Chapter 255: Didn’t You Say You Won’t Force Me?

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Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There was bound to be someone better.

No one had expected that a cosmic adventurer would suddenly appear out of nowhere and defeat the famous Fire Philosopher in the dojo.

Who was he?

Wang Ye’s unfamiliar figure stunned everyone.

Only Nante and his two friends were cheering. Soon, the crowd around the dojo was clapping like thunder. Many human experts were whispering among themselves, discussing Wang Ye’s origins.

“So this is the elemental fusion technique.” After exchanging blows, Wang Ye had a rough idea.

Although he didn’t much about the techniques to achieve elemental fusion, the requirements, the conditions, and so on, he had roughly understood what it was about. He would slowly ponder over the rest when the time came.

Following this, Wang Ye turned around and left. He wasn’t interested in continuing the challenge.

Fighting another 99 matches to obtain the guidance of the martial school was not suitable for him. It was too high-profile.

“Are you not going to fight anymore?” Nante asked in surprise.

Wang Ye shook his head with a smile. “Let’s walk around and watch other experts spar. We might gain more.”

“Alright.” Nante grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth. He nudged Wang Ye with his elbow. “When did you secretly cultivate? Isn’t the increase in your strength too drastic? Is your combat energy already at stage 7?”

“I just broke through,” Wang Ye said casually.

They chatted as they strolled around.

Wherever Wang Ye went, he attracted many gazes and discussions.

After defeating the Fire Philosopher, he became a famous person in this dojo.

Many cosmic nation families even extended offers, wanting to recruit him.

“It’s good to be powerful.” Nante sighed. He had been here for a few days and had only made a few like-minded friends.

In contrast, Wang Ye had just arrived, but he was already quite famous.

If he was willing, he could even continue to spar in the dojo. He could achieve a hundred victories and receive guidance from the martial school.

This was a piece of cake for Wang Ye, who could defeat the Fire Philosopher.

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“Isn’t strength the rule in the cosmic? After all, this isn’t a peaceful cosmic,” Wang Ye said. “All races depend on their abilities to survive. The human race, the demon race, and the devil race are mortal enemies. In the vast cosmic, the eight great races fight openly and covertly. In particular, the Sky race and the Dark race are above the human race.”

Nante sighed.

He had been considered an outstanding genius together with Yao on the Blue Planet. But ever since entering the cosmic, he became extremely mediocre.

Especially in terms of strength level, Wang Ye was far ahead of him. Till this point, he was only at cosmic level 3. With his current speed, reaching cosmic level 9 was already a stretch, let alone breaking through to the Dark Energy level.

“There will be a chance.” Wang Ye patted Nante. “The cosmic is big and there are many opportunities. Don’t give up so easily. Cultivate in a comfortable state and you’ll definitely gain something.”

Nante’s spatial talent was quite high, far surpassing his own. He had already comprehended Spatial Control when he was at the New Star level, and it wasn’t just stage 1. The path of space was his best path at the moment.

He was just a little lost now. After all, he was once a proud son of heaven.

Unlike him. Even in the cosmic, his talent was still peerless!

Although his body’s hardware couldn’t keep up, his software was strong!

Even though he wasn’t good at Spatial Control, he still surpassed Nante’s realm.

Moreover, he had some unclear connection with the Primordial Star, especially the jade ball of light in the star core, which had changed from the number 6 to the number 5 for no reason. What kind of secret did it hide?

Just as he was wondering, a familiar figure suddenly walked over from afar.

The other party’s red skin looked like it had been burned by a raging fire. His body was printed with fire patterns, and there was a mark of the fire bloodline on his forehead. He was the Fire Philosopher.

“The martial instructor would like to see you.” The Fire Philosopher stared at Wang Ye.

“Oh?” Wang Ye was surprised.

Martial School No.7 was located in the center of Martial Extreme Dojo. The dojos stood out like churches. Outside each martial school, many cosmic humans were sparring and practicing, and many more were entering and exiting the martial schools.

Wang Ye followed the Fire Philosopher and scanned the surroundings.

Whether it was the size of the dojos or the standard of the human warriors, it was a huge improvement compared to the outside world.

They were like elites who had been selected. They were basically on par with the Fire Philosopher, and there were many Dark Energy-level experts.

“They are all disciples of the martial instructor. Everyone cultivates here and improves together,” The Fire Philosopher introduced to Wang Ye.

Wang Ye asked. “So why is the martial instructor looking for me?”

The Fire Philosopher shook his head. “I’m not sure either. But I think he’s interested in giving you some pointers. If you perform well, I believe the martial instructor will be willing to accept you as a disciple.”

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“But I’m not willing to become a disciple.” Wang Ye thought to himself.

Putting that aside, regardless of whether he was willing to become a disciple of the martial instructor, it was still good to have an expert to guide him.

“Go on then.” The Fire Philosopher opened the door and said to Wang Ye.

“Alright.” Wang Ye nodded and entered.

The martial school was empty and quiet.

The stadium was filled with a strong martial aura. The quiet atmosphere was in stark contrast to the liveliness outside.

Wang Ye stepped in, his footsteps echoing.

A light shone in the distance, and a man in a long robe stood like a tower, looking over.

“Junior Wang Ye greets the martial instructor.” Wang Ye felt a powerful aura.

Although the other party was only at the Dark Energy level, he was not inferior to a Super Star-level Dolly.

In fact, he felt that if the two fought one-on-one, the martial instructor would be able to defeat Dolly.

“Cosmic level 7, stage 7 combat energy, stage 5 Spatial Control, while also training in the ability user’s strengthening system?” The long-robed martial instructor looked at Wang Ye. “Your combat skills are outstanding. Are you willing to join me?”

