In the entire team, only she, Li Zhenghao, and Bai Xiaoxi had killed anyone.

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"I now hope... everyone in our team can have human life on their hands!" Only by being contaminated with human life can one become a truly ruthless person and survive in this world.

Bai Ling never wanted to touch human life before, and she also hoped that her family members would not be stained with blood, but now she doesn't think so. As long as they can live well and not be oppressed, what about killing people?

Li Fang and Xiao Wang Jieming's whole bodies shook.

Bai Shan saw the murder, her hands trembled, her eyes looked at Bai Ling firmly. If this is what her sister wanted, she was willing to try.

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"You should remember the looks of those people I let go today!" Bai Ling said to the bright moonlight outside the window.

"They..." Bai Xiaoxi's eyes widened.

"In the last days, they can swear just because they are afraid of you, and then they can make them break their promises because of greed in the next second, and wait and see, tomorrow... Heh!" Bai Ling sneered, "Shanshan, tomorrow you will hold the bag, take Li Fang, Mingming, and brother Jiaming out for a walk. If someone makes a move, they will be killed!"

Li Fang and the others swallowed.

You have to know that they still want to grab things after today's lesson, obviously with a desperate attitude, if they can, they will definitely kill them.

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Because no one would leave himself an enemy of a high-level ability user, which would bring endless pursuit.

Bai Xiaoxi understood, and Bai Ling was teaching them again.

This time, even Li Dongmei didn't express any opinion on Bai Ling's proposal. It's because her so-called in-laws are too aggressive. Seeing that Bai Shan is easy to bully, she made this girl like this...

Those faces that were more ferocious and disgusting than zombies were facing her granddaughter and great grandson.

You must know that this child is still the Xia family's own grandson.

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Li Dongmei couldn't figure out why Qian Fengying treated them like this. Why are people so ruthless?

It took a long time to suppress the bubbling anger. She, Li Dongmei, has lived to this age, why hasn't she seen it? Hehe, that family looked like dogs, but they had been acting in front of them all the time.

She, Li Dongmei, didn't want her children to suffer like this again.

For Bai Xiaoxi and others who had never seen Xia Zhengjun at all, they also put a hideous and disgusting face on Xia Zhengjun, and they didn't say anything else when they saw Xia Zhengjun.

This is the common thought in their hearts.

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An hour later, after taking a bath, Bai Ling wiped the water droplets from her hair with the towel that Li Dongmei had washed, and came out of the bathroom wearing a white shirt and long leather pants.

Li Dongmei insisted on staying with Bai Shan and the child tonight, so today Bai Ling slept alone.

After casually putting down the towel, she took out the iron box from the drawer of the bedside table. Looking at it along the moonlight, it was still smooth on all sides, and there was nothing there. She looked at the Celestial Sword in her left hand.

She opened it slightly, and clearly saw the blood-red jade but very smooth sword body. She picked it up, facing the moonlight outside, it is really transparent, there are blood-like things inside, as if it is alive.

In the past two days, Bai Ling used the dagger to kill the zombies, she didn't use the sword, because once she took it out, the color was more attractive than before.

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