Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 90: Six Great lineages


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Huai Shi shook his head and impatiently interrupted him, "Although I don't watch many movies, I at least know that most sophisticated villains would say that.

But in reality, their new world is really a mess."

"I know what you want to do, but you are destined to fail."

Qiyuan's head turned almost 180 degrees, facing Huai Shi, with a calm expression, "You can't stop anything, even if you kill me.

The transformation of the Lord has passed the most critical moment and can awaken from the embryo of the Mirror Realm at any time."

"That's someone else's problem. I actually don't care much about it."

Huai Shi waved his hand and asked seriously, "I only have one question - you should have colluded with the Savior a long time ago, right?"

"Not too long, Huai Shi, not too short," Qiyuan calmly asked, "Perhaps, do you have doubts about your faith?"

"It doesn't matter what your faith is to me, but the situation is a bit different now."

Huai Shi scratched his head and smiled sincerely, "Last time when I was dragged to the Gospel Class to perform, that old man promised to give me forty dollars.

But until now, he hasn't given it to me, and I can't find him."

As he spoke, he rubbed his fingers and asked seriously, "So, it's been so long, can you pay me back with interest?"

Although he was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes, but a cold gray light.

"Don't worry, I don't want much," Huai Shi said, "Your life and your dog's life are enough."

Qiyuan didn't say anything, just a hint of crimson appeared in his eyes, and he slowly raised a finger, tapping the invisible flute sound in the air, summoning the monsters hidden in the darkness.

The meaning was clear.

"Is that so? That's a pity."

Huai Shi sighed, opened his hands, and summoned his knives and axes, carefully and seriously infused them with lightning.

"Just as you said, this is not a personal grudge -"

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He slowly raised his head, staring at Qiyuan surrounded by blood, grinning, "It's just a wage collection activity."

The knives and axes collided fiercely, and electric sparks and sparks burst out in the sharp sound.

In that instant, the young man shed his human disguise and revealed the appearance of a demon in the fire, and the mist of gray ashes rose!


The lightning axe collided with the blood surrounding Qiyuan, unexpectedly bursting out the sound of a raging tide.

"If it's only at this level, it's completely useless, right?" Qiyuan suddenly sneered, "Forget it, let my father play with you."

In that instant, the ceiling suddenly shattered, and something heavy screamed and came down.

A foul wind whistled behind Huai Shi.

Before he could react, two hands had already grabbed his shoulders, and then violently pulled him up and slammed him on the floor. Before Huai Shi could recover from the dizziness, he felt a gust of wind on the back of his head. Instinctively, he rolled over and saw a smelly foot stepping on the original position of his head. The floor tiles cracked, and the broken stones scratched his face.

He was stunned for a moment, kicked his feet suddenly, stepped on the face of that thing, slid backward, stumbled and rolled, and stood up to examine the face in front of him, incredulous.


That thing did look exactly like Qiyuan's face, but the rest of it was completely different. It was like a spider, with limbs inserted into the body sewn together with corpses. When it was lying on the ground, it looked like a piece of mud, but when it moved, it looked like a piece of mud with a human head going crazy.

It was unbearable to look at.

Father and son fighting like this!

"Huai Shi..." Qiyuan's head was covered in saliva, staring at the stunned young man, and screamed frantically, "Huai Shi! Huai Shi! Huai Shi!"

Using both hands and feet, it crawled towards him!

"Don't fucking call me so affectionately!"

Huai Shi drew his knife to counterattack, blocking the spider leg that swept over, sparks flew, and staggered back.

As he watched the two fighting in chaos, a cold smile appeared at the corner of Qiyuan's mouth.

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But before the smile could fully bloom, the ceiling above his head split open again, and a cold blade light shot out from it, piercing through the layers of blood, directly aiming at Qiyuan's neck.

With the shattering of the ceiling, a hideous Asura face emerged from the darkness, and it smiled coldly at Qiyuan.

A clear and melodious female voice sounded.

"Your head will be collected by me, Li Jianhupo!"

In the midst of the struggle, Huai Shi turned his head in astonishment, and then his expression changed.

Damn it, someone wants to steal my head!

How many people does this grandson Qiyuan owe money to!



"Li Jianhupo?"

As he struggled to drag the iron box, Liu Dongli took a moment to look at the list of names supported by the Social Security Bureau and was stunned when he saw a name from Yingzhou.

"The Li family of Lijian? It's rare to see them at the Social Security Bureau instead of going to the Lu Ming Hall."He sighed and looked away from his watch. When he looked up, he saw the woman sitting on the platform.

She looked calm and relaxed, as if sitting on her own sofa at home. She calmly wiped the blood off the gun, and the sticky blood dripped from her skirt, making it hard to tell whether it was hers or someone else's.

It was Ai Qing.

He was stunned, and a forced smile appeared on his face. He said awkwardly, "Long time no see."

Ai Qing raised her eyebrows and glanced at him. "Weren't you always in Xin Hai? Mr. Liu, the fourth-class military officer and shadow inspector of the Astronomical Society."

Liu Dongli's smile became even more forced.

His first reaction was that Huai Shi had let it slip, but Ai Qing's expression didn't seem like she had just discovered the deception after being fooled for a long time. Instead, she seemed calm, as if she had known all along.

