Chapter 26: Don’t give in to the heat!

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Have you ever felt that the seasons go by too quickly?

Just when you thought it was getting warmer and less cold, it suddenly gets so hot that you have to sweat.

You may be surprised to find that your body undergoes different reactions from year to year.

But this is too abnormal…

“Ah, it’s hot…”

That’s crazy.

Why is it so hot?

The day before yesterday I thought the sun was doing me good, but now my skin hurts when I expose myself to the sun.

In the lab, it’s like being in a steam room, and sweat is pouring off my body.

I’ve heard that if you don’t drink enough water, you collapse from dehydration.

The seasons have definitely changed.

From spring to summer, in the blink of an eye.

“Oh, my God…”

“Do you feel it? The terror of my land.”


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And then Thomas came.

He looked around the messy lab from right to left and laughed as if he had seen something funny.

“You’re melting.”

“I don’t blame you… I’ve never experienced heat like this before.”

“Hahaha, I think so. In the capital, the seasons don’t change that much. If you get used to it there, it will be harder here.”

“I’m feeling it… Now.”

I am so sluggish that my body rejects me.

I’ve never felt so depressed in the summer heat, and I’ve never sweated so much at work.

“Are you all right, Thomas?”

“Hmm? Do I look okay to you with all this sweat?”

Sweat was on his forehead, too.

He doesn’t look okay.

You can see he’s suppressing it.

“Hmm… Where are the others?”

“At work.”

“That’s amazing… I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

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“It’s unusual for Amelia to say something like that. I know the feeling. I felt the same way when I was here the first summer.”

Thomas said with a wry smile, reminiscing about the past.

I’m not used to this heat, I can’t do what I normally do.

I’ve been told I work too hard, but I can’t beat this heat.

“I’m sure it’s the same for everyone in town. The change of seasons is hard on some people’s bodies. Especially as you get older, it seems to make a real difference.”

“It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you change that much, you’re going to lose it. The other day we were battling a storm, and now all of a sudden it’s the heat.”

“On the contrary, in the summer there are no storms. Just occasional heavy rain.”

“But it’s still hard…”

Just when you think you have the storm under control, another fury comes along?

This land is too unsuitable for human habitation.

As for history, it’s the result of our human struggle, so we deserve what we get…

“It’s too hot to work, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. The problem in summer is that the heat greatly affects the efficiency of work. Especially for those who work outdoors, it’s fatal. When it’s that hot, it’s not about getting used to it, it’s about breaking down because the body can’t take it.”

“That’s true… It’s still bearable in the room, but to bear that in the sun…”

It’s hell, to say the least.

You can’t say girly things like, “My skin will burn,” anymore.

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“My clothes are already sweaty.”

“That’s not an option. The only thing you can do is put on as little as possible.

“That’s right. I’d rather put on a bathing suit…”

“No, please don’t do that. I’ll get in trouble.”

Thomas turns away, his face red.

I said it as a joke, but he reacted funny.

He seems to have grown up, but he’s still a boy, isn’t he?

“But we have to do something about it, right? Another month with this heat… And there are always three coming, aren’t there?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“It’s hell…”

There are several ways to combat the heat.

When you’re inside, magic tools are helpful.

There are magical tools that emit cold air at regular intervals to regulate the summer heat.

The only problem is that these magic tools are very expensive and there are only a few of them.

Most importantly, I can’t make magic tools.

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I’m an alchemist, so I have to come up with an alchemical solution.

“Hmm… If it’s just a temporary relief from the heat, then a potion is fine…”

“Are there such potions?”

“Yes. A potion that makes one temporarily more resistant to heat. There are also potions that cool you down quickly.”

“Isn’t that easy to make? It’s nice to be able to escape the heat, even if it’s temporary. Especially if you’re working.”

Thomas has taken the bait.

He leans over and puts his face close to mine.

I guess that’s how much he’s taken the heat.

“Okay. But I didn’t find the material in storage, so we’ll have to go back for it. And it’s only temporary, so we’ll have to find another way.”

“What else can we do besides potions? The only thing I can think of is a magic tool.”

“Hmm… If I could make a magic tool that gives off cold air…. Oh, I see. It doesn’t have to be a magic tool.”

“Oh? Do you have any ideas?”


I have an idea.

I mean, now that I think about it, yeah.

We could make it with alchemy.

A new substance to cool the air.

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