Shen Qi cried at his own stupidity.

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Looking at the six dots on the screen, he hurriedly retyped and sent it over: I meant date! Date! When are you available for us to meet?

He expressed this meaning very clearly: if he does like him, then come out to meet him; if not, then refuse.

Shen Qi believes that he isn’t wrong. Samuel obviously also has feelings for him. Of course, if he really is wrong, then forget it. It’s just a shame he has such a favorable opinion of Samuel, despite the fact that they have never met and have no idea what he looks like.

Shen Qi used his requirements to decide. It was fine if the other person’s appearance was average. Personality and temper were the most important things, though. They also have to be compatible. Especially since their social circle was a mess. Although he had never experienced it before, after reading too much gossip, it almost made him afraid of being in a relationship.

Since he was introduced by Lu Jun, Samuel is not exactly an internet friend. He believed Lu Jun, and Lu Jun revealed to him that Samuel’s circumstances were good and he was good looking. Except he was severely hurt by his first love, and is afraid of getting hurt again by other people.

Shen Qi expressed understanding at this point. After all, first love: every man has a first love complex. But Lu Jun said that since Samuel and his first love are impossible. They were already fortunate that they did not get revenge. There is absolutely no possibility of getting back together.

Shen Qi is very satisfied with this point. First love is understandable, but if his heart was still hiding a white moonlight or something, he would be sad.

He did not want to become cannon fodder.

He had originally intended to wait until the time was right before bringing this matter up. However, with Lu Zhuo’s provocation, he was afraid that he would make the wrong decision, so he brought it up sooner.

Once he has a boyfriend, it won’t matter if another guy is handsome.

He is very single-minded.

Staring at the screen and waiting for a moment, Samuel finally sent a message:…… Sorry, I’m a little busy lately. So it might have to be delayed for a few days.

Shen Qi was a little confused. Was this agreeing or disagreeing?

He hesitated for a moment before responding with a positive message: “No problem, I’ll wait for you. O(∩_∩)O~“

After sending the last four words were said with deep emotion and no regrets, en, pretty good.

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Lu Zhuo replied with a smiley face and looked at the screen, wanting to laugh yet also feeling helpless.

He knew that Da Shen was Shen Qi. Yet, Shen Qi did not know that Samuel was him. He wanted to take it slowly and find the appropriate time to tell him the truth, but did not want him to separate Samuel and him that clearly, as if they were two people. What made him most helpless was that Shen Qi was treating him respectfully from a distance.

Yes, respectful from a distance.

In the case of Lu Zhuo, since childhood, or rather since his teenage years, whether because of himself or because of his status, there were always men and women that surrounded him, even when his legs were disabled.

Of course, there were people like Shen Qi who treated him with respect, but not to the extent that he treated him. He definitely provoked him until he was aroused, yet he was able to control it, as if he didn’t feel anything, acting extremely pure and innocent. Yet to someone who he hasn’t even seen, he is unrestrained and lively, even asking for a date.

His personality is so peculiar.

If he wasn’t Samuel, he wouldn’t have known that the shy and timid Shen Qi was actually spontaneous on the inside. If he wasn’t Lu Zhup, then he wouldn’t know that the lively Da Shen was actually very pure and simple.

For Lu Zhuo, who has a serious lack of trust in relationships, this may be one of the reasons why he likes Shen Qi.


The other party does not know his true identity, or even what he looks like, but he knows everything about the other party. This feeling made him feel comfortable, and so he delayed and delayed, unwilling to break this existing comfort.

But now it seems that it’s almost time to find the time to say the truth.

Shen Qi saw Samuel send a smiling face back and felt a little disappointed, but since the layer of window paper had been poked, he was no longer polite. Plus, he had already revealed his true nature in front of Samuel many times, so he simply sent a video chat request.

Since there was no time to meet, a video chat should be enough.

The other side seemed to be hesitating, and then, after ten seconds or so, the connection was made.

Shen Qi hurriedly jerked two strands of hair and sat upright. The last video chat was a complete accident, and he did not prepare at all. Although he was attractive, his drunken appearance completely destroyed his image. This time, he had to leave a good impression on the other side.

The screen lit up, yet he saw the wall instead of a person. Shen Qi muttered the strange image in his heart. It seemed like the other side was in the bathroom.

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“Samuel?” he called out tentatively, “Are you not convenient right now?”

A low voice came from there: “En.”

Shen Qi’s eyes lit up. With just this voice, there was no need to worry too much about the face. The body he saw last time, remembering that shoulder, that chest, his eyes rolled: “Are you showering? Or bathing? “

“En.” The screen turned, showing the corner of the bathtub. He could vaguely see the water, but soon the image returned to the previous white porcelain walls.

Shen Qi’s elongated neck fell back, his heart full of disappointment. His mischievous heart came up, not willing to lose, his eyes rolled: “Samuel, you are older than me. Should I call you brother now? Or Brother Sam? Brother Sammie?”

