You and Lingling Said These Words

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There was a sudden snort, in the dark night, under such a quiet situation, it was exceptionally clear.

A burst of black, foul-smelling blood inevitably splashed all over Li Dongmei, who was lying on the ground like a caterpillar.

Bai Xiaoxi was still in shock, because he never thought that the moment he saw his grandma, he would see a pitch-black shadow pounce on her. Fortunately, its hands and feet were bound by iron chains, and by the time the reaction came, it was too late. The zombie's mouth had already moved to bite grandma's neck.

But he didn't expect that at the very moment, a gust of wind would blow past his ears, and the zombie's head would be cut off in the blink of an eye.

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Turning around, a tall figure walked over and ran over eagerly, very fast, and picked up the old woman lying on the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Mom..." Li Zhenghao was more shocked than Bai Xiaoxi, his voice trembling.

Seeing the scene just now, he was so frightened that his whole body went cold. At this time, his hands and feet have not yet returned to temperature.

He quickly removed all the restraints on her body, and couldn't help but choke, "If Lingling knows that you are doing such a foolish thing, I don't know what she will be like!" 


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The moment Li Zhenghao took off the blindfold, Li Dongmei's cloudy eyes were full of tears, "I am a dying old woman, how can I drag you young people back?"

"Grandma." Hearing this sentence, Bai Xiaoxi quickly moved forward, "You... Did you plan to..." die.

Li Dongmei didn't answer, but just started another topic, with worry and sadness in her eyes, "How are my Shanshan and the little meatball doing now? I can't stop worrying about them. If I follow you to find them. I can't hold on physically, then I would have wasted time, if something happens to them... what should I do? Zhenghao, what do you think should I do?" 


She sucked her nose fiercely, and the tears flowed out along the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, shaking her head, "You shouldn't have saved me just now."

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Bai Xiaoxi gritted his teeth and looked at this rickety old woman. Under the moonlight, her face was covered with fine lines and tears. How is it that she was complaining to her son that he shouldn't have saved her?

She is old, but Li Zhenghao is her own son, and her granddaughters Bai Ling and Bai Shan were all brought up by her. How much has she suffered? Now even if she is paralyzed, as long as she lives for a day, no matter what the environment is, they are obliged to let her recover well.

In the past, didn't she feel desperate with the three children? Did she ever think about giving up on them?

No one can lose the feeling of giving back for her nurturing.

"Let's go!" Li Zhenghao looked at his old mother like this, feeling so hurt in his heart that he couldn't speak, he gently pulled her up, and said in a louder voice, "I can't speak to you, these words, you should say it to Lingling!"

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As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaoxi's teary eyes clearly saw Li Dongmei's body shrink back, originally it was sad, but he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Why is grandma acting like an awkward child?

Wiping away tears quickly, he walked forward and supported her, "Grandma, you should trust me. You don't know that after my sister knew what happened to you, her expression was too scary." Li Dongmei lowered her head slightly, tears streaming down again, the voice murmured, "I know, I have always known this child's filial piety." 


She said that the family was supported by her before, and then Li Zhenghao supported it. Who knows how many things Bai Ling has resisted for the family?

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