to the WIFI here, but he also lies on the bed all day playing mobile games, just like at home. And after he had some money, he became bold. After thinking all night, he gritted his teeth and spent thirty yuan on the game!

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For the first time in his life, he became a monthly card user.

Forget about everything else, he feels instantly noble. Even looking at the free players now feels like looking at eunuchs who accompany him in studying.

After floating for a while and finally calming down, it's time for the exciting card-drawing process.

With the savings accumulated during this period of time, the twenty stones given by the monthly card every day, he can do a ten consecutive draw. Just as the White Emperor's Daughter card pool is about to end, Huai Shi resolutely presses the button to draw ten times.

And then, amidst the constantly flashing light...

His smile gradually disappears.

With each draw, the last hope disappears into the blue sky of Africa.

"Why is it like this!"

He collapses weakly on the bed, bidding farewell forever to the White Emperor's Daughter in the card pool as the countdown ends. He is speechless and choked up.

You are the only card I wanted.jpg

Just as he cries in pain, he suddenly hears footsteps coming from the stairs.

The prison guard, with a serious expression, accompanied by two armed guards, walks downstairs and goes straight to Huai Shi's... neighbor.

"Qu Yuan, let's go!"

The unfamiliar prison guard knocks on the bars of the cell with a baton and urges loudly.

Huai Shi, lying on the bed, raises his head in astonishment and looks at them.

His eyebrows furrow.

From the two guards and the prison guard, he smells a familiar scent.

The smell of blood.

"Isn't it Old Li on duty today?"

He casually asks, but doesn't get an answer. Instead, he feels the chilling killing intent emanating from the two armed guards.

He pauses for a moment, sighs, and puts aside his phone.

"I originally wanted to stay in prison peacefully."

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When the phone is spinning in mid-air, the teenager lying on the bed has already bounced up from the broken bed board, avoiding the hot bullets that follow closely.

Then, with burning palms, he throws an invisible axe from the spinning phone.

The axe blade whistles through the air and directly chops onto the hand that is pulling the trigger. Then, a gray-black rope extends and wraps around the gun barrel, violently pulling it back.

Huai Shi lands on the ground and catches the submachine gun that falls into his hand, pulling the trigger at the unarmed guard.

The head explodes.

Then, he grips his hands tightly, trying to ignite the gray ashes... but there is no thick smoke appearing.

He embarrassingly realizes that his life has been peaceful and comfortable recently. Sleeping and eating as he pleases, playing mobile games every day in prison, it's really difficult to accumulate negative energy.

Unknowingly, his negative energy generator has been worn down by the comfortable prison life...

The life of a fat otaku is so terrifying!

He can only dodge the aim and shooting of the other guard in a panic, hurriedly throwing out the rope. The rope flies out like a snake and wraps around the guard, instantly tying him up like a zongzi.

Huai Shi takes out the axe and chops at the railing with all his strength. With the metallic collision and the roar, he kicks off a section of the railing, barely squeezing out of the cell and looking at the neighboring cell.

Afraid that in these few seconds, Qu Yuan will be silenced.

But the expected bloodbath did not happen.

After the opened cell door, the originally majestic prison guard is now devoutly prostrating at Qu Yuan's feet, raising his hands high and offering the black wine.

"You're here?"

Qu Yuan looks up at him, but his face is completely different from what Huai Shi imagined. He is extremely thin, and only his eyes are bloodshot, as if struggling in a nightmare for a long time.

"That's good, you can send me off."

He holds the small wine bottle in his hand, smiles at Huai Shi, tilts his head, and drinks it all in one gulp.

Huai Shi tries to stop him, but he is unable to, and instinctively reaches out to pull the rope to retrieve the wine bottle. Then, he feels a terrifying shockwave sweeping over.

It's as if a bomb has exploded from Qu Yuan's body.

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