The Great Invention of Body Armor

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If Bai Ling's current power is based on her understanding of power in her previous life, it should already be at the fourth level.

Thinking of this, Bai Ling was not in a hurry. Two third-level wood-type crystal nuclei will allow her uncle to be promoted to third-level, and then the fourth-level wood-type crystal nucleus could be eaten again, and he would be promoted to fourth-level.

If it was possible, Bai Ling wished the mutant dog could eat Chen Xin too.

It's just that when Bai Ling saw the direction in which the mutant dog was running away, Bai Ling completely abandoned this idea. You must know that the third-order mutant dog has very sensitive senses, so it must also want to be promoted and come back, so it will naturally follow those with supernatural powers. 

The crystal nucleus of a junior zombie will definitely not be able to meet its needs for rapid promotion.

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That's right, except for the supernatural beings, all other mutant beasts, plants or zombies, the supernatural beings are like great supplements to them.

It's like nature against humans.

Because the supernatural person has no crystal nucleus, although the energy is in the dantian, it also spreads all over the body.

The mutated dog obviously also paid attention to this.

After quickly stepping onto the motorcycle mount that had been bitten by the previous mutant dog, she started it up quickly.

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But when passing by Chen Xin, she saw Chen Xin pick up a gun with her own eyes. At this moment, he still didn't forget to kill her? This mentality is really strong, no wonder he was able to survive and hurt the third-order mutant dog.

Bai Ling's hand touched her thigh, and a small silver gun was in her hand. She was faster than Chen Xin. Even though she was driving a motorcycle, the hand with the leather glove held the gun neatly and handsomely. Shoot him.

Chen Xin never expected that Bai Ling, who had been using a sword, was actually carrying a gun.

What the hell, f*ck him to death, damn, with a gun, she actually didn't need a gun to shoot the mutant dog, it looks like she's very capable, doesn't she?

Who knows, for Bai Ling, guns and bullets are still very precious, and guns are suitable for long-distance shooting. For example, when she is dealing with high-level zombie mutants or mutant plants, or if someone snipe her, or want to kill her. To attack her when she is not prepared, use a gun or darts at this time to achieve the best effect.

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Why would she waste bullets when she was not forced to use a gun in the face of zombie dogs?

With a bang, Bai Ling looked at Chen Xin who had injured the left heart area, and was surprised. Why was he not bleeding?

A body armor. . . She almost forgot about this great invention.

Bai Ling frowned, looked at Chen Xin looking at her treacherously, and started to pull the trigger.

He was holding a heavy gun in his hand.

He indiscriminately started shooting.

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Bai Ling regretted not directly blowing his head off.

Gunshots were heard soon behind her. Bai Ling had already put the gun in her hand, and was holding the handlebars with both hands, bending slightly. She had no time to entangle with Chen Xin now.

The sound of fighting between Bai Ling and the mutated dog in the west of the small county could not be heard by Li Zhenghao and others in the east of the small county, but the sound of the shooting was very loud.

When Chen Dazhen and the others in the supermarket heard the sound of the gunshot accompanied by the roar of the beast, everyone had a strange gloomy look on their faces.

The ten people looked at each other, and Zhao Han was beside Chen Dazhen at this time, "Mr. Chen... It seems that Brother Xin is here, with a gun... Did he meet that unknown monster?"

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