What's more, Bai Ling is going to meet them now, and she is so eager, she doesn't want to waste any time! If it was because of Bai Xiaoxi, why would she bother?

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"He will definitely not drag sister down!" Bai Shan said firmly.

Seeing Bai Shan's firm look, Bai Ling felt her heart softening for some reason. It was for Bai Shan and for the child named Bai Xiaoxi.

And Bai Xiaoxi behind the car, following the departure of the car, his heart sank in an instant, looking at the quiet alley, following the flickering lights, lifeless, there were only those stumbling monsters, as if he was the only one left in the whole world. The night devoured him like a big monster with an open mouth, the fear of leaving in his heart instantly occupied his heart, and a trace of tears immediately appeared in those round eyes. Without saying anything, he ran outside, screaming desperately with all his strength while running, "Sister, don't leave me. Don't leave me!" 


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It seemed that the car that left without mercy was his last life-saving straw.

Bai Ling, who was driving the car, had already arrived on the wide road, thinking in her heart that there were still seven days to go, those slow-moving, weak and newly mutated zombies would become primary zombies, and the strength and speed of these zombies would be different due to the zombies' different degrees of improvement and carried out according to the degree of preservation of the body itself.

Like the big guys she saw before, if they become junior zombies, their strength and speed will definitely be twice as strong as before!

One can imagine how terrible it will be.

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Of course, for Bai Ling, who had encountered many third- and fourth-level zombies in her previous life, and who had such a powerful weapon in this life, it was more than enough to deal with them.

More importantly, human beings also began to mutate, and people with supernatural abilities gradually appeared.

In the previous life, Bai Ling also heard that on the first day when the GD virus broke out in large numbers, there were people with supernatural powers.

"Sister, don't leave me, don't leave me, I beg you, I beg you, sister..."

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Suddenly, she vaguely heard a voice, the voice was even hoarse. Bai Ling looked towards the rearview mirror outside the car, and a figure about 1.65 meters tall, not fat and not thin, was running towards the road. She was not driving slowly, but he was able to keep up with her?

The corner of Bai Ling's mouth finally lifted into a smile.

On the other end of the phone, Bai Shan's heart seemed to be tugged. Seeing Bai Ling like this, for some reason, she immediately relaxed, feeling like she was crying with joy.

It's really strange to say that although Bai Shan is weak, because she went out to the society early, met people and experienced many things, once Bai Ling mentioned something, she would understand. For this Bai Xiaoxi, she inexplicably fell in love with him, after all he called her Second Sister.

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And because of this movement, many new zombies around put down the delicious meat in their hands and attacked the running Bai Xiaoxi. There were even several zombies behind him, but he seemed to be unable to see it, and his eyes were fixed on her car.

For some unknown reason, Bai Ling suddenly slammed on the accelerator to speed up.

Seeing that the car was getting faster and faster, he rushed out, "No, no, sister..." Bai Xiaoxi yelled heart-piercingly, with a cry in his hoarse voice.

Not only that, looking at the monsters staggering or eating all over the street, Bai Xiaoxi was bolder because of Bai Ling's presence, but now Bai Ling is about to abandon him. As if there is only one human left in the world and in the night again, this kind of fear and despair is indescribable.

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