The Promotion is Over, Level Five?

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Bai Ling was taken aback, as if she understood something, she stretched out her hand, and began to release her energy breath, looking around, those energy actually avoided her?

That's right, there is no energy around Bai Ling who is in the center of all energy at this time.

The corners of her mouth hooked slightly, and she turned to scatter the energy in her body outwards like she was raining money. The energy fluctuations in Bai Ling's body were like waves, instantly covering the room they were in, leaving only the people around them who were promoted in a small space.

They have their own energy all around them, but there is no energy outside.

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Facing the sudden disappearance of energy, the group of people below were stunned.

"The promotion is over?" After a long time, someone finally responded and said in a low voice.

"Yes, it should be!" The energy in their bodies stopped because of this!

But even so, it also indicates that they have been promoted to the fifth level.

"My mother!" The group of people still thought they were dreaming.

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Even the ordinary people couldn't help discussing excitedly, at least except for Bai Ling, the names of the other members of the team, including the name of Xiao Wang Jieming, are already famous in Wangdu Base.

And the one with the most normal expression inside was Chen Weiming, still looking like a fool, touched his painful face, and immediately said to the second-level light system power user who followed him, "Why are you standing still? Hurry up and heal me!"

The only light-type supernatural person in Wangdu base was rescued by Chen Jinbai when he went out to hunt the fourth-level mutant beasts. A man in his fifties hadn't reacted yet.

There is no way, light-type abilities are rare among humans, and they have never been seen in mutated plants, mutated animals, or zombies.

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He ate a mutated apple. At that time, he didn’t know that mutated plants were poisonous. He was so hungry that he couldn’t bear it. His life was good. He thought that the apple from that tree, the one he ate, was an extremely rare mutated type.

The people who traveled with him, including three supernatural beings, were poisoned and died before they could be healed, and there were a few ordinary people who had just finished eating and turned into zombies.

And he may have confirmed the saying that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing. Fortunately, he met Chen Jinbai and a group of people, so he survived to the Wangdu base.

But the ability just now, others may just guess, but he knows in his heart that there is indeed energy of light ability in it, and at the last moment, the energy is so large that it exceeds the range of his perception.

It shows that this person's light ability must be very advanced.

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Just when he was about to ask, Chen Weiming interrupted him, and he couldn't say anything, so he hurriedly continued to treat his face injury, but saw him paralyzed on Chen Yaoyi's body like a boneless person, no matter how he looked at it, he felt weird. Woolen cloth. The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he finally understood why the base chief had no good face every time he saw him.

"Okay, it's okay, everyone leave!" Chen Jinbai, who was silent after looking at the top floor of the hotel for a long time, finally said loudly.

"Yes, base leader!" When organizing activities, most people in Wangdu base had seen Chen Jinbai, and Chen Jinbai, a tall, strong and strong body, was dignified all over his body. Can't be ignored.

What's more, they still have tasks to do, so they can't delay.

It's just that the waves in their hearts can't calm down in a short while. Unprovoked, this actually indirectly inspired this group of people.

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