Killing Us is Easy

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As soon as Bai Shan and Bai Xiaoxi turned around, they saw seven people not far from them frantically arranging their things.

Originally, Bai Xiaoxi wanted to go over and ask something, but he didn't expect that when he raised his footsteps, the group of people staggered out with their things in their arms, looking at him and Bai Shan defensively.

"You...don't come here...we don't know anything, and we didn't mean not to remind you!" As soon as this sentence came out, in the next second, Xingzi had a big bump on his head.

"You idiot, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!" Another girl said bitterly.

"It's easy for you to kill us." Brother Yao knew that when Xingzi told him, this cute boy who was a small but fourth-level supernatural being would definitely vent his hatred against them. He had seen this kind of high-level supernatural being. Human life is not worth mentioning in front of them.

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"Don't be afraid, we don't have any malicious intentions!" At this moment, a soft voice came, causing the group of people to look at Bai Shan.

At this time, Bai Shan was still holding the child, with a gentle smile on her face, she seemed to be a gentle and approachable person.

But in the next second, this group of people inexplicably felt a little weak in their legs. What the hell, they thought she had no supernatural powers before, but now as she approached, they just felt that her energy was a little unfathomable.

They have never encountered such a thing before, and it makes them feel horrible when they get close.

"Brother Yao, that, that, that child...Third-level ability... Double-element!"

Gudong Gudong, everyone began to swallow unconsciously.

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I rub, who are they?

That Xingzi was already holding his head, with tears in his eyes, "Brother Yao, it seems that our death is approaching!"

The corner of Bai Xiaoxi's mouth twitched. Bai Shan's words were also caught in her throat.

But they also know that this group of people may have gone through a lot to survive in the last days.

The two of them didn't go there anymore, instead they took a few steps back and stood guard at the entrance, waiting for Bai Ling to come back.

These seven people waited for a long time in fear, and found that these two people didn't attack them? After looking at each other, they ran to the distance of the town without saying a word.

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After running for a long time, the seven people stopped panting, and the things they held before were almost lost.

"Brother Yao, it seems that we can't stay here any longer. Although the world has changed, look, those people can move freely in spiders. Let's find a base to stay!" 


"Xingzi, have you forgotten why we had to leave the base where we stayed before..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

"I think it may be because the base we found is not good. If we can find a more standardized base, I'm afraid we won't..." 

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"Let's go to the Wangdu base!" Brother Yao, who was walking in the front, said in a low voice. There was a gleam of unwillingness in his eyes, "My brother is there!"

As soon as these words came out, the other six people were stunned.

They are indeed classmates, and they still know something about Brother Yao's family.

His brother was a murderer before the end of the world and was imprisoned in Yanjing City. But they never heard that he has been released.

No wonder Brother Yao has never mentioned this matter.

In fact, they don't know that Chen Yaoyi, the Yao in this name represents the youngest, the youngest child. He has three older brothers, one of which is a troublesome SSS-level criminal.

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