Ch15 - Gift

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After Lu Tao returned to his residence, more people had come to visit than when he was in the hospital. 

Cheng Jin had never entertained so many guests before. Although many guests visited their house when he was a young master, he merely ate, drank, had fun, and received praise and flattery. He had never had to do things like make tea or prepare sweets before, so he was anxious and uncomfortable. He didn’t know if his mindset had changed after going bankrupt, but whenever he saw the well-dressed folks or those clearly in the higher echelons, he felt guilty.


Fortunately, when they arrived, they just sat for a short while before leaving. After all, the lord general suffered amnesia and couldn’t converse with them. Cheng Jin, on the other hand, received several presents.

“Wah, it’s grapes!” “Cheng Jin knelt on the carpet, happily unpacking the gift box. The presents they delivered were beautifully packaged. Cheng Jin gently opened them, attempting to cause as little damage to the box as possible. When he saw the dark-purple grapes neatly placed in the box, he couldn’t help cheering, “It’s all delicious honey grapes!”

Honey grapes were a type of grape that grew to be exceedingly huge and extremely sweet. When you peel off its skin, you’ll usually find a coating of honey cream. It had a pleasant aroma and was a costly fruit. Cheng Jin used to love it very much, but he hadn’t eaten it in over two years after he ran out of money.


Lu Tao also sat casually, even supporting his chin with his palm. With his head cocked to one side, he peered at him. He lifted his brows as he noticed the apparent excitement on his face. “Do you like it?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jtfcu Alc cbvvfv juugfrrlnfis. Lf qlmxfv eq bcf jcv qffifv la boo, yea lcrafjv bo fjalcu la tlwrfio, tf rfca la ab tlr teryjcv’r wbeat. “Ljnf j ajraf, la’r gfjiis vfilmlber!”

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Oe Kjb ujnf tlw j uijcmf yfobgf bqfclcu tlr ilqr jcv ylalcu bc j ugjqf klat tlr tjcv. Ktfgf kjr j qifjrjca jgbwj, jcv atf oijnbg kjr lcvffv ubbv. Jtfcu Alc jrxfv fzqfmajcais, “Prc’a la vfilmlber?” Vfflcu Oe Kjb cbvvlcu, tf qertfv atf gfwjlclcu qeiq abkjgvr tlw. Oe Kjb yibmxfv la jcv rjlv, “Sja la, P vbc’a rffw ab ilxf rkffar atja wemt.” Lf jrxfv, “Qts jgf atf ugjqfr rb rkffa?”

“It’s a fruit that grows on the Sunshine Planet, where the days are long and the nights are short; there’s lots of sunshine, so the fruits that grow there are incredibly delicious and ideal for growing all types of grapes. Allegedly, the production of this grape is the highest of them all, but it is still very expensive to buy on the Imperial planet. Do you know why?” Cheng Jin put the remaining pulp into his mouth. Because he liked the taste so much, his eyes narrowed slightly when chewing, looking like he was enjoying it. 

Lu Tao stared at him without blinking, and blurted casually, “Because the distance is too far.”

Cheng Jin had surprise written all over his face. “How do you know?”

“I read about it.” Lu Tao seemed to like the various expressions on his face. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. “I have a little understanding of the distribution, geographical location, residents, environment, laws, etc. of the 72 planets in the whole galaxy.”

Cheng Jin’s jaw nearly fell. After a while, he said, “You’re really amazing ah!” There was no fake adoration in his tone, which made Lu Tao feel a little carried away, but he didn’t show it. He just nudged with his chin. “Don’t you want to see what the next gift is?” 

“Of course I want to!” Cheng Jin looked forward to opening gifts for the first time. The young master had received mountains of gifts before, but he had never been interested in them; on the contrary, he despised the crude or insulting presents that others had given to him. Unlike right now, where he was pleasantly surprised even if he only received a bag of rice. “This rice is so fragrant! You can cook porridge oh. Shall we have porridge tomorrow morning?”


“Ah, this one is a very precious medicinal herb, a very beautiful ginseng. It should be very expensive ba.. It really is expensive.” Cheng Jin held the exquisite gift box and leaned closer to look at the ginseng tree inside, feeling a little distressed. “But I forgot who sent it.”

“Lieutenant General Zhang Lei.” Lu Tao accurately named. Seeing that Cheng Jin still had some doubts, he added, “The one with the big beard.” 

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“Oh oh! I remember, it’s him.” Cheng Jin felt guilty. It was his job to receive guests, but he didn’t do a good job. Thinking of this, he was a little muddled. “They gave extremely costly gifts; isn’t it wrong for us not to give one in return?”

The lord general said decisively, “It’s okay!”


If it were in the past, Cheng Jin would never have thought of giving anything in return, but now that he had matured, he realized that wasn’t a very nice habit. He inclined his head and thought for a while, going over all the available items in the home, but still couldn’t think of anything acceptable. In the end, he could only say, “I don’t think it’s very good. I’ll think about what I can give back later.”

He began to arrange the things, stooping carefully. Lu Tao watched for a while, seemed to make up his mind, then clicked on his communicator, found Fei Li, and transmitted a few words– No need to stop anyone who wanted to visit; anyone could come if they wanted to. 

