"Lingling, you listen to grandma. You are still young, and in this world now, even if grandma dies, it is not worth pity, but you are different, your life has just begun, you must live well!" 

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"Grandma, stop talking, I won't let you have anything!" Even if Li Dongmei has no supernatural powers, she will not let her die. This is her grandmother, the person who raised her so hard! "I've already made up my mind. Grandma doesn't need to persuade me any more. If something happens to grandma, my sister, uncle, and I will also feel uneasy. If grandma really thinks about us, she will live with us in this world!"


 Li Dongmei heard Bai Ling's words with a quiet heart, and felt warm enough to cry.

Originally, she wanted to see them reunite, she had a helper, and she was willing to die.

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But she didn't expect this silly girl to insist on letting herself follow them.

Bai Ling was very stubborn, and she never broke her promise to them. Seeing this, what else can Li Dongmei say?

Seeing that Li Dongmei acquiesced, Bai Ling was relieved, otherwise she was really afraid that Li Dongmei would hide when she was not paying attention. Finally, she could let go of this worry.

"Grandma, go to sleep first and have a good rest!" After working hard for a long time, Bai Ling believed that Li Dongmei didn't have a good night's sleep.

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Sure enough, when Li Dongmei was in her room, within a short while with her, Bai Ling heard her breathing. Bai Ling stroked her white hair, her eyes flashed fiercely.

Huang Zong could actually watch her grandmother being bullied. What she said when she left Chen Xin's house was not a joke.

"Mom... I'm hungry!" Among the onlookers beside the concrete ground outside Bai Ling's house, a black and thin little boy said dully while pulling an equally short woman.

"Hungry?" Li Fang licked her dry lips, and her stomach made rumbling noises. She glanced into the back room and saw a few people who were swearing and helping a man to go inside.

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"Mom?" The child's black and white eyes stared at the barely handsome face, with a hint of grievance.

"It's okay, let's go find something to eat..." Li Fang turned to look at the three-story building, and finally walked back with the child.

Within five minutes, Li Fang was kicked out of the house.

"Sister-in-law's child is really hungry. If he won't give him food, can he have some porridge?" Li Fang looked at the ordinary face in front of him pleadingly.

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"Oh, I said sister, it's not like you don't know the situation of your brother's family. You said that you finally got married in the city and got a job as a nurse. Look, we wanted to rely on you to help the family, but I don't want what happened now. As for the death of my brother-in-law, we are very sad, but... the village is no longer what it used to be. Food and drink are all allocated. We have a large population, plus we still have to worry about our children, we can’t get enough to eat!” The ordinary-looking woman said that she was about to close the door, as if she was afraid that she would pester her again, and said perfunctorily, “You grew up in the village anyway, go and see if there is anyone in the neighborhood who can spare you some food for you and the child!"

After saying that, she closed the door.

Li Fang looked at the closed door with sadness and tears in her eyes. Her father and mother died the year before last. As for her elder brother, he is no longer her acquaintance, and now she is completely under the control of her sister-in-law.


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