Buying and Selling Apples

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But Bai Ling really didn't know.

So she couldn't understand why his face suddenly changed, but her eyes followed the apple that fell from his hands, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "Mr. Chen, I don't know how many apples you have? Can you sell them to me?" 


She doesn't know where he got that apple, how is it so fresh?

In the next second, Bai Ling actually felt several eyes looking at her.

And the man who was suppressed and had an encounter with her once in Spider City was staring at her like a ghost, as if she had just said something terrible.

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She almost forgot that Chen Weiming had always been in and out. In other words, no one can take away, exchange or buy his things from him.

Just when she wanted to take that sentence back... 

"One apple and one third-level crystal nucleus, do you want to buy it?"

Even Chen Jinbai was waiting for him to ask for her eyes this time, obviously he was shocked by Chen Weiming's words.

Once he fell in love with one of his things and begged him for five years, but he couldn't get it.

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Even when Chen Yaoyi saw a small toy in his hand, he took it away in front of his face.

Only he can eat this apple, and he will throw it to Chen Yaoyi if he doesn't want to eat it. If you want to ask him to get the whole apple, don't even think about it, just eat the one he gnawed on.

Thinking of this, Chen Jinbai's whole face turned livid. Apparently he's been through this!

Who is he? The entire Wangdu base belongs to him, he has a large amount of ammunition in his hands, and a large number of brothers, but he has nothing to do with Chen Weiming.

You can't get anything from him, even if you exchange precious things.

Bai Ling was also surprised. She didn't expect the legend to be unreliable, but Chen Weiming was quite easy to talk to, "Deal!" 

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The next second, those four pairs of eyes almost fell out in shock, staring at Bai Ling again!

There is no way, the third-level crystal nucleus, that is the third-level crystal nucleus, and one can be replaced... For an apple? Who hasn't eaten an apple? Even in the last days, there is no need to throw a third-level crystal nucleus for an apple, right?

"I don't want a third-level crystal nucleus of strength and speed!" Chen Weiming repeated himself.

"I know!" The third-level crystal nucleus of speed and power is not very useful.

Fortunately, Bai Ling brought a lot of high-level crystal nuclei when she came out, otherwise she would really have to wait until Bai Shan came back to buy the fruit.

Chen Weiming squinted his eyes and questioned Bai Ling up and down, her eyes seemed to become crystal clear again, and then, the corner of his mouth cracked into a smile, "It doesn't matter if I sell half of my apples, if you want to buy them, you must buy them all, otherwise if you only want one, I won't even sell it."

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In other words, if Bai Ling didn't have so many crystal nuclei, he wouldn't sell it.

Chen Jinbai and the others finally understood that he was making things difficult for others, and he was playing with Bai Ling.

No matter how many third-level crystal nuclei there are, can they still be more than his apples? And she had to buy it all at once, why won't she just grab it... No, she should have just stolen it... It makes no difference.

Chen Jinbai has black lines all over his head. It's simply a no-cost business, why is it so serious.

"How many apples do you have?" Bai Ling looked at his loose clothes, there shouldn't be many hidden inside!

"Forty-two!" As he spoke, he took out a white bag from his pocket as if by magic, and quickly took out apples one by one from his coat pocket.

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