Of course, if someone else sees Bai Ling's movements here, no matter how you look at it, it is the same as the movements Bai Ling saw the little light man doing for the first time, and it is still the "radio gymnastics" of elementary school students.

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But the fact is that only Bai Ling, who has thoroughly experienced it, knows that the angles of all movements are fine-tuned.

But it's not as effective as in the dream, Bai Ling now only feels that her fatigue has been eliminated.

Even so, it was a huge surprise for her, she could teach them to Grandma, Bai Xiaoxi, and the others!

"Sister, what are you doing?" Bai Xiaoxi yawned, didn't want to turn around and see Bai Ling doing "radio gymnastics"?

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"Come here!" With a smile on the corner of Bai Ling's mouth, seeing Bai Xiaoxi woke up, she hurriedly waved to him.

Bai Xiaoxi's eyes were filled with surprise, and his face was full of question marks. Sister Bai Ling's mood improved after doing radio gymnastics? He busily got up with the sword and walked to her side.

"Follow me!" Bai Ling quickly made the first movement.

"Oh!" Bai Xiaoxi pretended to be confused. He didn't know what kind of medicine Bai Ling was selling in the gourd at this time, but it was not good to disturb her elegant mood at this time, so he followed her to do it, is it still useless? He doesn't even need to look!

Maybe because there was that villain in Bai Ling's body, and she watched the glowing villain do it in the dark, her eyesight was so good, she could see clearly from every angle, and her body was covered by the fireflies from the Celestial Sword. Her body has been remodeled, and it is natural to do what she wanted to do.

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Bai Xiaoxi was different, he only looked at what he saw, and did not deepen his understanding of this action. So after one action is finished, it is done very quickly, not as soon as possible!

Bai Ling was stunned for a while when she saw this, and then she couldn't laugh or cry. After thinking about it, she had to correct his body movements with her hands.

"Hiss!" But Bai Xiaoxi groaned just after posing in this pose for five seconds, reflexively wanting to retract his movements, one of his bodies seemed to be disobedient, and finally bumped into the wall with a slamming sound.

It was clear that he couldn't take it back quickly at all, and Bai Ling was like this back then, let alone him, so the collision was quite miserable.

Even so, Bai Xiaoxi's eyes were full of disbelief, "How could this be?" 


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It was so unbelievable.

Bai Ling was also frightened by his appearance, he just maintained this movement for a few seconds and cried out in pain?

"Xiaoxi, try to do it according to the angle I adjusted just now! It's like practicing Tai Chi, the slower the better."

At this time, Bai Xiaoxi only felt sore all over, but looking at Bai Ling's eyes, he could only do it again according to the previous adjustment. This time it was really very slow, because he couldn't bear the slight speed of 0.01 second.

But he didn't expect that just after finishing this action, his physical ability fluctuated slightly, his eyes widened, full of surprise, "How could it be..."

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Bai Ling naturally also clearly sensed the fluctuation of his ability, which increased significantly.

"Sister!" Bai Xiaoxi was very excited. He knew that if he wanted to improve his ability, he could either kill the second-level fire zombies or find his own way, but he didn't expect Bai Ling to give him such a big surprise.

If this continues, not to mention being promoted to the second level, even the third level is just around the corner!

Bai Ling saw that he had completed this movement, smiled slightly, and then planned to teach him the next set, but unfortunately, no matter how she changed the angles of his limbs, he still couldn't achieve the most correct posture. It's useless to come down.


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