Ch17 - Flirty and sweet (NSFW)

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When Cheng Jin took a shower, he obediently cleaned himself up again, and also applied a little lubricant. After drying his hair, he walked out in his pajamas. It was autumn, so his pajamas were long-sleeved made out of soft material, with a very cute, wide-eyed rabbit on them. 

Lu Tao, who had bathed before him, was sitting on the bed, watching something on his light screen. Because the sound was turned down so low, Cheng Jin couldn’t hear the contents. He crawled into bed with a rustle and was about to ask his husband what he was looking at when his eyes fell on the screen first, and he was so immediately stimulated by the flesh-colored screen that he choked on his saliva.

The actors on the screen were doing the most naked piston movements, filmed in HD, capturing almost every trace of it, perhaps even more clearly than the naked eye could see.



Cheng Jin had never watched nor read these yellow contents even though his father and brother had spoiled him a lot as they were strict in this regard. Before he was 18 years old, the light screen had even been equipped with software that prevented him from watching pornographic infos, so in the past, the little young master’s arrogant behavior was only on “eating and drinking”, but he really did not have much contact with the places of entertainment and debauchery, and there was no such places on the surface of the Imperial planet.

At this time, he had already gone through said debauchery affairs, but seeing such a picture, he still felt extremely ashamed, so he subconsciously covered his eyes. 

Lu Tao laughed, grabbed his hand and whispered to his ear, “Study, study.”


“You, you….” Cheng Jin was too ashamed to do so, but his curiosity still prevailed. Finally, he looked at the screen with a red face.

The film was shot by actors from the Imperial planet. Being an AV or GV actor was a legitimate profession here, but it was a relatively inferior profession, and they would be discriminated against, so most people wouldn’t do it if they weren’t really left with no choice. But in fact, some famous actors were actually very popular in private as well, and no matter if they were male or female, they were all labeled “porn stars”, and one of the most famous ones had even married off to a lieutenant general after “retiring from acting” and became noble.

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Lu Tao opened a GV film, and from the outsider perspective, he couldn’t tell whether the ’0’ was a new female. The 0 of this film was probably a bit shy. He had a mask on his face that showed only his eyes and his prominent nose and lips, but even if he didn’t fully show his face, it was obvious that he had a superior appearance. He was of better build, but a little more feminine, with pale skin, slender limbs, and would let out a whimpering cry when entered, which made him particularly sultry.


The 1 was a tall, dark-skinned man with a bald head, who looked particularly brave and muscular, as if he could knock down a bear with one punch. His penis was as big and dark as his body, and it’s visually stimulating when it sinks into the 0’s pink hole. Cheng Jin just watched for a minute, and he already began breathing chaotically. His heart beat faster and faster, and his legs slowly closed together.

His husband seemed to sense his peculiarity, and his warm palm stroked his lower body and his soft belly, then plunged into his trousers, felt his little Cheng Jin, which was already standing up and trembling, took hold of it in one hand, and began to rub it slowly


Cheng Jin was so ashamed that the visual stimulation and touch made his whole body hot and even his womb began to contract and squirm uncontrollably, and slimy water slowly flowed out, moistening the entire intestine. In the film, the 0 was fucked so violently, his ass railed so fiercely, that he finally seemed to find it too much to take, so he cried and begged for mercy, saying things like “no more” and “it’s almost broken” in a pitiful tone, prompting the man to fuck him even harder. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Do you think he’ll break?”

Jtfcu Alc agfwyifv jii bnfg jr j revvfc ibk nblmf gertfv atgbeut tlr fjgr. Lf gjlrfv tlr tfjv lcralcmalnfis jcv ujhfv ja atf wjc klat kfa fsfr oliifv klat qjrrlbc, ktlmt vjgxfcfv Oe Kjb’r fsfr. Jtfcu Alc oiertfv jcv yilcxfv tlr fsfijrtfr aklmf ab nlfk atf ojmf bc atf afifnlrlbc. Ycis atfc vlv tf gfrqbcv, delfais, “P vbc’a atlcx rb.”

Lu Tao smiled softly, his fingers already rubbing one of his little balls. “Why?”

Cheng Jin’s ears were fully crimson, but his body was already so eager that he forgot about shame. “Because he appears like, ah… Even though he said no, when the other person tried to leave, he chased after him…” He suddenly realized that he seemed to be in the same situation before. He wanted to hide several times, but when Lu Tao truly retreated, he desired it once more. 

Cheng Jin realized his husband had asked him this on purpose after noticing the man’s wicked smirk. He was embarrassed and quickly drew the quilt over his hot face. Lu Tao pursued him as he hid behind the covers, and the noises on the light screen came to a halt.

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Cheng Jin’s breathing grew labored as the room fell silent. “What did you think of? Acting so shy,” said Lu Tao as he held him in his arms and kissed him on the lips in the dim light.

“You’re teasing me.” Cheng Jin complained in a low voice.

“How did I tease you?” 

Cheng Jin couldn’t answer, so he whispered, “You’re making fun of me.”

“Hmm, what did I tease you about?”


With this feeling of being in the same small space as his husband, he couldn’t help but hook his neck, search for his lips and kiss it.

