
Chapter 34

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"Ashley is it me?... or the bodies are meant to vanish once defeated?" I asked Ashley.

"Hmmm they should do.... this seems a little odd." He replied staring intently into the coalescing blood. "Hmm I'll go check out what's going on be right back." He said walking out the seating area.

My gut screaming at me that something bad is going to happen, some other students began noticing the pool of blood sucking up the surrounding blood. Paul and Scarlet still unaware of the large growing pool of blood, standing up and waving both my arms I tried to get their attention shouting their names.

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A few minutes passed until they finally noticed me. I began pointing at the direction of the large pool of blood. Looking confused they looked around noticing everyone else now was talking and pointing in the same direction. They began walking towards the direction for the large pool, when suddenly a large red wave erupted from the pool, causing Paul to summon his books and Scarlet drawing her large sword.

Something appeared from the pool, an extremely large red clawed hand rose from the blood grabbing on the side, suddenly an equally large hand grabbed on the other side, whatever it was, it must be humongous.

Paul instantaneously pointed behind me and mouthed what seemed to be "Run". Turning around to grab Daisy and Jay, they both remained sitting motionless, their faces looking paler than usual.

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"JAY? DAISY?!" I shouted at them shaking them frantically. Still motionless I looked back at Paul, he was thoroughly focused weaving his hands around a radiant white ball in front of him, Scarlet began charging into the pool of blood as innumerable human sized red skinned demons wielding very hideously looking weaponry came flooding out, while an impossibly grotesque humongous red winged daemon began pulling itself into reality, the sight of its bone white horned skull and hideous wings filled me with extreme fear.

Daisy let out a loud scream making me turn around, he skin became pale white, and her eyes pitch black voids and crying thick black ichor, her tattoos now radiating a black glow. She dropped to her knees clawing at her temples. She began glowing with a faint black hue as an inaudible whisper echoed in my head. 'What the hell??'

"NONONO... DONT BURN THEM!!! THEY AREN'T CURSED." Jay screamed from beside me, on his knees his arms behind his back as if bound by an invisible rope.

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Utterly lost I turned back to Scarlet and Paul, Scarlet and Paul's books desperately trying to slow the flood of charge demons. The demons looking freakishly exited to fight and some even laughing manically as they laid on the floor dying.

The grotesque giant demon now fully emerged wielding a gigantic flaming sword, slowly walked to scarlet stepping on and cutting any other smaller demons in its way. It yelled something in a different language causing all the lesser demons to back off Scarlet Running past her towards Paul. As Scarlet cut down one last demon as the looming hulking shadow eclipsed her, a smile crept on the face as she engaged the demon in a titanic battle. It looked like Scarlet easily gained the upper hand landing several deep cuts on the demon while remaining totally unscathed.

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The demon roared in anger after receiving another large wound from scarlet, momentarily switching his focus on Paul his other hand lifted a large finger releasing a green beam from it similar to the one Paul used earlier, Scarlet instinctively dove in the way blocking the beam with her sword. The demon smiled and laughed as his other giant hand dropped its sword and grabbing scarlet like a toy. Raising scarlet to his eye level, he began laughing saying something in another language, and began squeezing the life out of her.

"STOP!" I screamed as the demon began squeezing harder and harder, laughing manically at her struggling to break free from its hold. With a resounding crunch Scarlet let out a small scream as her head rolled back lifeless, tossing her lifeless body to the side like a piece of garbage and picking back up its sword set his gaze back to Paul.

"PAUL RUN!" I screamed to him, as he remained focused on the pure white energy ball in front of him, his books now totally overwhelmed trying to defend him. I instinctively began running towards him down the arena. Leaping off the edge of the seating area into the field, sprinting towards him as quickly as I could. Paul's hands stopped moving as he looked up at the hulking demon as it stared down at him completely silent.

Paul turned looking directly into my eyes. "Ruuuuuunnn..." He yelled, as the demon raised his gigantic flaming sword and with one big swing cleaved Paul in half. His lifeless body split in half falling to the floor engulfed in flames.

I let out a wail as I fell to my knees playing the last few seconds over and over in my mind, seeing him split in two. I slowly crawled to his lifeless incinerated body, pulling him closer to me weeping. The demon looked at me and laughed, its stupid fat obese body turned and walked away. Several lesser demons began to manically laugh approaching smiling with excitement. But I didn't care.........

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