Ch3 - You are very attractive

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Dr. Tian Qi’s medicinal skills were by far the most superb on the planet. He had performed all thousands of surgeries successfully, both major and minor, and had become the role model in his profession. He said Lu Tao would wake up in 48 hours, and Lu Tao really woke up after 48 hours. 

Lu Tao wasn’t allowed to leave the ICU after he’d woken up, and needed  to be observed inside for about a week. During the following days, he’d been in a state of lucidity, reacting to people’s calls but never responding. After being transferred to the general ward, he’d finally woken up.

The military hospital had strict security, particularly the senior ward where the officers lived. But even most visitors had strict requirements to pass, so when Lu Tao woke up, in addition to the doctor, only Cheng Jin, his grandmother and Fei Li were around.



Seeing that his husband could sit up, Cheng Jin burst into excited tears, and so did his grandma. She kept wiping the corners of her eyes with a small handkerchief, then went to grab Lu Tao’s hand and said, “Good grandson, my good grandson, you finally woke up! You worried grandma to death.”

Her hand that reached over the latter’s own did not catch its target, because Lu Tao moved his hand away. He looked at the skinny elder in front of him with wariness and puzzlement in his eyes. “Who are you?” He paused, then looked around the people in the ward. “Who am I?” 

Although he’d known in advance that Lu Tao would wake up like this, seeing that he really had no memory, everyone still found it hard to bear. Even Fei Li looked a bit pained, while his grandma was crying sadly. Soon Fei Li said, “You are the general of the imperial planet, Mr. Lu Tao. This is your grandmother and your only blood related family.”


“Lu Tao? Grandmother?” The man mulled over the two names lightly, and his eyes were still at a loss, but he soon looked at Fei Li again. “What about you? Who are you?”

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Fei Li touched his glasses and said, “I’m your secretary, my name is Fei Li. And this is your head doctor, Gerson, and these two are his assistants.” Fei Li introduced the names of the three medical staff, and finally, his eyes fell on Cheng Jin’s face and said methodically, “This is your partner, Mr. Cheng Jin.”

The eyes of the man sitting on the hospital bed widened in surprise then gazed straight at Cheng Jin. “Partner?”


Fei Li thought he didn’t understand what “partner” meant and quickly explained, “It’s your…spouse.”

The grandmother said indignantly from the side, “My grandson doesn’t love this man, they just have a legal relationship.”

Cheng Jin was embarrassed for a bit, but inside he was jumping for joy. He had never been looked at by Lu Tao like this, and the other party’s eyes lingered for a long time, which he had never had the luxury before.

“I did not say it incorrectly, old madame Lu.” Fei Li said, “Dr. Tian had told us that in order to regain the Admiral’s memory, we are obliged to guide him to be familiar with everything around him. The stimulation would be too great with drugs alone.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf biv wjvjwf qegrfv tfg ilqr jcv cb ibcufg ajixfv. 

Oe Kjb kjr mifjgis mbcoerfv jybea jii atlr. Qtfc Gg. Xfgrbc jrxfv tlw ktja tf mbeiv gfwfwyfg cbk, tf kbeiv pera rtjxf tlr tfjv lc yfklivfgwfca. Ktf vbmabgr ktb fzjwlcfv tlw jcv mbcolgwfv atja tlr ilwyr kfgf cba joofmafv rlutfv lc gfilfo. 

Soon Gerson noticed that Lu Tao’s eyes would fall on Cheng Jin’s face from time to time, with curiosity in his gaze, he said, “Today’s examination has been completed, I think it would be better to let Mr. Cheng be alone with the Lord Admiral for a while. Old madame Lu, what do you think?”

The grandmother’s attention had always been on her grandson since he woke up, so she naturally saw that he paid special attention to Cheng Jin, so despite her inner reluctance, she said, “All right.” Before she left, she glared at Cheng Jin harshly. “Don’t you deceive my grandson with ill-intentions. He will recover his memory in six months, so if you pretend again, he will also tear down all your disguises. Don’t even try to make things go your way!” 

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Cheng Jin squeezed his fingers, his face felt like it was slapped. He whispered, “I won’t, don’t worry.”

The old lady snorted coldly, “How can I not worry.”

After the others left, only Lu Tao and Cheng Jin remained in the ward. His husband’s gaze never left him, and Cheng Jin’s complexion gradually flushed red.

He cautiously approached a few steps closer, his previous eloquence completely gone; only nervousness was left as his heartbeat raced. He closed his eyes before asking softly, “Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?” 

Lu Tao didn’t answer, so he took the initiative to pour water for him. He filled half a glass of warm water and handed it to the man. Lu Tao’s gaze then shifted from his face to his hand. Eventually, he stretched out his hand and took the glass.

When their hands touched, Cheng Jin had felt electricity coursed through all over his body, which made his breathing uncontrollably rapid. Lu Tao drank the glass of water, stared at him again, and suddenly said, “More.”