The warm, lingering kiss tasted like honey grapes. Although the two men had little experience kissing, they could pinpoint each other’s sensitive spots with pinpoint accuracy. Cheng Jin’s pants were pulled off between the entangled lips and tongues. The man’s fingers contacted his soft entrance and, noting the moisture, chuckled as he carefully pushed his finger in, asking, “Why so wet?” 

“Hnggh…” Cheng Jin licked his Adam’s apple slowly. “Con-convenient for my husband to come in… Ahh… ooh……” He knew it was only a finger, but he instantly felt great. Cheng Jin could also let go of himself more while hidden in the bed with the not-so-bright lights. While bearing being expanded, he spread his legs wide apart and stroked his husband’s large cock.

The erected, long and thick penis lay beneath the muscular torso. It was hot, hard, and large in his hands, like a soldering iron. It didn’t lose out on the 1 in the GV film at all. Cheng Jin was aroused by the film he had just viewed, then by the nude piston action, and his rear hole ruthlessly sucked. LLu Tao was taken aback when he recognized his reaction. “So excited? ”He pulled out his fingers, opened the quilt a little bit, and showed his two fingers.

His fingers were smeared with crystal clear liquid, which was different from the milky white lubricant. The lord general chuckled in a low voice and said, “See for yourself. Isn’t it very wet?”

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Cheng Jin was so ashamed that he covered his eyes, but he couldn’t control himself from hooking Lu Tao up with his leg, gasping, “I want…” 

Lu Tao moved and teased him. “What do you want?”

“Want husband…”

His little wife flushed crimson, all cute and sensual, and made Lu Tao feel like there was a bunny concealed in his heart, all scratchy and soft. “What do you want your husband to do?” he teased further.

Cheng Jin couldn’t respond because he was so overwhelmed. His lust seared him, making him feel intolerable. He couldn’t help but loop his legs around the man’s waist, then rise his hips and utilize his moist hole to reach the large penis, but Lu Tao grasped his waist before he could. 

“What do you want your husband to do? Name it and husband will give it to you.”

Lu Tao’s features were magnified, but instead of his original indifference, they were gentle and full of laughter, which happened to be Cheng Jin’s favorite appearance. Cheng Jin was so meek that he sobbed, and he twisted his body, yet he still couldn’t reach his favorite thing. In the end, he could only endure the shame and whispered, “I want husband…fuck me…feed me your cock…eat my husband’s big dick…Hnn...”

Every remark was tinged with shame, yet it was so enticing that it appeared to melt Lu Tao’s heart. Lu Tao’s breathing was labored, and his lower abdomen felt dry and heated. He couldn’t take it anymore. He sunk gently, pressing his erect penis against his writhing mouth. His massive cock was swallowed in by the walls.

“Uggh… husband…husbandhusbandhnn…” Cheng Jin screamed at him, leading the general to lose control and nearly feverishly insert his penis into his womb. 

The penis entered Cheng Jin’s body nude, occupied and filled him without the use of condoms or partiff. “Is it alright to fuck you like this?” Lu Tao inquired quietly.

“En… want husband to fuck…wuwuu… not enough…to fuck into the womb…” Cheng Jin felt that he had lost his sanity, that’s why he could say such shameful words.

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“Little slut, your womb hasn’t been opened yet, so I can’t fuck in now.” Lu Tao’s back sweated profusely, and his entire body was tense.

Cheng Jin felt aggrieved and embarrassed when his husband deemed him a little slut. “I’m not a little slut…” he said, but he was much more aroused, and his asshole constricted the man’s dick even tighter. 

“Just a little slut, a little slut who loves to eat his husband’s cock.” Lu Tao pulled out his penis and deliberately held Cheng Jin’s butt up so that he could see where the two of them were combined. “Look how tight the bite is, you’re not willing to let go.”

Cheng Jin was caught aback by the direct description. In fact, he had never seen a film of two individuals merging so clearly, yet it was right in front of him right now. He noticed that his anus had been stretched out into a circular hole, sucking his husband’s penis, and that it was so moist that it could only be characterized as obscene.


“It’s not…wuu…” Cheng Jin was so embarrassed that he didn’t dare to look any farther, instead covering his eyes with the back of his palm. Lu Tao chuckled joyously and thrusted his penis again, this time hard enough to grind his entire gut.

After much wrangling, the opening to his womb eventually opened. Cheng Jin trembled all over as the tip of the cock was pushed in, unable to stop the saliva that spilled from the corners of his mouth, while his body turned frenzied. His  little dick continued to shake, and he sobbed incessantly. Squeamishly, he called his husband when he felt good. 

Lu Tao also called him, called him a little slut, and called him baby coquettishly. He felt good all over his body, not to mention that he didn’t need to spare any effort. No matter how he fucked, his little wife would only become more flirty and sweeter, sweet enough to make his heart throb.

He only came once, whereas Cheng Jin had already shot twice and reached apex. His abdomen was slightly swollen, his stomach was completely full, and even his anus was coated with sperm.

“With all that, it should be easy to conceive, right? “Lu Tao asked happily, rubbing his belly.

Cheng Jin blushed and shook his head. The intense pleasure made it difficult for him to speak, but he knew in his heart he wouldn’t be pregnant. 

After all, he had taken pills.

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