Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 84: Yesterday's Express Delivery

"Damn it, this is a mess."

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In the abandoned subway hall, there were corpses everywhere. The members of the Purification Sect, who were conducting a fanatical ritual here, had long since turned cold, leaving behind a variety of border anomalies.

In the midst of the grand sacrificial ritual, a man in a suit wearing a Bolly mask let out an annoyed sigh.

After repeatedly examining the specifications of the offerings and the markings on the altar, he finally came to an unpleasant conclusion: "Are you kidding me? It's actually the Nine Phoenix?"

According to the records of the Astronomical Society, the Nine Phoenix belonged to the fourth stage of the East lineage, but this did not mean that it was only slightly more advanced than the Nue and Evil spirits.

On the contrary, the difference between the fourth and third stages was like heaven and earth.

Once they reached the third stage, the Ether level, the fragile internal organs of the Sublimator would begin to transform into the legendary creatures represented by the Holy Mark, like a hero bestowed with dragon blood, a child of demons, or a human projection of an angel.

But the fourth stage, the Star Antimony, was a complete transformation.

In other words, they could completely transcend their fragile bodies and become the divine beings represented by the Holy Mark. Some of the most outstanding ones even possessed divinity and were considered demigods.

The appearance of the Nine Phoenix in the ritual of the Purification Sect could only mean one thing - behind the chaos in the New Sea, there was a Sublimator who had reached the fourth stage.

A genuine monster.

Although the current route controlled by the Social Security Bureau did not involve the branch of the Nine Phoenix, and even this advancement route was incomplete, only reaching the third stage of the Cuckoo.

However, as a ferocious beast known as the Ghost Car, the Nine Phoenix had a legend of devouring souls, so it was not surprising that it was favored by the Rancher.

In fact, Li Dongli's own advancement route also included this branch. After all, the Heavy Dawn was a Holy Mark with a wide range of applications, so he naturally had some understanding of it.

So, what was the Nine Phoenix doing here?

Or rather, what could it do?

If it wanted to cause destruction, there was no doubt that it could do it. A fourth-stage Sublimator causing trouble in the realm would be too easy.

But was it meaningful?

Even if it wanted to divert the attention of the Social Security Bureau, a fourth-stage Nine Phoenix was not qualified. It would be completely pointless to fight alone, and it would not be cost-effective. It would be better to gather strength and create a big news story.

However, it was obvious that after operating in the New Sea for so long under the guise of the Savior Society, the Purification Sect was not simply here to hunt.

It was too troublesome.

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This kind of thing would be much easier to do in a small country in the midst of a civil war. Why bother coming to the East lineage?

So, his goal was very clear, or rather, it had always been clear.

- Shanghai.

After the last border catastrophe, the Purification Sect's obsession with Shanghai had grown day by day. Obviously, there was something very important to them in Shanghai.

Therefore, they had to open the entrance.

But why should they be allowed to?

The protagonists in such major events were at least fifth-stage Sublimators, and there might even be archenemies and various destruction elements calculating against them.

Even though a fourth-stage Sublimator was very powerful, they only had the capital to cheer and shout in the face of such a situation.

What qualifications did a Nine Phoenix have?



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Li Dongli finally realized what was happening. He carefully examined the strange ritual scene in front of him and speculated about the massive secret ritual that enveloped the New Sea. After obtaining the main axis, the previously complex mist seemed to dissipate in an instant.

Everything became clear.

Li Dongli hurriedly took out the subway map that had been prepared from the work area of the subway station and carefully examined the perfect circle on it.

Then, with blood on his hands, he made marks on the map.

Until the end, the blood on the entire circle intertwined, perfectly forming two overlapping symbols.

One was the symbol of the Nine Phoenix.

The other was the mark of incubation and transformation.

Indeed, he was advancing!

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So the purpose of this ritual became clear.

By proliferating the Mirror Realms, covering the entire underground subway lines of the New Sea, and using the correspondence between reflections and reality, they cleverly bypassed the suppression of the massive secret ritual, Charta Strata.

Interfering with reflections required less Source Material than interfering with reality. By deepening the depth of the reflections through this method, they created a hellish area and then covered it over reality.

The realm remained the same, but it was enough to perform the advancement ritual that could only be achieved in the deep hell.

It was a brilliant idea!

And through the advancement of the same lineage, at the moment of completion, resonating with the origin, they created a direct passage for the Rancher, thus achieving the goal of opening a path to Shanghai.

It was killing two birds with one stone.

To become a legend, one must first create a legend, just like becoming a god required creating miracles.

With one move, they completed two great achievements of the abyss. By advancing in one aspect and using the other as nourishment, their future achievements would be limitless, right?

When Li Dongli thought of this, he suddenly heard the sharp sound of glass breaking.

