Whether it was inside or outside the store, the living people didn't know it and rushed forward to persuade them, but in the end they became food in their mouths. And the food that they dropped and bitten fell to the ground screaming, some of them had their necks completely bitten off and died.

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Bai Ling's eyes darkened a little, and her expression became deeper and deeper.

"Damn it, this is too crazy, what's going on?" The hip-hop boy stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and reflexively took out his phone to call the police, but the next moment, his phone dropped with a sound on the ground.

Because of that... the person whose neck was about to be broken suddenly stood up. The boy pointed with one hand at the head that shook unnaturally as it walked, ""


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With a loud roar, it actually rushed towards him directly.

The boy was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground in an instant. Seeing that the thing was about to touch him, the boy didn't know the courage that came from him, his heart swayed, and he grabbed the skateboard in his hand and slapped it on his assailant. The head that was about to break fell off in an instant.

The head rolled onto his body, and the ferocious face that was so close at hand was still a real human head, talking to him alive just now.

"Ah!" The hip-hop boy screamed, threw the other end over, turned around and saw another monster coming. The monster had a big gash in its abdomen, it was bloody, and he could even see its intestines, but it didn't seem to feel pain, and it was even very excited.

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It's over, it's over, is this the rhythm of death? The hip-hop boy was terrified to the core, as if he had thought of something, he looked at the woman reflexively, only to see her face was cold, her eyes didn't show the slightest fear. She was very calm, and she dodged the mutant boss in a flash then kicked away the mutated employee with a piece of meat in his mouth blocking the way, and headed towards the inside of the garage.

It was completely different from the atmosphere of screaming, panic, fear and depression. It was so cozy, wasn't it?

Where was this scene? In this man-eating monster, she was like a duck to water!

"Hey... big sister... big sister... aunt... don't leave me behind!"

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Subconsciously, the boy regarded her as a lifesaver, and followed her immediately. As he pounced, perhaps it was her survival instinct that made her dodge.

Bai Ling didn't have the slightest mood to take care of these things now, because even if she took care of it, who will believe her? And who would be grateful to her?

They must think she was crazy!

When she got into the car and was about to start the car, Bai Ling saw that the rear door was opened, and the hip-hop boy jumped on it, panting heavily, apparently still undecided, his hands on the chair were still trembling.

This look was many times better than the first time she saw the hideous monster eating people.

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Even so, there is no room for him in this car, Bai Ling said coldly, "Get down!"

The hip-hop boy thought that his ears were ringing, and had an illusion.

"I don't like to say it a second time!" Looking through the rearview mirror, Bai Ling's eyes gleamed coldly.

After experiencing the apocalypse for more than a year, and being reborn after death, Bai Ling no longer needed the pity and kindness of humanity, let alone trust anyone. What's more, there were so many cars here, he can drive any of it, why did he have to get in her car?

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