Chapter 5: Welcome to the territory

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This is a continuation of the short story from the middle!

The night of Amelia’s banishment.

Two shadows came into the lab where she worked.

They opened the door, entered, and looked around the clean and tidy room.

“It’s been a long time, Rivera.”

“Yes… thanks to Lord Caius.”

What are you saying? It’s about your health, your beauty, and your skill.

“Well, that’s very kind of you.”

They hold hands and make out in a spacious, tidy room.

The setting sun shines through the window, illuminating them both.

“Lord Caius, what will my Big Sister do now?”

“Well. She’s been evicted from her home, as planned, and she’s going to wander around in her misery with nowhere to go, isn’t she?”.

“But yesterday… she wasn’t so depressed then.”

“Hmm, that’s just showing off. She must be devastated because she realized her own inability. What a pathetic girl.”

Caius grinned and gently hugged Rivera.

“Let’s forget about that girl. I love only you.”

“Lord Caius…”

“From now on, you are the master in this room. I’m sure you will exceed my expectations. I am very proud of you.”

“Hmm, thank you, Lord. I am sure I will meet your expectations.”

They make love and embrace each other.

But what they don’t know is…

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How much work Amelia has done in five years all by herself.

How much impact she’s had on the country all by herself.

All that, and the fact that she has to endure it.

You’ll find out in the not-too-distant future.

The difference between her greatness and her genius.

The real genius is Amelia.


The carriage enters the forest.

We cross a well-built road and enter an open landscape.

The green nature seems to watch over the cold buildings of the city.

It is smaller than the capital or the larger cities, but it looks peaceful and cozy to me.

Meanwhile, the carriage stops.

It didn’t take long to cross the city.

We arrived at the outskirts of the city, where there was only one house of a different character.

Thomas gets off first and offers me his hand.

I take his hand and get out of the carriage.

“Welcome to my house. As the master of the house, I would like to welcome you.”

“This is a big house!”

“Is it? Compared to the nobles in the capital, it’s nothing. Wasn’t the house you lived in until recently bigger?”

“Hmm, not really. I was adopted and neglected after my sister was born, you know. I didn’t live in the main house, I lived in a smaller house.”

I only lived in the main house for the first few years.

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In the beginning there were many maids who took care of me, but that was a long time ago.

I had to take care of myself.

They give you a minimum of money, and you earn what you need by working.

The life of a noblewoman was just a title….

I can say goodbye to those times!

I saw Thomas again, so it’s not all bad.

Once again I turned to Thomas and bowed my head.

“Thomas, I look forward to working with you!”

“It’s my pleasure. I want to rely on your strength.

“You can count on me!”

“Haha, I’m glad you’re back to full strength. You must be healthy.”

He smiles happily.

His smile reminds me of when we were in the orphanage together.

I guess that’s why he’s starting to talk and look like he did then.

Today is going to be fun.

“Then I’ll lead you inside. I need to introduce you to the servants.”

“Ah, yes!”

“Don’t be so nervous. They’re all very nice people. I’m sure you’ll get along well with them.”

“I hope so…”

In the capital, I didn’t have any friends to talk to….

It’s hard not to have anyone to talk to when you have problems.

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This time I’m going to look for friends.

First, I have to look serious so I can make a good impression.

“The louder the better, right? What about my face? Smiling? Or serious?”

“What are you mumbling about? We’re coming in now.”

“Ah, wait a minute!”

I was just getting ready!

But he didn’t hear me and quickly opened the door.

I followed at a run, trying to keep up with him.

As I stepped through the front door, I saw a staircase in front of me and a couple of rooms behind it.

There seemed to be a hallway on either side.

The only thing that bothered me was that there were no people in sight.

Even though it is a remote area, it is the house of a nobleman, and there must be quite a few servants.

Thomas exclaimed.

“I’m back…”

He receives no reply.

The owner of the house has returned, but no one is there to greet him?

Come to think of it, wasn’t the coachman from the house?

Amidst all these questions that came to my mind, Thomas went on unperturbed.

“I’ll show you to your room first. Let’s put our things down and then we can talk business.”

“Uh, yeah…”

Thomas’ reaction doesn’t change noticeably.

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I walk up beside him and think.

Is this normal?

Suddenly, I sense a mysterious presence behind me.

“Welcome back!


When I turn around, Thomas has flown away and is lying on the ground.

“What, Thomas!?”

The person who hit him stands beside me, looking proud.

A girl with peach-colored hair, dressed like a maid, with a grin on her face that says it was her….

“You are late, my Lord! Where have you been wandering around?”

“What the hell… Hey, Iru! Don’t kick me so suddenly.”

“It’s bad enough that the Lord is away from his domain for a week! While he’s away, we’re here to help the people of the town…. Huh? Wait a minute… Who is this person?”

“Uh, um … well…”

I look at the girl next to me.

She looks younger than me, but her eyes are a little sharp and a little scary.

Thomas stands up and opens his mouth to explain something to her.

“I’m going to introduce you now. She’s…”

“Oh, my God! My Lord kidnapped a woman from the city!”

“Kidnapping, there’s no such thing!”

Their screams echoed through the house.

I was left alone by the sudden development and the strange tension.

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