In a way, it seemed like his undercover work wasn't very successful.

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He felt frustrated.

"When did you start suspecting me?"

Ai Qing asked indifferently, "You should ask me when I ever trusted you."

"It's not a good thing to be too suspicious of others."

Liu Dongli shook his head and took out a cigarette from his pocket, taking two puffs. "Not everyone is out to get you."

"Most people are enough."

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Ai Qing calmly put away her weapon and reached out her hand to him. "Do you have Red Heng? White Heng and Yellow Heng will do."

"I have them all, just wait a moment."

Liu Dongli walked over with a lack of energy and bent down to check Ai Qing's arms and neck. He stared at the prominent veins and frowned. "How did it end up like this? Automatic skeleton? Are you crazy? Don't you know the side effects of that thing? If the central nervous system is damaged by overload, you'll be paralyzed."

"I had to do it."

Ai Qing looked up in the direction of the distance and couldn't help but sigh softly. "If there's one thing I've learned recently, it's that you can't rely on others for everything."

She said, "You have to do things yourself, right?"

Her words seemed to reflect some kind of truth, but also carried a hint of sarcasm, making Liu Dongli, who had abandoned his undercover mission, feel uneasy.

After a simple examination, he sprayed a layer of white mist on Ai Qing's wounds. This was the emergency medicine issued by the Astronomical Society, the white Heng that specialized in treating external injuries, followed by the yellow Heng that coordinated the nerves and the red Heng that prevented internal bleeding.

Each of these three had the effect of a stimulant.

It was visibly clear that Ai Qing's complexion improved.

"You've been played."

Liu Dongli sat down next to her and listened to the distant sound of battle, sighing softly. "The Social Security Bureau must have been prepared, right? The upper echelons in Jinling probably knew about it a long time ago, but they didn't reveal anything. It's obvious that they don't see the underlings who are fighting desperately as human beings."

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"The current Astronomical Society is no longer the Astronomical Society of the past. You've been an inspector for so long, I hope you're not still the naive and sweet type you see in cartoons."

Liu Dongli shrugged.

The situation was already obvious.

It was unknown how many years ago, Dong Xia had been on guard against others attacking Mo Du. It seemed like it was just a matter of sealing off the information, but in reality, it was tightly guarded, and who knew how many people had fallen into the trap.

Regardless of whether the grand plan of the Return to Purity people had any chance of success, Dong Xia itself had already prepared countless countermeasures in secret.

Otherwise, how could the Qilin, who ranked first among the six major lineages in the world and was ranked among the top in the five-stage Sublimators, appear on the battlefield for the first time? According to internal intelligence, it was said that he had already clashed with the personal army of the destruction element, the Rancher, on the East Sea.

He even took advantage of the opportunity to directly build a high-speed road leading to the Land of Bliss, as if it was a well-prepared blitz.

Now the two sides were probably fighting in hell, and it wouldn't be surprising if the Rancher himself made a move.

The Qilin, Fu Can Guang, who currently ranked first in the lineage, controlled the overall situation, the White Emperor's daughter, Zhu Qing Yu, suddenly appeared in the Land of Bliss, and the Phoenix, ranked fifth, was sweeping the battlefield, crushing all the lunatics lurking in various cities. It wouldn't be surprising if they suddenly appeared in Xin Hai.

Even if there were other guardians to guard the border, there were still Kuafu, Di Ting, and the White Ze, who were said to have combat power even more exaggerated than the Qilin, who hadn't made a move yet.

It was as stable as an old dog.

After all, the five major lineages of the Astronomical Society, which were recognized as the top three in the world, almost completely controlled the six major lineages recognized worldwide.

This was the confidence of the Five Constants.

Continuing for thousands of years from a few previous eras, it had been flourishing and had numerous internal branches. It could even directly represent this country, the East lineage.The Egypt lineage, originating from the first dynasty of the primordial era, has been passed down through bloodlines to this day. It even directly governs the Two Rivers region in the name of deities, popes, and the sons of gods.

The Roman lineage and the Russian Union lineage are the products of the once colossal Holy Spirit lineage that once controlled the entire West.

The former has taken control of many paths to sublimation, mainly based on the former Roman lineage, and has integrated the miracles of various Greek countries to become today's Roman lineage. The latter, on the other hand, has established the Orthodox lineage in honor of the gods of nothingness, supplemented by many mythological sources, forming today's Russian Union lineage.

The widely derived Tianzhu lineage originally had the potential to squeeze into the top three, or even compete for the first place. However, due to the lack of a strong and powerful leader to suppress internal differences, it split into three.

For four hundred years, the Destruction lineage, Creation lineage, and Maintenance lineage have been in constant internal strife, and the civil war continues. It has instead become the weakest among the Six Great lineages.

As for the American lineage, it is a new generation of Holy Mark lineage formed by the wanderers and border creatures who have come here and united with the Inca lineage. Its existence time is the weakest and the most vulnerable. Without the support of a surviving deity, it would be difficult to maintain independence.

As for the Abyss lineage, which was once called the Heavenly Kingdom lineage, it has long since fallen.

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