Chapter 17: Everyone picking up stones

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Translated by SkyTL
Edited by SkyTL


Chapter 17: Everyone picking up stones

Three days have passed since the big storm.

According to Thomas, Mr. Shun has a very good intuition.

As he said, the storm was over in three days and the sky outside was so blue that it seemed like a lie that the storm had hit us.

“All right, guys, are you ready? We’re ready to go.”

“I’m ready.”

“I’m ready too!”

Mr. Shun and Iru-chan reply.

After hearing their answers, Thomas asks me.

“Is Amelia okay, too?”


“Then let’s go.”

The four of us leave the Mansion together.

We are on our way to the Town where people live.

The storm had subsided and many people were walking around outside the Town .

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Some of them were repairing destroyed buildings.

“Even with Magic Tools, there is always some damage. Especially old buildings are fragile.

“That’s true. Rebuilding is expensive and it’s a tough world.

“Hello you two! Why are you talking with such a gloomy face? Big Sis Lia says she’ll take care of it. We can worry about the money later!”

“Yeah, Iru’s right.”

Thomas looks at me expectantly.

I don’t want them to expect too much from me, but it’s nice to know they’re counting on me.

I want to do them justice.

“But first we have to clean up the town.”

“All right! I’ll go to every house and ask for help!”

“I’m counting on you, Iru.

“Yes! You shouldn’t slack off here either.”

With a few last words, Iru-chan runs down the street.

After saying goodbye to her, Thomas gives instructions to Mr. Shun this time.

“Shun, you secure the carrier.”

“Okay. And this. We also need to find a place to store it, right? The storage room in the house is not enough.”

“Right. You know the biggest warehouse in Town? See if you can put it there.”

“I’ll take care of it. I’ll come to you as soon as I’m done.”

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And with that, Mr. Shun leaves.

Together with Thomas, I approach people on the street and in public.

It’s a little embarrassing, but I have to be confident.

I shout loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen! Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Huh? What?”

“Isn’t that the Lord next to the girl?”

“Yes, it is. What is it?”

The people who had answered my call gathered one by one.

One by one, two by two, ten by ten, and in the blink of an eye the crowd surrounded me and Thomas.

All eyes were on us, waiting for the next voice.

I’m nervous…

I’ve never spoken in front of so many people before, will I manage to speak properly?

While I’m thinking about it, Thomas taps me lightly on the shoulder.

His eyes tell me.

It’s okay, you can be confident.

It’s not the voice, it’s the mood that gradually makes you feel calmer.

I take one last deep breath, get ready, and turn to the crowd.

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“Thank you all for coming! My name is Amelia! I am an Alchemist who has been working for Lord Thomas for the past few days.”

“An Alchemist?”

“Did the Alchemist come to this Town, too?”

A murmur spreads.

The neighbors start talking to each other and it gets loud.

It got so loud that my voice seemed to disappear.

And then…

“I’m sorry, everyone! I know you’re surprised, but you have to listen to her now. It’s important.”

Thomas said a few words and the conversation fell silent.

They obeyed him, listened to his words, became silent when he told them, and looked at me intently.

It’s scenes like this that make me realize once again that Thomas is a Lord.

“Amelia, go ahead.”

“Ah, yes. Actually, I want to ask you something! I’m thinking about making a new material to protect the buildings from the strong winds. I need a lot of stones for that! Can you help me collect them?”

“Stones, there are a lot of stones lying around here.”

“Oh, that’s good. The wind blew a lot of stones into my garden, and I’ve been meaning to clean them up.”

I can hear the motivation in the voices around me.

“I’ll help you if you need it.”

It made me happy to hear those voices.

No one doubts my words.

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They trust my words and show their motivation in their faces.

“Where do you want me to take it?”

“How big is a lot? Is there a certain size?”

And the questions keep coming.

I answer them one by one, explaining the process.

And then…

“Okay, people! Pick up as many stones as you can!”


The whole Town came together to pick up the stones.

Those who had heard the story were passed on to those who had missed it, and Iru-chan went to explain it to those at home.

The stones were loaded onto a cart prepared by Mr. Shun and taken to a warehouse in the Town.

All over the Town, people were running around looking for the stones and sitting down to pick them up.

“After the storm, it’s hard for everyone, but they help us like it’s normal,” I said.

“Aren’t they good people? My people.”

“Yes. They’re like Thomas.”

“I’m just doing my job, you know?”

I know you’re going to say this, but the reason they were so willing to help me, to listen to me….

I’m sure it is because you were there, Thomas.

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