Seeing that she finally calmed down and closed her eyes, Bai Ling's whole body fell to the ground as if she was exhausted.

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Staring blankly at this time. . . at the dying child. Thinking of how cute and chubby he was when he looked at her back then, but now those smart eyes are tightly closed, and the body that should be full of vitality is now lifeless.

Is there really no way? Bai Ling hammered down on the vines next to her, and saw that the vines covering the ground were broken a lot, and they retracted a lot as if they were in pain, Bai Ling's tears shone slightly.

Suddenly Bai Ling raised her head and was angry, her eyes were like torches, shining with a strong light. She picked up the leather gloves, put them on quickly, jumped up, and took the glistening emerald green fruit in her hand in the blink of an eye.

The scent was indeed coming from this fruit, and the mutated duck was also aiming for it before finding her sister and the child, "You have to be effective!"

Bai Ling could only pray.

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After speaking, she pinched a little of the skin and picked up the child. She didn't know the effect of this fruit, and he was such a weak child. Bai Ling didn't dare to feed him too much, so she squeezed a drop on the corner of his chapped mouth.

Soon the green juice soaked in from the corner of his mouth.

A minute later, the child did not change at all, and his breathing was intermittent, and his heartbeat became smaller and smaller.

Bai Ling's eyes became hazy again, she lowered her head and pressed against the child's dark yellow face, tears fell drop by drop on the child's body, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's Auntie's fault." 


Bai Ling finally vented her remorse and wanted to put the child down, but at this moment, she felt waves of energy continuously spreading out from her arms.

And this kind of energy is close to the energy of the light system, slowly raising her head, Bai Ling's eyes were wide open, there was an indescribable feeling in her heart. Her heart was jumping violently, she slowly let go of her hold, and the child actually started to float in the air like this. All the dirty rags on his body fell off, revealing that thin, small, dark and sickly body with traces of bruising.

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This energy is transmitted from his body.

Bai Ling subconsciously looked at the unknown fruit in her hand, and when she looked up again, the child's dark yellow skin began to become white and tender.

Boom boom boom, his heartbeat is clearly starting to pick up. His breathing also started to calmed down.

But in thirty seconds, Bai Ling reached out to catch the slowly falling child.

Even though he was still thin, his complexion was many times better than before.

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And he's healthy.

Bai Ling wants to laugh but wants to cry even more! She didn't know whether to say that Bai Shan and the child should die, or it was God's mercy.

Holding the egg-sized fruit in her hand, Bai Ling carried the child to Bai Shan, and dropped a lot on her sister's lips.

The primary crystal nucleus restored her wounds but did not bring any benefit to her unhealthy and thin body.

Bai Ling said long ago that crystal nuclei can only heal wounds, but cannot heal internal injuries and diseases.

But the fruit in her hand is fine.

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Not only that, but Bai Ling didn't know that the fruit in her hand had more than healing effects?

It will double the healing ability of the psychic as they level up.

In other words, even if it's just a drop, eat it. In the future, if a first-level ability user is injured, the wound that needs ten hours to recover can be recovered in five hours. It can treat any disease, even those who are terminally ill.

What's more, such a large one will definitely be able to sell for a sky-high price in the future.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before the apocalypse began, so it only attracted a third-level mutant beast. Otherwise, Bai Shan and the child would have died in the mouth of the beast, with no bones left. One can imagine how lucky they are.


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