The Ferocity of the Mutant Dog

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One must know that the coercion of the first-level mutant beasts, zombies, mutant plants, or supernatural beings is not strong on ordinary people, but the coercion of the third-level is different. Even if the senses of ordinary people are dull, they can still feel it. Coming out is, of course, it can also be said to be the sixth sense of human beings.

Chen Xin really didn't expect that when they were about to evacuate, a motorbike would emerge from the corner about 200 meters ahead. Although the speed was very fast, he could still see the rider, his tone was full of surprises, "Bai Ling?"

Reflexively, he wanted to order someone to take advantage of this moment to shoot her, but he didn't expect that just a second after the motorcycle came out, three huge shadows followed behind her, suddenly at first glance, he thought it was a cheetah.


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Chen Xin's heart trembled, his goldfish eyes were so wide that they were about to fall out, and his whole body was under strong suppression, which was naked coercion.


The man with the low-level ability to drive was obviously intimidated by the coercion, his movements were slow, and he backed up, and soon ran into the abandoned car behind him.

"Don't stop, hurry up!" Chen Xin glared, his heart rose to his throat, the heartbeat was unbelievably fast, and the whole person was in panic. This sentence is basically shouted out.

What kind of monster is this? Tier 3! One cheetah can easily kill a person, and three cheetahs can tear a person to pieces, but they are not ordinary beasts! They don't even know how they will die!

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The man driving the car was about to burst into tears, because the three behemoths had already galloped towards them, and tiny cracks could be seen where they passed by, which shows that they are not only powerful in speed and strength, but are also unusually ferocious.

"Shoot, shoot!" With such a fast speed and such a short distance, there was no time to escape. In the blink of an eye, Bai Ling's motorcycle passed by their window, followed by the three powerful mutant dogs.

This time, Chen Xin and the others could see clearly, it was unbelievably clear, those were dogs, but thet were not just regular dogs, their furs were gray, and pieces of it were glued together by black dirty blood, plus those bloodthirsty appearance, powerful bodies, three points scarier than a cheetah!


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a pair of sharp claws landed on the front window of Chen Xin's car, and the entire window was covered like a spider web in an instant, and one could even see the strong, cold-looking front paw pierced the car window.


Apparently, this third-order mutant dog didn't expect that there were humans here, and they were also supernatural beings.

This is a great supplement!

It lowered its whole head, looked at those people and roared excitedly, spraying the glass window full of saliva.

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Bai Ling, who was driving a motorcycle in front, saw through the people on the retrograde car at a glance.

In addition to the weapons they carried, Bai Ling was neither blind nor foolish, and she could figure out what Chen Xin was doing here with her toes.

At the moment, she didn't care about the injured third-order mutant dog that was "left behind", but looked at the square not far ahead, her eyes were slightly closed, with a deep and hostile look, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing a trace of evil.

Coincidentally, these three mutated dogs were all wood-type supernatural powers, and they can greatly help her uncle to promote from the first level to the third level. Two third-level wood-type crystal cores are definitely enough.

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