Just as he raised his head in surprise, he saw that behind the broken glass, the name of the platform suddenly distorted and changed, eventually becoming a completely unrecognizable subway station name.

- Pudong Avenue?

Soon, he realized that it was the name of a place in Shanghai. In other words, the Mirror Realms now used a triple reflection correspondence?

This final task became even more troublesome at a visible speed.

He rubbed his wig in frustration, looked around the littered subway station, and pondered for a long time. Then, he paused, took out his phone from his pocket, and dialed the detective's number.

"Who is this?" The detective on the other end sounded listless. "Is it the Astronomical Society? Has the person who came to pick me up for evacuation finally arrived?"

"Are you dreaming? I haven't even run away yet, and you want to run away alone?!" Li Dongli was furious.

"Are you still alive?"

The detective was surprised. "I thought you had died a heroic death..."

"Shut up!" Li Dongli became even more annoyed. "Alright, enough with the small talk. Are you the local operator from yesterday's express delivery?"

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The detective didn't answer, as if he was trying to shirk responsibility. Li Dongli snorted coldly and asked with a glimmer of hope, "I heard that the highest level of service from yesterday's express delivery can even deliver the goods to you before you buy them. Is that true?"

"...," the detective on the other end of the phone remained silent. After a while, his voice sounded dry. "Five minutes ago, I received a notification from the head of the Jinling branch of yesterday's express delivery... He said that the item ordered by a customer has been delivered near the destination, and he asked me to remind the customer to check it. The service fee for this delivery will be calculated at twice the highest standard and will be fully paid by the Jinling Social Security Bureau..."

Li Dongli was stunned. "What the hell?"

Before he could finish speaking, his phone made a beep, and a text message popped up: "The delivery service provided to you this time has ended. Please reply to the message later to evaluate the service. If you are satisfied..."

There was no need to continue the call.

Li Dongli hung up the phone in astonishment, turned slowly, and looked around. He noticed a place that looked like a storage locker. Finally, his gaze fell on the center of the pile of corpses, on the massive altar made of solid wood.


After a while, he picked up a steel bar from the ground and walked around the altar, which was carved with layers of exquisite patterns. He couldn't see any seams, but when he exerted force and broke through the outer layer of wood, he saw a huge iron box covered in dust inside the altar.

When did this happen?

This altar had been here for who knows how long. How did they open it, put something inside, and then close it again?

Or was it that from the beginning, when the altar was built, yesterday's express delivery had already put this thing inside?

He couldn't figure it out at all.

But the logo of yesterday's express delivery on top of the altar undoubtedly proved the identity of this delivery.

He took back his previous words. Those bastards up there were at least occasionally useful. At least they could pay the bill.

He smashed the lock on the outside and opened the heavy iron box.

As he examined the densely packed alchemical explosives inside, a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.

This operation was a success.



"Help! Help!"

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Amidst the constant sound of gunfire, Ai Qing screamed as she cowered in the corner, closing her eyes and pulling the trigger in front of her, but she couldn't hit anything.

"You useless piece of shit, shut up! " Ai Qing scolded angrily as she skillfully changed the magazine in her submachine gun and pulled the trigger at the approaching horde of abominations. "Aren't you a third-stage Sublimator? Why do I, a cripple, have to fight? Hurry up and help me!"

"But I don't know how to fight at all!" Shen Yue cowered, timidly answering with his head down. "I only know how to play support... Jin Mu is the one who fights! I just need to take care of healing..."

"You useless piece of shit!"

Ai Qing no longer had any hope for this cowardly guy. She gritted her teeth and took the last grenade from his vest, throwing it into the swarm of encroaching creatures. With a loud explosion, a viscous black blood spread out, emitting a foul stench.

But those dozen or so dog-like creatures seemed to be aroused by the violence and became even more excited. This time, they became cautious, keeping their distance and cautiously patrolling the surroundings, looking for an opportunity.

They were as cunning as hunting hyenas.

Shen Yue's flashlight had already started to flicker.

In the deep abyss sediment where the concentration was gradually increasing, it was difficult to work...

It wasn't just the flashlight that was being encroached upon.

Ai Qing's face turned pale, and she gasped heavily, but her expression remained calm, almost indifferent, as she looked at the hungry monsters. Her fingers tapped the gun slowly.

Then, in that instant, the light completely went out.

In the darkness, the ten or so pairs of scarlet eyes suddenly emitted an excited light, and they pounced together with a roar!

Ai Qing pulled the trigger.

And in the midst of the noisy sound, a roar suddenly sounded.

"Ai Qing, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you, lalalala!!"

In the next moment, in the light of the flashlight, Huai Shi, who was burning, broke through the wall.

Then he froze in place.

What had happened?

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