There was a pause of a few seconds, and the response was still low and simple: “Call me brother.”

Shen Qi was electrified by these three words. There was so much domineering CEO tone, that it satisfied his previous fantasies.

He broke out in a handsome smile: “Brother, do you need me to help you wash your back?”

He smiled devilishly, with a tone of voice that had obvious ulterior motives of pleasing.

Lu Zhuo almost couldn’t hold his phone steady. Fortunately, the water wasn’t deep. In order not to reveal the background, he hid himself in the bathroom. Or else, with the decorations in his room, it would be easy for him to know.

He had thought that Shen Qi was already very enthusiastic, but it seemed to be a little more spontaneous than he thought.

Furthermore, he was actually titillated and didn’t want to refuse.

So he is this type of person…

Lu Zhuo felt that he had a new perception of himself.

His hand trembled, so he responded vaguely.

Shen Qi smiled. His eyes were bubbling with treacherous light, and his heart went hei hei hei 1: “Then brother, show your back to me ah; I can only help you rub if I see it. No, it’s hard to do the back. How about you switch to the font?”

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Afterward, he revealed a look of grievance: “I already showed my face. Please just let me see. You won’t suffer any disadvantages. In addition, you’ve already seen mine before, so technically, I’m suffering more losses. I’ve even told you my real name, yet you haven’t said anything to me yet…“

“Why don’t we be fair, and I’ll show you too?”

Lu Zhuo’s hand shook again, feeling that he could not carry on.

Shen Qi did not care about the impact he had received over on the other side. Without saying a word, he lifted up the clothes, sat cross-legged on the bed, and shone the phone down, showing the picture of his white, soft stomach and his two legs. Luckily, he was wearing pants, so the image wasn’t considered R-rated.

He stared at the screen, not shy at all, his voice bold and passionate: “Brother, do not be embarrassed. I’ve already let you see mine. Just show me yours. Looking won’t make you lose anything. Brother, are you still shy? Don’t tell me you are still a virgin. ” Seeing the opposite silence, he was surprised, “No way, brother, you really are a virgin? I remember you said you were five years older than me. You’re already 27, brother, you wouldn’t ……“

He picked the phone up again, his face revealing his suspicions.

Lu Zhuo was in a tie; saying “yes” wasn’t right, but saying “no” wasn’t right either.

Shen Qi suddenly remembered: “Ah, I forgot. You still haven’t forgotten about your first love. ” He sounded a little sour, “Brother, you do not feel bad ah, I didn’t mean to mention him. He isn’t aware of your good side. See, you kept your virginity for him for so many years. In our social circle, you are already considered a saint. If this was leaked, there would be so many people chasing you.”

“You can tell just by looking at this app. Here, you can have a lot of people liking you without having to share a photo. My senior sent one, and so many people left comments requesting a date that his boyfriend became mad. He even scolded back. Each message was so scary that I was afraid to leave a comment or like the photo.“

“Comment?” Lu Zhuo’s face sank, “leave what comment?”

Shen Qi accidentally exposed this, and tried to remedy his words: “Nothing, nothing. I just asked him how to train his abdominal muscles. Ha, haha, isn’t it because I can’t get 6-packs for some reason? “

He secretly wiped the sweat off his forehead. That was so close. But why does Samuel’s voice sound like Lu Zhuo?

A cold laugh came from the other side, and then the camera shifted, revealing the bright muscles.


Shen Qi instantly looked straight, his eyes glowing: “Yes, yes, yes, this is it, I was drunk last time and did not see clearly. Brother, you come closer to the front. Let me take a closer look, OK? “

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“Want to see?” Lu Zhuo narrowed his eyes and his voice suppressed the hidden hoarse, “If you want to see, it depends on your performance.”

Per, per, performance?

It can’t be what he understood it to mean, right?

Shen Qi swallowed his mouth, did not expect ah, Samuel looked quite cold and introverted, but also turned out to be a man of temperament. Good, he liked that.

We’re all men, why pretend to be pure?

Shen Qi’s eyes were beaming with joy, replying, “No worries, I promise I will make you refreshed. If you don’t feel refreshed, I don’t want the money!“

Lu Zhuo felt that he wanted to go to Shen Qi’s room right now to catch him and beat him up.

The process of feeling refreshed was too R-rated. Just listening to the sound coming out of the two cell phones let one’s imagination roam.

“Yes, yes! Exactly there! Wow, brother, your muscles are awesome! I really want to touch them! Brother, how do you exercise? Please teach me.“

“Brother, do you want to touch me too? I will let you touch me. Although I do not have muscles, my figure is also nice. Look—my legs!“

“A little further down, yes yes, yes, further down, ow ow ow, brother, I can’t. I’m about to have a nose bleed….“


“Brother, let’s date. Let’s date! You are a virgin, I am also a virgin. There is no loss. “

“Shut up!”



Mischievous laugh

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