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Pulsating, like a heartbeat, very slowly.

But no one expected that the zombies of level 10 and level 12 were already rushing towards her quickly. Drooling, obviously going to devour their partner's crystal nucleus and this woman.

Although the two zombies didn't know why this woman without supernatural powers was so powerful, eating her would definitely help them advance.

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Who would have thought that by jumping up or even overturning the roof and seeing the woman's head, they would be able to catch them in their hands.


They never thought of Bai Ling's body, no, it should be a strong energy erupting from the Celestial Sword, this energy is very similar to the energy when Bai Ling was promoted to the first layer of heaven.

Bang, bang, like a heartbeat. But this time is different, because the power emanating from the Celestial Sword engulfed Bai Ling, so naturally it also surrounded the slightly glowing blue pendant, as if it was blessed.

The light of the blue pendant was even stronger like the scorching sun in the sky, and then it was like a protective film, covering Bai Ling's entire body.

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The tenth-level zombie with the light ability and the twelve-level zombie with the same gold-type ability only felt that something was sucking in their powerful body, and this energy was invisible.

The body, including the dead fourteenth-level zombie, radiated wave after wave of energy following the energy from the Celestial Sword.

At this moment, time seems to be frozen for them.

But if one looked carefully, one can clearly see that the words "One Layer of Heaven" flashing on the hilt of the Celestial God Sword near the handle have begun to change.

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"Oh?" No one thought that outside the battle site of this group of people, there was a slender figure standing at the place where the mutant's clairvoyance was. Looking up in the sunlight, it is really hard to see who this figure is.

Only traces of wonder and astonishment could be seen in this person's blue pupils, but soon, a trace of unknown meaning flashed in those eyes. Reflected most profoundly in his pair of blue eyes is the shimmering blue gemstone that shimmers like teardrops.

"Wen Ruyu's things!" The pink lips smacked together, and the corners of the mouth drew a slight arc!

This kind of scene looks very slow, but the Celestial Sword is sucking the energy of the three nearest zombies, but it is actually how many times faster than when Bai Ling was promoted to the first level of heaven last time. As for the three zombies beside her, the body of the dead fourteenth-level zombie was twice as small as before, turning into a skinny skeleton.

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The other two were supported by crystal nuclei, but they were the same as before, but they fell to the ground with a touch. Obviously, the crystal nuclei in their heads were full of strength, but their bodies, which are now inferior to sick and weak humans, cannot be moved at will!

Just like the fifth-order mutant dog back in the day!

In about a few seconds, the huge body of the fourteenth-level zombie also fell down, and the hand inserted into Bai Ling's abdomen was also pulled out along with its body weight.

And Bai Ling's abdomen also became white and tender in an instant, leaving only a not-so-obvious scar. At this moment, all the energy from the Celestial Sword was instantly fed back to Bai Ling's body.

"Ah——" Bai Ling, who was in a coma at first, only felt that her body was like an ant's heart, and the pain like a gangrene spread from her whole body. She couldn't help but screamed in pain.

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