Wang Ye was stunned.

Was he that direct?

“I’m already the Martial Extreme Dojo’s in-name disciple, Senior,” Wang Ye said.

“It’s different.” The long-robed martial instructor shook his head. “The Martial Extreme Dojo in the virtual cosmic operates like waves washing away sand, and you have to advance step by step. If you become my disciple, I will guide you in your cultivation. When you are strong enough, you can become an assessment disciple straight away and participate in the Martial Extreme Dojo’s selection.”

In other words, he could skip the process of being a pre-disciple and a prospective disciple and directly become an assessment disciple.

Wang Ye understood.

“Thank you for your kindness, senior, but 1 don’t want to settle down for the time being.” If it was before, Wang Ye would have agreed without hesitation.

After all, becoming the martial instructor’s disciple could be considered entering the lowest level in the Martial Extreme Dojo.

Even if he could not pass the Martial Extreme Dojo’s selection, at least he did not have to worry about his safety.

The Munro family was only a small branch of the Chimeng family. They did not dare to offend a martial instructor who was at the peak of the Dark Energy level.

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But now, he was strong enough to protect himself. Staying in the Martial Extreme Dojo to cultivate was not the best path at the moment.

After all, he would earn a lot less money and would not be able to obtain achievement points.

Besides, unless he passed the Martial Extreme Dojo’s selection, he would remain at the basic level, and it would be hard to even raise his cosmic citizen level.

Even if he passed the selection, he would only be an outer sect disciple. He would still have to advance to an inner sect disciple, an internal sect disciple, and so on.

The path was too long.

He knew that his talent was still quite flawed too.

“Have you considered it?” The long-robed martial instructor looked at Wang Ye.

“I’m sorry, Senior.” Wang Ye lowered his head.

The long-robed martial instructor smiled. “Everyone has their aspirations. I won’t force you. However, since you’ve entered my martial school, 1’11 give you some guidance as usual. It can be considered fate.”

Wang Ye’s eyes lit up. “Please enlighten me, senior.”

The long-robed martial instructor revealed a friendly smile, and his aura suddenly changed.

The combat energy that surged out of his body gathered into a sea, enveloping him like countless threads.

With himself as the absolute core, the huge aura made Wang Ye feel trapped and unable to move.

It was not Spatial Control nor was it anything from the path of space! This was a technique that used the body as the source and combat energy as the absolute power!

“The path of a warrior is endless. This is a battle domain created by cultivating combat energy to the extreme. A powerful battle domain can not only enhance one’s combat prowess but also weaken the enemy’s combat prowess. It’s invincible on the battlefield. The super-geniuses among cosmic humans can release the battle domain at stage 5 combat energy. Since you’ve already reached stage 7 combat energy, you can try to comprehend and cultivate it. If you can’t, there’s no need to force yourself though. You can comprehend it after you’ve reached stage 8 combat energy and broken through to the Dark Energy level. It’ll be twice the effort and half the effort.”

Wang Ye felt the power of the battle domain and nodded.

He could teach him, but did he have to give him a blow…

“Go back and study it well.” The long-robed martial instructor withdrew his battle domain. The pressure on Wang Ye instantly disappeared, and his breathing became smoother.

Wang Ye pondered carefully and suddenly raised his head. “Senior, can you give me some pointers on the techniques of the elemental fusion technique?”

Since he was already here, he naturally wasn’t ashamed to ask.

The elemental fusion technique?

The long-robed martial instructor looked at Wang Ye and shook his head. “I don’t sense any elemental bloodline in you. You’re not suitable to cultivate the elemental fusion technique. This is a great path, but you need certain qualifications to step into it.”

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“Must I have an elemental bloodline? Isn’t it enough that 1 have mastered the elemental-type ability?” Wang Ye asked.

“Other than the strengthening system, you’ve also cultivated the elemental system?” The long-robed martial instructor smiled.

“As untalented as 1 am, I’ve cultivated everything except for the special system,” Wang Ye said humbly.

“Don’t you think your path is too scattered?” The long-robed martial instructor choked.

“My aptitude is mediocre, and I haven’t found the right path,” Wang Ye said.

“You are quite humble. It’s nothing though, being young is capital to take chances.” The long-robed martial instructor laughed out loud. “However, the elemental fusion technique does have strict requirements. If you don’t have an elemental bloodline, you have to at least cultivate an evolution technique that is compatible with the origin of elements because the elemental fusion technique has requirements for the origin of elements and your physique.”

Wang Ye’s eyes lit up.

Wasn’t this a great coincidence?

“Is the Thunder Ancient Evolution Technique that I’m cultivating compatible?” Wang Ye asked.

The long-robed martial instructor paused.

Then, he suddenly appeared in front of Wang Ye and held his wrist with one hand.

The doubt between his brows turned into surprise, and then shock. He stared at Wang Ye and said, “There’s really a reaction from the origin of thunders. But that’s impossible! Your physique is extremely poor, so how could you comprehend the Thunder Ancient Evolution Technique?”

Extremely poor…Wang Ye wanted to curse.

“Opportunity, huh…” The long-robed martial instructor sighed and looked at Wang Ye with envy. “With this evolution technique, you can raise the upper limit of your weak body by an entire level. You can indeed cultivate the elemental fusion technique.”

Sure enough!

Wang Ye was delighted.

“But…” The long-robed martial instructor suddenly changed his tone, and Wang Ye’s heart skipped a beat.

“Are you really unwilling to become my disciple?”

This time, the eyes of the long-robed martial instructor were filled with obvious desire and anticipation.

Didn’t he say that he wouldn’t force him?

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