Wen Ruyu didn't get the answer, but he could see some of Bai Ling's expression, so he couldn't say what was in her mind at this moment. But he always want to let her know that he really doesn't have malice towards her.

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Hearing Wen Ruyu's answer, Bai Ling felt that he was very kind, because this was her purpose.

The main combat power is still her and Bai Xiaoxi, Wen Ruyu's injury has completely healed, even in the face of the zombies chasing him, he is still able to dodge and avoid the vehicle from being hurt!

The supplies are all in the car, and after meeting grandma, the car is the best means of transportation and cannot be lost.

Besides, he is also a person with three lines of abilities. First, if Bai Ling guessed correctly, it should be spiritual power, which can completely disrupt the siege of zombies through mental power.

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Of course, the role of mental power is not limited to this. In fact, for Bai Ling, the most terrifying ability is mental power. It cannot be seen or touched, but it can be crushed at the same level, and it can affect everyone's head silently, people are active by thinking in the head.

It is expected that the head is controlled and can only be slaughtered. There is even no need for others to do it at all, a high-strength psychic can directly control the enemy to commit suicide.

The upgrade of psychic users is also very special. Apart from the crystal nuclei of psychic zombies, mutant beasts, and plants, they can achieve the goal of promotion through continuous meditation practice.

Of course, after three months of Bai Ling, some people also found a cultivation method that doesn't use crystal nuclei. It varies from person to person, and a person's explosive power is always unpredictable!

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"I'll give you a copy of the crystal nucleus!"

Bai Ling vaguely knew that her abilities might not appear again, so she couldn't use the crystal nucleus. Ice is kept for Bai Shan, and it can also be kept as money.

As for her grandmother, she had no supernatural powers in her previous life. The time period for the eruption of supernatural powers is one month after the end of the world. After that, except for newborn babies, the rest of the people will no longer have supernatural powers.

Although there was some pressure, Bai Ling was more confident and determined to protect them.

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As soon as she finished speaking, she saw three or two low-level zombies who were nibbling on some rotten corpses in front of them with white eyes, turned around and roared, and rushed over desperately.

Hit— she slammed into the car heavily, and Bai Ling pressed on the accelerator. Unfortunately, because of the increased strength and speed of these zombies, one of them actually lay on the car. At the same time, it also brought a sharp sound.

Sure enough, they must go down.

Bai Ling didn't notice that after slamming on the brakes, the zombie fell down instantly due to the inertia of the car, but this action gave the zombies behind a chance to rush up.

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It seems that she had to find another means of transportation, such as a motorcycle, which was ridden on a mission in her previous life. If it is a team, it is best for someone in front to drive a convenient vehicle to open the way, so as to ensure the normal speed of the vehicle. Otherwise, the constant stop and go will waste too much gas!

Thinking so, she jumped out of the car, with Bai Xiaoxi following behind her like a shadow.

Bai Ling squinted her eyes and looked at the ferocious face. The stinky zombie quickly rushed towards her. The sword was in front of her vision. She took a light step forward, and she cut off half of the zombie's head.

Clear! The movements of the zombies became clearer, and then, when they approached her, their movements seemed to slow down by about twice.

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