His tone didn’t sport the indifference he used to have, which made Cheng Jin’s eyes sting. He quickly took the glass, poured more than half of the water, and watched Lu Tao swallow it gulp after gulp. This image reminded him of many years ago. When he first saw Lu Tao, he was also drinking water, and he drank it like this. The rolling Adam’s apple was so sexy it incapacitated people’s heart. After seeing his face clearly, Cheng Jin’s guts had been struck by love.

His husband handed the empty glass back to him. Cheng Jin asked him, “Still gonna drink?” Lu Tao shook his head. Cheng Jin put the glass back where it was. 

The whole time he moved, Lu Tao’s eyes never left him, and when he turned around, his curious yet blazing gaze fell back on his face. Cheng Jin wasn’t quite used to his stare, he subconsciously touched his face and asked nervously, “I-Is there anything dirty on my face?”

“No.” The man suddenly showcased a smile. He had handsome features, yet in ordinary days he would usually sport an unsmiling look. Only a few people know that he had a nice, sunny smile. Cheng Jin was stunned by his smile, then he heard Lu Tao say, “You are very attractive.”

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These four words startled Cheng Jin. A moment later, his eyes felt hot, and a runaway sparkling crystal liquid rolled down from his eyes, leaving a wet mark on his rosy pale cheeks. 

Seeing him crying, general Lu Tao showed a bewildered expression. “W-why are you…” 

Cheng Jin realized he’d lost his temper and quickly turned his back. He kept wiping his tears with the back of his hand while sobbing. “I’m fine, sorry. I don’t know why I… All of a sudden….”

Actually, he knew the reason deep in his heart. He’d been pursuing Lu Tao for many years and had been walking on the road of wanting to get closer to him, but the result pushed the latter further and further away. Except in the very beginning when he had not yet exposed his heart, Lu Tao’s attitude towards him was extremely indifferent that he even seemed unappealed of intimacy, let alone to compliment him.

If Lu Tao’s attitude towards him remains the same, he’d no longer feel wronged because he’d endured too much and had long since become accustomed to it. Being complimented like this, he instead felt he couldn’t bear it.

The more he wiped his tears, the more the back of his hand turned wet, but he couldn’t control his tears from rolling down, and in the end, Cheng Jin could no longer stand, almost squatting on the ground and sobbing in a low voice. 

When he felt that he’d already lost a lot of face, a paper towel was suddenly handed to him. Cheng Jin froze. He looked up and saw Lu Tao standing bent over in front of him, with a worried expression on his face.

Cheng Jin’s eyes widened. Lu Tao said somewhat hesitantly, “This should be used to wipe tears, right? I have some impression of it…”

Cheng Jin stood up in a panic and hurriedly said, “Y-You’re not yet fit to stand up, quickly lie down on the bed.” He disregarded wiping tears and went to help Lu Tao. The long-awaited touch made his heart more chaotic, especially when he felt the man pressed most of his weight on him.

After helping his husband to lie down on the bed, the aggrieved feeling just now also dispersed. Cheng Jin wiped away his tears and asked, “Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?” 

“Not so bad, I just can’t remember anything.” But general Lu Tao didn’t worry about this point that much. “Will I be able to remember in half a year?” 

Cheng Jin said, “En. In 6-8 months, you’ll be able to return to your former shape.”  

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Lu Tao looked at him and suddenly said, “Partner, spouse…. We are married?”

Cheng Jin nodded his head, flustered. “Married.” 

Lu Tao looked as if he’s very happy. “When did we tie the knot?”

“Seven years ago.” When this number was mentioned, Cheng Jin’s heart was cluttered in chaos. The man, however, was surprised. “It’s been so long.” He added, “But you look very young.”


“Eighteen.” Cheng Jin felt guilty. “I married you when I was eighteen.”

Forced by special means, the man had to become his legal partner. He still remembered when they submitted their marriage application, the system needed a wedding photo, so they went to get a shot together. One’s face was full of joy and some pride, while the other was full of indifference. They were obviously happy photos, but anyone who’d look at it could feel that their road to marriage wouldn’t go far. 

“Eighteen years old? How old am I now?”

Cheng Jin responded, “Twenty-nine years old, you’re the youngest general on the Imperial Planet.” There were only 30 generals and 5 senior generals in the world, and Lu Tao could occupy one of them at this age, all because his military achievements were too outstanding.

Lu Tao was obviously not proud about it, even if he had lost his memory now, his focus was more on between them. “Then, do we have any children?”

He paused for a moment, and then answered himself, “I don’t think there is, right? Because Fei Li just said earlier that that old lady is my only blood relative in the world.” He looked very puzzled. “Why do we still not have any children even after seven years of marriage?” 

This question made Cheng Jin panic more. He didn’t know where to divert his gaze. It took him a long time before he said in a difficult tone, “Because I feel… there’s no need to hurry for the time being….”

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