Li Zhenghao Meets Mutant Dog

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"Lingling!" Li Zhenghao couldn't help but cry, looking at the iron door that was bitten and broken by something, and even faintly saw the shadow of the beast left by the impact on the iron door. .

Does this scene serve as another idea? It was obviously knocked out by a mutant beast.

Twice the size of a strong, powerful adult cheetah.

The closer he got, Li Zhenghao staggered, his voice trembling, "No is it possible!"

Walking over, he could see that the entire car dealership was unusually quiet, and there were no zombies at all. In many places, there are bloodstains that have already scabbed. And there are often gray hairs beside the bloodstains.

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Squatting down and staring at the gray hair expressionlessly for a long time, his body stiffened, and his expression became a little dazed. Thinking of the power erupted by the third-order mutant dog made his movements sluggish.

One can imagine how powerful this third-tier zombie dog is.

Since Bai Ling does not have supernatural powers, how much impact should the coercion have on her when she gets close to this third-order mutant dog?

His eyes became dull, but he didn't expect to catch a glimpse of the very new tire indentation on the ground at this moment, his eyes flashed brightly, and he came back to life in an instant, got up quickly, turned his head to look at the door, The tire traces looked at the door, and there was joy in his eyes, "Lingling must have escaped!" Without saying another word, he rushed outside quickly.

It's just that when Li Zhenghao just walked onto the street, he suddenly noticed a huge object approaching.

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It was too late to see clearly.

Fortunately, this injured third-order mutant dog did not dare to release its coercion because it was afraid of being discovered by Bai Ling behind it.

Fortunately, Li Zhenghao himself was sensitive, and when he sensed the danger, he reflexively rolled over to the abandoned car next to him.


The car was crushed so that the glass splashed all over, splashing Li Zhenghao who was next to the car.

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Li Zhenghao looked up and saw a huge dog's face instantly, but it was a little different from a dog. Its teeth were protruding, sharp and long, looking ferocious and frightening.

Its eyes were scarlet, and its blood flowed like a stinking ditch.

And the gray fur all over his body has scabs in many places, like a monster with mange.

"Wow——" Facing the supernatural being who is close at hand, and also a first-level superhuman, why not excite the third-level mutant beast? It roared excitedly at his handsome face with wheat complexion.

The saliva sprayed on Li Zhenghao's face, almost making Li Zhenghao dizzy.

Feeling a gust of wind blowing towards him, the gun he had already held in his hand unceremoniously drove towards it.

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Touch, there was a loud noise, and following the screams of beasts, Li Zhenghao wiped his stinky face. Holding back the feeling of wanting to vomit, he didn't dare to see what happened to the third-order mutant dog that rolled out of the car, so he turned around and ran away.

Because he knew very well that the gun hit the mutant dog's head, but it only hurt its eyes, and didn't really hurt the crystal nucleus in its head at all.

He is only a first-level supernatural being, and he has limited bullets. He was the last one just now. If he doesn't run away at this time, will he just wait for it to eat him?

After running for less than ten seconds, he realized that the mutated dog behind him had recovered from his injury, and he rode beside him on a motorcycle that had the key inserted and lost its owner.

How can two legs be as fast as two wheels?

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