Bai Ling's mood became better. Even in such a safe and high-end house, Bai Ling still habitually held the knife in her hand, and lay directly on the bed with the clean black leather jacket Wen Ruyu gave her today.

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In the bathroom, there were bloody clothes and others that she had replaced, all of which she threw into the trash can.

Soon Bai Ling fell into the training place in her dream, and slowly practiced with that glowing little figure.

Over and over again, until she couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

She didn't know how long it took, when Bai Ling woke up, the sky was bright, because the window was not closed, her eyes were stimulated by the light. She turned her head quickly until she got used to the light, and then slowly got up. She just felt like she had an endless energy all over her body.

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After putting on her combat boots, she opened the door and found that the surroundings were quiet.

"Sister, you're up!" Just as Bai Ling turned the stairs and was about to go down, she saw a young man going upstairs. He was wearing a homely attire, and with his immature face, he looked more like a neighbor. Like a little brother, very clean.

"What time is it now?" Bai Ling rubbed the broken hair on her forehead.

"It's eight o'clock!"

"It's so late, why didn't you call me?" Bai Ling said angrily.

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"Brother Wen said you must be exhausted, that's why he didn't let me call you!" 


When did Bai Ling wake up so late? During this period of time, everyone has been tense, even if they are sleeping, how many people dare to relax? It stands to reason that getting up at eight o'clock is already very early!

"Where's Wen Ruyu?" Bai Ling looked at Bai Xiaoxi, obviously planning to change clothes.

"Brother Wen is downstairs now!" Bai Xiaoxi showed his white teeth, smiled, and said mysteriously, "Sister, you don't know, it turns out that Uncle Han can make things, and the things he makes are delicious. It's almost gone!"

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Before Bai Ling could react, she was pushed to the stairs by Bai Xiaoxi, "You go to eat first, eat more, I'll come down immediately after changing clothes, we won't be too late when the time comes!"

When Bai Ling turned her head, the boy's figure had disappeared into the room at the end. Looking at the first floor, there was no one there, but there were two heroic soldiers in military uniforms standing outside the door.

The restaurant is on the side of the hall, and there are several bowls and dishes on it. On top of the bowls and dishes, one can see various fruits. The cuts are very well-proportioned, crystal clear, and they look delicious.

"You woke up!"

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and Bai Ling quickly raised her head, and saw a man in army green clothes coming out of the kitchen with all the utensils, full of masculinity.

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Coupled with that handsome face and short broken hair, his smile is like the warm sun in winter.

He held a covered porcelain basin in his hand, so the light green sleeves on his arms were slightly rolled up, revealing his fair skin. Although the arms didn't look particularly strong, they were strong and powerful.

Through his figure, a busy figure can be seen in the kitchen—— Han Xin!

Wen Ruyu saw a figure coming out and said reflexively, but when he looked up, he saw a pair of coffee-colored glazed eyes, cold and clear, her face was very fair, and the small mouth under the small nose gleamed with a pink sheen.

The hair that had been tied up in a bun before was let down, covering some of her face, making her look even more petite and three-dimensional, beautiful and touching.


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