What's more, Bai Ling is dead, and the third-level supernatural person left alone, so he was sent to death.

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All potential threats have been eliminated, and indeed the heavens are helping Chen Xin.

Huang Zong kept observing Chen Xin's face, but saw that he just giggled a few times, unable to tell what was on his mind. Suddenly, those goldfish eyes looked at him, his lips squirmed, and the word "Kill" was very obvious in a mouth shape.

Huang Zong understood that these four people must die. Just when he was about to give orders...

Chen Xin, who was hugging the enchanting woman and talking dirty jokes, seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at Huang Zong again, "Our pets should also have extra food!"

Bai Ling and Li Zhenghao died, and the one used to restrain them, the old guy is useless, so she can be fed to the chained zombies.

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Naturally, only Chen Xin's confidants knew about these things.

With a bang, Chen Xin kissed that enchanting woman's face, obviously his good mood was not concealed at this time.

"I hate you!" The voice was raspy, and the eyes of some people around listening to it were lewd.

The people Huang Zong ordered to go down were all Chen Xin's confidantes, and they could just use guns to deal with them.

On the opposite side of a paddy field that was rustling by the breeze, a group of people could be seen coming here from a distance.

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He didn't see Bai Ling who was driving a motorcycle at the front.

A truck, an off-road vehicle, and a Xuanwu blew a gust of wind, provocatively floating the surrounding mutated tree branches, and finally fell slowly. The back of the truck reflected light, with smooth lines, it was the Tomahawk.

From time to time, a trace of forbearable groans could be heard in the compartment of the car.

Looking in front of the truck, the driver turned out to be a handsome-looking woman with mountain-like eyebrows, head tied to a ponytail, and deep eyes. It was Bai Ling.

With such a long distance on the road, when she was free, Bai Ling naturally handed over two third-level wood-type crystal cores and one fourth-level wood-type crystal core to Li Zhenghao for promotion.

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Maybe going to the village is a fierce battle, and it is necessary to improve the combat effectiveness.

Finally, the light of the headlights seemed to shoot from the distant fields to the distant village.

Bai Xiaoxi's eyes narrowed, he quickly turned on the phone, put on the bluetooth headset, and said in a low voice, "Sister, what will we do after we go there?" 


Soon, a cold voice came from the headset, "Wait outside the village for a while. You and uncle hide under the truck. After entering the village, you should go directly to Chen Xin’s villa. We will keep in touch with each other. If grandma is not at home, we would have to search Chen Xin’s villa even if we turned it upside down to find grandma!"

"Got it!" Bai Xiaoxi's bright face showed a murderous smile.

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For Huang Zong and others, the people in Guangyao Village have another advantage, that is, they don't care about their business, especially at night, if they hear any noise, as long as it is not loud, they will definitely not come out.

It is said that once someone was nosy, and after hearing the low growls outside, they became food for zombies.

This lesson was taught profoundly, and they remembered it firmly.

They still have a few guns with silencers.

Seeing that Xiao Wang Jieming was about to get into the tent, because he remembered that there was a small saw in the tent, and the railing of the window was made of wood.

He don't expect that when he opened the tent, he would see a purple-black face with a stench grinning at him. It's extremely ferocious, with rolling noses, cracked eyes, and the neck is pulled by a hemp rope. Those long skinny purple nails were hard and long.

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