"This thing... feels... so evil!" After all, Bai Xiaoxi had never heard of it before. The sword was to be placed in the water, and there were so many skulls around it. It was a little scary sight.

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Bai Shan also frowned, and just when she was about to speak, she saw that the familiar figure on the screen had already walked forward, reaching out her hand through the glass and shattered the water.

"Sister!" Bai Shan couldn't help exclaiming.

Bai Ling gave Bai Shan a consoling smile. She was already holding the hilt of the sword from the tank of skulls, which was hard, but dry. Bai Ling wanted to mention it, but she didn't expect that what looked as light as the katana sword in her left hand was actually so heavy?

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Throwing the samurai sword directly, exhausting both hands and using all the strength of her whole body to barely lift it up.

There was a clang, and as soon as she took it out, Bai Ling was a little exhausted, and the sword stabbed the ground, and half of the sword body was buried in the marble and concrete ground. Of course, it may not be sharp, maybe because of the weight of the sword itself.

Bai Ling took a deep breath, but loosened the grip of her hand, bent down, and explored the sword. Sure enough, there were two words at the junction of the hilt and the body of the sword, but she also couldn't understand what the words were.

Looking at the sharp blade, Bai Ling tentatively touched it, wanting to test whether it was really sharp, but she never wanted to be very close. Her fingers did not touch the blade directly but she only felt pain in her finger. Seeing the blood flow, she actually cut a finger? It can be seen how sharp the sword was.

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Bai Ling hurriedly got up, and the blood fell onto the sword, but at this time she didn't care, but quickly bandaged her wound up. Fortunately, she didn't have zombie blood on her hand. Now she is not a supernatural person, and she doesn't have GD virus immunity, otherwise it is really choking.

Frowning slightly, her eyes flickered as she looked at the sword that was as thin as a cicada's wing but as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold. It was really just as Bai Xiaoxi said, it was too evil.

Bai Xiaoxi was taken aback when he saw this, and quickly stepped forward, and two worried voices rang out at the same time, "Sister, are you okay?"

He said that the thing was evil.

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Bai Ling didn't speak, and simply took a break, panting heavily, looked at the worried face on the phone, and shook her head. She signaled Bai Shan not to worry about her.

Bai Shan swallowed her saliva, as if she also became nervous. Of course, the child was always held in her arms. After all, now that the outside world is like this, her sister and her husband are not around, so she is afraid. . . What if that thing rushes in? 

The white, fat, cute and chubby child is sleeping leisurely at this time, spitting out a bubble from time to time. Obviously, the previous shock has not had much effect on this five-month-old little meatball, maybe because he was comfortable in the arms of his mother. In the middle of the night, maybe he heard his aunt's voice at night, so he slept very soundly.

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Bai Xiaoxi pursed his lips, and glanced at the evil but somehow miraculous sword that was half inserted into the ground. Just now, seeing Bai Ling trying to hold it, and looking at her with difficulty, he was curious, and couldn't help it. He walked forward and lifted it with one hand, he didn't expect that the sword was really heavy because it was too sudden.

It obviously didn't look like it, so he almost fell down.

Although Bai Shan didn't understand, she frowned as if she understood something. The sword should not be heavy. It's strange that there were these things.

Bai Xiaoxi seemed to be fighting with it, without a word, he regrouped, he didn't even want the big sword in his hand, tried to pull it out like a carrot with all his body strength and his feet, but unexpectedly there was no reaction at all.


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