After sending it, he turned off his communicator as if nothing had happened, looked at his little wife who was still sorting gifts, and muttered silently in his thoughts, “It’s best to remember to give gifts. ”

Cheng Jin allied with the little robot to sort things out. Finally, only the box of dark-purple grapes was left. He stared at the grapes, which numbered less than a hundred, and looked slightly torn. Lu Tao said, “Feel free to eat if you want, no need to leave it for me, I don’t like the taste.”

Cheng Jin’s face turned a little red, he thanked him first, and then asked in a low voice, “Can I get some for my dad?” He rubbed his hands nervously, as if ashamed. “I-It should’ve been a long time since he got to taste this. I want to take some for him to taste.”

Lu Tao had no memory of Cheng Jin’s father. When he was still in the hospital, he actually thought about asking Fei Li to sort out all the information about his little wife for himself, but he abandoned this idea in the end. 

He wanted to find out everything about his partner by himself. For this “father-in-law” or his “wife’s dad”, what he currently knew was that he had gone bankrupt and was currently hospitalized due to an illness. He had no idea of his appearance and character. Now seemed to be a great time to get to know him better.

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Lu Tao said, “Okay ah. When will you go to see him? I’ll go with you.”

Cheng Jin seemed to be frightened. “Y-You want to go with me?”

“En. Visiting sick elders is a kind of etiquette, right? Besides, he’s also your dad, and I think I have an obligation to take a look.” 

Cheng Jin still felt panicked. Lu Tao actually had never met his dad and brother since they got married. Even after he was promoted, his dad and brother took the initiative to invite him to the party, but he directly ignored it, which enraged his dad and brother. Cheng Jin used to defend his lover and felt that he was doing the right thing, although it had also made him a little sad. Only when he later repented did he truly understand Lu Tao’s behavior.

He loathed his father and brother.

For others, it’s just an old woman who couldn’t walk. With the advancement of science and technology, as well as the use of self-service wheelchairs, there were almost no hurdles to movement, so it isn’t a huge concern. But for Lu Tao, it was his grandmother who’d been with him throughout his life. When his grandma ended up like that, all the Cheng family had something to do with it. Of course, he would have grudges.

Now, his amnesiac husband wanted to see his father. 

Cheng Jin felt guilty in his heart, and tried his best to persuade him, “Actually, it doesn’t really matter. My father’s condition has stabilized. On the other hand, it’s better for you to stay at home and rest more. I’ll just go by myself. ” He added with a smile, “Mr. Fei Li lent me his new car. It’s very handy if I travel.”

His husband gave a rough stare, as if indifferent to his persuasion, and said coldly, “If you try so hard to stop me from going, it will make me suspect that the person you’re going to see isn’t your dad, but your ex-boyfriend or something.”

Cheng Jin’s face flushed. “It’s not… And I don’t have any ex-boyfriends…”

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The lord general followed in pursuit, “Then let me go, too.” 

Cheng Jin thought for a while. Thinking that Lu Tao would no longer care so much about this matter after he woke up, he nodded. After obtaining Lu Tao’s consent, he took more than half of the grapes and a jar of nutrients, then went out with his husband. Finally, their garage was no longer empty and a new car, the ice-blue color Cheng Jin loved, was parked in it. It wasn’t the latest model, but it wasn’t cheap either.

Cheng Jin’s mood was a bit complicated when he saw it.


He still couldn’t figure out who Lu Tao was going to give it to. He entertained several guests today, but he didn’t notice anyone suspicious. There were rumors floating around about the general before, but after careful investigation, in the end they were all just rumors. Lu Tao might not even know those people who were linked with him.

After getting in the car, Cheng Jin used the voice input to enter their destination, and the car began driving autonomously. It was the first time that they were actually going somewhere, so Cheng Jin’s mood was only confused at first, and he soon jumped into joy. He even began to introduce the scenery outside the window to his amnesiac husband. “Those are mini spaceships, which can usually carry four people, and they’re like cars. They’re all driven by wind energy, and they also have traffic laws; you can’t park and drive about randomly, and if you do, you’ll pay a very expensive fine. Ah! See that building? That’s the World Trade Center, but it’s not actually the real World Trade Center. The real World Trade Center is on the Trading Planet, which is in the center of the galaxy. I’ve heard that many people do business there. However, because of the limits on access to our planet, it has essentially turned into a shelf, and there aren’t many enterprises that have established in.” 

Lu Tao already knew all of this, but he still listened with great interest and even praised, “Little treasure knows a lot.”

Cheng Jin’s face turned red, and he said shyly, “I a-actually don’t know much la…” After he was praised, he introduced the surrounding buildings even more vigorously. When the surrounding environment turned more green, Cheng Jin said, “We’re almost at the hospital. ”

As soon as he spoke, a large building appeared in front of him, with the words “Central Hospital” written on the signboard. “The environment looks good,” said Lu Tao.

“Yes ah.” Cheng Jin suddenly felt a little pressure. “After all, the price is also very expensive.” 

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