They Are Afraid of Her

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Yao Wanyan only saw the owner of the voice once, as if her deep eyes had seen everything through. She will always remember that when Bai Ling was sent away by Xia Zhengjun and Bai Shan, she looked back at her, warning and threatening, as if if she dared to do something to hurt Bai Shan, she would not let go even if she became a ghost.

How about talking about Xia Yunguo and Qian Fengying who had more contact with Bai Ling?

On the surface, Bai Shan's grandmother or her uncle took care of Bai Shan's marriage. But the person who really offered opinions was always Bai Ling, and even Xia Zhengjun relied on her opinions.

Of course, it's not that Bai Ling has a strong personality, but that she considers things more comprehensively, and all the conditions she puts forward are Bai Shan's interests first, and she often hits the point with just one sentence or a few words.

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For some reason, she was the center of those people, and even their son respected her very much.

Normally, this woman really didn't talk much, and she always stood silently, but those eyes kept looking at theirs, like a mirror, so that there was nowhere to hide the dark thoughts in their hearts.

Every time they looked at her, it was clear that this woman was only from the countryside, as if they were going to be a step shorter than her, and they were inexplicably afraid of her.

Facing her, Xia Yunguo and Qian Fengying never felt comfortable.

Otherwise, how could they easily marry Bai Shan and Xia Zhengjun?

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The good thing is that this woman still knows how to measure. After her sister gets married, she will never take care of their family's affairs anymore. This gave them a chance to drive that b*tch out of Xia's family.

"Mom... we must not stop the car, if... if we let her know that something happened to Bai Shan... we... we..." Yao Wanyan's heart trembled when she thought of her eyes like an abyss, where others could not see the bottom. There is a trace of fear in her voice, she couldn't help but pull Qian Fengying's fat arm, and said tremblingly.

Qian Fengying couldn't help but swallowed, "That's right." This Bai Ling has always regarded Bai Shan as important, and even gave up everything for that b*tch to take care of her. If she knew about Bai Shan . . .

Qian Fengying's shadow towards Bai Ling grew bigger and bigger.

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Yao Wanyan's sister-in-law saw the two of them talking inexplicably, and for no reason, they actually showed a look of fear, and her eyes were full of doubts, "Sister, grandma, who are you talking about?" 


"Bai Ling!" 


Although Yao Wanyan was afraid, there was a hint of resentment in her tone.

Because she always felt that it was Bai Ling who brought about Bai Shan and Xia Zhengjun.

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But how did they know that when Bai Shan and Xia Zhengjun got married, Bai Ling objected. It's just that just after saying this, Bai Shan didn't say anything at first, and then she secretly hid her heart and cried alone.

Finally one day, Bai Shan still told her. Her eyes are sincere and stubborn. She said that she likes Xia Zhengjun, she loves him, and hopes that her only sister can bless her and fulfill her love.

Bai Shan said so, how could Bai Ling bear it?

Regardless of Bai Shan's weakness, she will stick to what she wants to do.

But women in love are very simple-minded. Even if other people fell in love with each other and killed each other, she would just look at them coldly, but this is her younger sister, who is kind and filial. If she doesn't pay attention, and people bully her, how can Xia Zhengjun who is far away in the barracks help her?

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