You Have To Be Responsible

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Hehe, he almost forgot, there was a hole behind Bai Ling for no reason outside just now, when the zombie attacked Bai Ling, did the two people standing next to her ever think of helping her?

Chen Xin, unexpectedly used such despicable methods.

His voice could not help but get a little colder, "I am indeed the person in charge when we came out, but now we are facing a third-order mutant beast outside, what do you think?"


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"Take us away, if there is danger on the road, you have to cover us! That is your responsibility!"

This shameless remark, let alone Li Zhenghao, found it ridiculous, Fengzi and Li Jiaming were completely stunned!

Li Fang opened her mouth slightly, mechanically turned her head to look at Li Zhenghao, and said with little confidence, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean...if we encounter that third-order mutant beast... let Zhenghao go to attract their attention? Isn't this...isn't this asking him to die?"

A third-level mutant beast, not a first-level zombie, what does Li Zhenghao owe him?

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Besides, these are not people from the village, but just relying on Chen Xin behind them, they started to instruct Li Zhenghao to do things for them?

Even if Chen Xin came over, if a group of people encountered such a powerful monster, whoever could escape would be considered lucky.

What's more, according to their opinion, Li Zhenghao can be regarded as a leader. Logically speaking, shouldn't they sacrifice their lives to let Li Zhenghao go first?

The so-called Mr. Chen is just a distant relative of Chen Xin, named Chen Dazhen. When he heard that a woman like Li Fang dared to talk to him like this, his face suddenly became depressed, "Isn't it? Since he brought us out, it is his responsibility to bring us back safely!"

"Mr. Chen!" Fengzi couldn't help it, "Please figure it out, Brother Zhenghao brought us out to collect things, if it wasn't for the whole team, he could have no effort, he doesn't owe us anything, including me, Fengzi!"

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How many times has his life been saved by Li Zhenghao?

But until now, Li Feng doesn't think this is what it should be. What's wrong with the world now, look at the people outside who don't live for themselves?

He didn't contribute anything to the village, he ate and lived in the village, what else would he want from them?

Isn't Li Zhenghao from the village? He has been taking them with him since the last days, and never asked them what to do.

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"Brother Zhenghao is going out now because Bai Ling is outside. There are third-order mutant beasts outside. We don't know what they look like, and we don't know if we can escape. These are all up to one's fate!" Li Jiaming couldn't help it. He stopped talking, and then explained what happened just now, "Brother Zhenghao, the reason why Fengzi and I didn't let you go is because we didn't want to see you in trouble..."

Bai Ling was already outside, although she was quite skilled, but don't forget, that's a third-level mutant beast, not a low-level zombie, and it's unknown whether she's dead or alive now, but Li Zhenghao, a first-level one, will definitely die if he goes out.

Fengzi and Li Jiaming stopped him, made it clear that they wanted to save him, and then fled together.

"Mr. Chen!" Everyone behind Mr. Chen became restless. No one thought that at the critical moment of escaping, Li Zhenghao would quit? What a fool!

Obviously, in their hearts, they already trusted Li Zhenghao's character and ability very much, and they unconsciously took him as the main one.

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